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Speech by David

Hitched, This is a copy of the speech I gave when my daughter Vicky got married on 19 May 2001 in Barnsley.All the ideas were mainly from speeches I had seen on your web site. David

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: David
Speech Date: May 2001
When I woke up this morning my head was full of wonderful ideas and I fully intended making a speech full of ad libs and impromptu comments , however since then my head has gone blank and I can't think of a thing to say.however so as not to disappoint here's one I prepared earlier.

Good afternoon everyone as most of you know I am David, Vicky's dad. I've tried to memorise this speech but forgive me if I resort to my notes every five seconds or so, I did ask for an autocue to be set up infront of me, but apparently the wedding budget doesn't stretch that far and neither does my eyesight.

Vicky, or Victoria as she was always known when she misbehaved was born 24 years and 4 days ago, I blinked and now here I am giving the brides fathers speech, where has time gone.

Ann, Vicky's mum and I would sincerely like to welcome today Barbara and Derek, Stewarts parents, and all relatives and friends of both families to this very happy and special occasion.

We are so proud today to see Vicky looking so beautiful. She has always brightened up our lives by mainly leaving bathroom ,kitchen and bedroom lights on. She has always been full of chat and plenty to say, the trouble was it was on my phone and at my expense. I am only joking she is so very special to us.

Turning my attention to our new son in law Stewart, not many of you might know this but Stewart has a season ticket at Oakwell exactly 3 rows infront of my seat. Prior to being introduced to him by Vicky I had actually heard his voice quite often, the only trouble was that it was mainly shouting obscenities to the opposing fans sat to our right in the new stand.
However when Vicky said she was bringing Stewart home to meet us I thought be on your best behaviour David and give him a chance. I thought to myself if he thinks as much about Vicky and Barnsley FC as I do he might be a decent lad. So the day arrived and Stewart came to our house to meet the Harrison clan, a daunting prospect. After the initial formalities we broke the ice and started talking about football, this is when he told me that he played for the Alma pub football team in the local Sunday league. I asked him if when they won did they use this as an excuse to go back to the pub and celebrate, but he said he didn't know as he'd only played for them for two seasons. However I understand that when he was in Benidorm on his pre wedding jollies they must have had a really good win at football because he finished up having to be put to bed by his brother Andrew, who can perhaps tell us more about this when he does his best man speech.

Stewart must have taken a liking to us because after that he used to come to our house on a regular basis for meals and always insisted on having the last roast potato that by rights was mine.

About 15 months ago Ann mentioned to me one day that Vicky and Stewart were coming to see us and that wedding plans were on the agenda. Being a canny Yorkshire man I thought about the options open to them, eloping somewhere, registry office, foreign shores, executive suite at oakwell, but no Ann, Vicky and Stewart stuck to their guns and Ardsley House it is. To be serious for a moment I am glad that you talked me round because this has been a wonderful wedding day and its not over yet be a long way.

I asked them what they were looking for in a marriage and Vicky said " Love, happiness and companionship," and Stewart said " A Sony 41 inch television ", so that's him happy already.

Although he did ask me what it cost to be married, and had to admit, I just don't know I am still paying for mine. A funny thing marriage, did you know that carried out a survey recently to establish whether married men lived longer than bachelors, apparently there is absolutely no difference, it just seems a lot longer when you are married.

15 months ago as Ann and Vicky started their wedding day plans Stewart started working at Blacker Hill on a bare shell. When I first saw it I could not visualise the wonderful home he was going to turn it into. I have to say it is a great credit to him and will be a home where he and Vicky can share a large part of their married life. Once again Stewart congratulations on a job well done.

Apparently it is traditional for the brides father to offer some worldly advice about marriage, so I would just like to give my small piece. The first is love, closely followed by friendship, tolerance and communication. Easy to say hard to do.

It now gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to the happy couple.
Here's to the past, for all that you have learned
Here's to the present, for all that you share
Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to together
Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to the bride and groom Vicky and Stewart.