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Speech by David Fox

I made the attached speech on 25 August 2001 and would be happy for you to include it as a sample speech in your website. Regards David Fox

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: David Fox
Speech Date: Aug 2001
Hello everybody!

Winston Churchill was apparently once asked to address a prep school and he got up and said “Never, Never, Never give up!”, then sat down.

Well you are not going to get away quite as easily as that, but I will try to be brief.

I'd like to start by welcoming, on behalf of Christine and me, Lynda, David and the guests of both of our families. Some of you have travelled a long way to be here today, but whether your journey was 12,000 miles or 2 miles we thank you all sincerely for being here to share this special day with us.

I would also like to thank the beautiful bridesmaids for looking after Laura, the vicar for a lovely service, her boss for the great weather and the staff of Easthampstead Park for the excellent food and service.

Weddings don't just happen. They take a fantastic amount of hard work and organisation; I would therefore like to ask you all to join me in a toast to Christine, as without her constant hard work over several months, today would not have gone nearly as well as it has.

My wife – Christine.

Any excuse for a drink!

That reminds me of when I was last called upon to say a few words at a wedding – it was 25 years ago in October and Christine and I had just tied the knot.

To save you the maths, Laura was borne 24 years ago in November – almost exactly 13 months later.

I remember that moment with great pride too and as one of the greatest moments in my life; it seems little more than the blinking of an eye before I am here giving her away today. In between, Laura has given Christine and I much to be proud of. Indeed, it was only last month that we saw her graduate from university and now we are all here to see her looking more beautiful than ever and married to Carl.

Of course, Laura has always brightened up our lives – you never did learn to turn off the lights did you?

Carl is also very important to us and in the seven years that we have known him, Christine and I have seen the strength of his character, his warmth and his great ability to make Laura happy.

We had a wedding rehearsal on Thursday and the vicar noticed that Laura was a little nervous, so she told her to just remember 3 things:

First the aisle, because that is what she had to walk down.

Second the altar, because that is where she will make her vows.

Finally, remember that we will all be singing a hymn during the service.

I don't know if you noticed, but it seems to have sunk in because when I was walking Laura up the aisle I heard her repeating Aisle, Altar, Hymn.

As Groucho Marx said: “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?”

It is also said that a man is incomplete until he is married — then he is really finished!

Now for some advice: Never go to bed on an argument – stay up and fight!

Marriage will bring you many things – loyalty, self restraint, obedience, a sense of fair play and loads of other virtues that you wouldn't have needed if you had stayed single.

Well, finally I would like to return to Winston Churchill and my serious advice to you both: “Never, Never, Never give up — on loving each other and on working together to make your marriage last and become everything that you both want and deserve.”

It now gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to the long life together and the happiness of Laura and Carl.

The Bride and Groom!