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Speech by David

I was very very nervous about making a speech but a BIG BIG THANK YOU has to go to hitched for giving me direction and ideas for my speech. It went down a treat. THANK YOU David

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: David
Speech Date: June 2002
Father of the Bride speech

I was going to begin with Ladies and Gentlemen

But looking round I see too many Linfield Supporters to do that So here go's.

Distinguished Guests, Those of Lesser Distinction and those of No Distinction At All, Family, Relatives, New and Old, In-laws and Outlaws,Friends, Friends of Friends, Freeloaders and Hangers-On. Welcome To Victoria and Arthur's Wedding Reception.

Winston Churchill was apparently asked to address a prep school and he Got up and said, “Never, Never, Never give up!” then sat down.

Well you are not going to get away quite as easily as that, but I will try to be brief.

There aren't many people who find themselves in the position that I find myself in today. I am a single man, twenty-one years of age and I'm not married, Yet I find myself in the role of “Father of the Bride” but as I am Vicki's son I consider it a great Honour to do so.

Well Obviously, I've known Victoria all of my life, and she has always been a kind hearted and energetic person, who had to bring me up all on her own, and it will be good to see her settle down with a nice man who will care for her and treat her as She should be treated, My Mum deserves a good husband. Arthur, you're very lucky that she married you before she found one.

At this point in the proceedings, it is traditional to bring up a embarrassing moment from her past or to highlight a strange character trait so that you can have a laugh at her expense; but on the basis that she has got so much more on me than I have on her, in the interest of self preservation, I'm just going to skip that. But I will tell you about the time she put an advert in the telegraph that read “Husband wanted” and she had 97 replies all saying the same thing, “You can have mine”.

Arthur also tried hard before he found my Mum. I understand he sent his photo to a Lonely Hearts Club but they sent it back saying, “We're not that lonely”.

It is within my role to offer some advice to Arthur. —Arthur always help your wife with jobs around the house. It's in your best interest. —Apparently, there has never been a recorded case in history, where a wife has shot her husband, while he was doing the dishes.

Before today I took the liberty to congratulate the Groom. I said "Arthur, you'll always look back on this as the happiest day of your life." But that was yesterday.

Today, Vicki and Arthur are surrounded by most of the friends and family that have been important to them during their lives. Some have travelled hundreds of miles, just to be here today and I would like to thank you for making the trek. And on their behalf may I also thank you all for your friendship and support over many many years- and for sharing this special day with them. –.

Well, finally I would like to return to the words Winston Churchill and offer some more advice to you both: “Never, Never, Never give up — on loving each other and on working together to make your marriage last and become everything that you both want and deserve.”

Ladies & Gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses (turn to the bride and groom) May you live as long as you want, but never want as long as you live? Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Bride and Groom.