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Speech by Frank

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Frank
Speech Date: Jan 2009
Good evening everyone. As father of the bride, I am honored to speak tonight. On behalf of Annette and myself, I would like to thank all of you for coming to celebrate this special day for Jennifer and TJ. Don't they make a beautiful couple? I would like to especially thank those of you who made the extra effort and traveled far for this occasion. Please make sure you drink the wine on your table because you will not be allowed to carry any liquids on your flight home.

At this time, I would like to offer a special welcome to TJ's parents, George and Georgiana Hargrove. Working with them on the wedding plans has been a pleasure and I can now see where TJ gets his agreeable nature.

Initially, and most importantly, I would like to take this opportunity to formally congratulate TJ on his discriminating choice of choosing Jennifer as his bride. At the same time, I must congratulate Jennifer on her good fortune and astute thinking in snaring TJ as her husband . I think you have both chosen extremely well. I asked TJ what he expected from marriage, he said love, happiness and eventually a family. I asked Jennifer the same question and she said &quotlots of jewelry and shoes.&quot Only kidding.

A few words about Jennifer. First, I believe that I am allowed to say how beautiful she looks and how proud I was to be her escort today. I am also so proud of how she has grown into a self-confident, caring, successful young woman – exactly how we thought she would turn out. I guess all those years of gymnastics training and competitions with both the successes and near-misses have paid off well.

We're delighted that Jennifer has chosen someone we like so much to be her partner. I would like to welcome my new son-in-law, TJ, into our family. Jennifer deserves a good husband and we certainly approve of her choice. TJ is a bright, sensitive, focused young man who will be a great husband and father Hint. He is also a strategic thinker. Knowing that his future father-in-law was in the insurance business, he decided to get a job with an insurance company as well – unfortunately it is a competitor. TJ, I hold no hard feelings about that.

Apparently, it's tradition for the bride's father to offer some thoughts and worldly advice about marriage, so here it goes.

TJ. don't do what a friend of mine did on his wedding night. Getting undressed for bed my friend threw his trousers to his bride and said try these on. She did so and burst out laughing, saying &quotthey're much too big for me. I look ridiculous&quot. My friend said to her, exactly now that we're married, don't forget who wears the pants in the family.
Well, she gave my friend his trousers back and then threw her knickers at him saying put them on. He said I can't get into them. She said &quotexactly. and don't even think about it until you change your attitude!!&quot

Seriously though, Jennifer and TJ. I say keep 4 things in mind. The first is love, closely followed by friendship, then tolerance, and then communication. Easy to say – but they can be quite hard to carry out.

You must both realize that marriage isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Many of us know that everyone faces ups and downs in a life commitment. There is no secret to a happy marriage. You'll both have to work at it, like many of us.

Remember Jennifer and TJ, love doesn't make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

So, I would like to propose a toast to Jennifer and TJ.
I wish you fun and excitement for today..
hopes and dreams for tomorrow..
and love and happiness forever.

Ladies and gentlemen, will you please raise your glasses to Jennifer and TJ, the bride and groom. Cheers!