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Speech by Dennis Dillon

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Dennis Dillon
Speech Date: Jun2007
Thank you for that welcome, I haven't had applause like that since I was at

That lap dancing club

As father of the bride

Let me extend a very warm welcome to you all Carolyn and Rick's wedding day

And Thanks go especially to Rick &amp Carolyn for attending,

It wouldn't have been the same without you

Before I continue I will take the advice given to me by my father

The ABC and XYZ of public speaking

ABC – Always be confident – XYZ – Examine your zip

As the Father of the bride it is my privilege to make the first speech.

It also puts me at a disadvantage in not knowing what

Rick is going to say About his new in-laws?

However whatever he says is probably true.

Rick, I will be easy on you if you go easy on me

Or I will execute my right to reply with my back up speech

Today, we are surrounded by many friends and family

who are so Important to us. Some of whom have traveled

hundreds of miles, to be here today.

And We are very honored by your presence

Weddings are a marvelous excuse for a party,

and today is no exception.

We have a lot of people here today

grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Friends…

there's even a some people that I recognize

30 years ago Carolyn came into our lives &amp made maria &amp me proud parents

Carolyn was born, I blinked, &amp here I am, giving the bride's father's speech

It seems like only yesterday that Carolyn was born.

It certainly does not take long For 21 years 30 plus years to rush by

It's about this time that Carolyn is thinking what's dad Going to say

I think I'm supposed to give an embarrassing tale about Carolyn at this point

I could tell you the story about the

Time she slipped and fell down the toilet screaming kicking shouting

But that was only last week

What I would rather tell you about was when Carolyn was much younger

10 years old if I remember correct

Talk about Carolyn

Today seems like a magical dream.

This morning, I proudly walked my daughter Down the aisle

to marry Rick the man she loves so much. It was so

Special to see these two good people come together

&amp watch them exchanging their vows in that beautiful stained glass Church.

With Carolyn you get what you see and we are so proud to see her looking so Beautiful today

But in our eyes she is beautiful every day

And I shouldn't need To tell you Carolyn even though

you are now married your mother &amp I will always be There for you!

Monday to Friday 10 till 4

At this point I must Congratulate Rick on his perception

of Carolyn being his perfect 10,

And for being the luckiest man in the world today

For those of you that don't know me

I am very shy reserved and bashful

Carolyn on the other hand is the complete opposite

As I look down along the table I see a very

Talented independent attractive Elegant gorgeously stunning young woman

You'll agree I'm sure a reflection of myself o all-right then maria

I would like to take this opportunity to thank maria for being an

outstanding mother friend and a guiding influence in the upbringing of both

Carolyn &amp of course her sister Emma

so Let me raise my glass to you maria in a private toast

DRINK– I couldn't waste a chance for a drink

Her likeness to me is of course is her

Cooking skills her organizing talents her humor good and bad

And her allergy to housework &amp dressmaking

Carolyn- you are the daughter every parent dreams of having

You came into the world on the January 11 1977

I remember it well when you were born

The midwife said to me – ””Dennis She looks just like you –

She then realised her mistake –

and turned Carolyn the right way round

On a more serious note

Carolyn not only are you our daughter

You are the first granddaughter to your mams parents

Homer &amp Sheila nana &amp papoo

And To my parents

Dennis &amp Margaret nana &amp granddad

You were also great granddaughter to yaya

who was your Greek great grandmother

&amp great granddaughter to my grandparents

Ronnie &amp Edna Campbell

Carolyn on the night before you were born we

had the sad news that your great granddad pops had passed


We are all hear to day &amp who knows maybe in the presence of absent friends

I'm sure that if they are looking down today they would be so proud of the way

You &amp Rick have turned out on this your happy day.

At this point Ladies and Gentlemen I would like you to stand while

I propose the first toast of the day

The toast is ‘Absent family &amp friends


Macomb &amp Freda I am so happy that Carolyn is marrying into

Such a good hearted family.

Maria &amp myself could not have asked for better in-laws&amp friends

You are kind warm and friendly people

&amp I know you will treat Carolyn as a daughter

&amp we welcome both you and your family into our family

I would also like to formally welcome Rick into our family

although I hope he already feels part of it.

What can I say about Rick he is a hardworking,

talented and ambitious young man. He not only has a good career but also

a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the holder of the biggest

Collection black dresses – o – sorry black belts &amp stockings no just black belts

But, above all these things, Rick loves my daughter first

and desires that she have the best.

I know that Carolyn has found in you Rick a

partner, a trusted friend, &amp a husband

who will love honor &amp cherish her

and take good care of her

I would also like to say to Rick that I admire the way he has

Stepped up to the plate and, not just taken Carolyn as his wife, but also become a

Dad to callum – Caitlin &amp tegan

Marriage today is far from easy With the external pressures of

day to day life you will need to grow together in mutual trust and

understanding whilst not forgetting what first brought you together

Rick &amp Carolyn

may your love be modern enough to survive the times?

and old-fashioned enough to last forever

At this point, I would like to give some words of wisdom to the newly wed couple.

But As any parent knows you can give advice

but the kids always know better.

Rick all I will say is that I have survived 31 years of marriage to Maria by agreeing

that she is always right,

of course deafness has helped over the past 10 years

Rick….remember this Now that you are married,

Carolyn will always have the last word in any argument

Any word that you may have after that is purely by default,

&amp will be the start of a whole new argument

Rick always remember those two invaluable words Yes Dear

I recently herd it said that said marriage is a 50/50 partnership

Who ever said that knew

Very little about marriage

Even less about math's

and absolutely nothing at all about women

I believe that marriage will teach Rick

Control loyalty, self-restraint,. And a sense of fair play

And many other qualities

which he would not have needed had he stayed single

Rick consider the words of Oscar Wilde, &amp I quote

Women are meant to be loved, not understood

I think you know each other well enough to

know how to stay on each others good side.

So all I will say is this.

Carolyn if you want something from Rick ask for it.

After all he is a man and hints don't work

Some time ago I asked Rick what he was looking for in a marriage

he said love, happiness and companionship.

I asked Carolyn the same question

she said she would like a coffee percolator

actually what She said was a perky copulator,

but I knew what she meant

When Rick asked my permission for Carolyn's hand in marriage

I immediately wanted to know if he would be able to support a family

his answer to this was no!

and that we would have to look after ourselves

Before I give my Final Thanks of Appreciation

And Toast the happy couple I would like inform you that

Due to the trouble's in Israel Carolyn &amp Rick have had to cancel their

Honeymoon to Jerusalem

And They are now jetting off to Mauritius

As Carolyn had a stroke of luck

After 25 phone calls to the local Radio station she won a

free holiday that is tailor made for newlyweds

4 days and 10 nights

Carolyn &amp Rick we wish you a wonderful marriage and I hope you

have a really great honeymoon,

all 5 of you

Rick remember a honeymoon is the period between &quotI do&quot and &quotYou'd better

Would all you all please rise &amp join me –

To wish the Bride &amp Groom, long and happy married life together

We wish you fun and excitement for today.…

hopes and dreams for tomorrow

and love and happiness forever.

To the Bride &amp Groom

Rick &amp Carolyn

AKA THE Brady Bunch!!

Health and happiness