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Speech by Frank

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Frank
Speech Date: 04/09/2016 17:00:22

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Frank, Jam's dad and I have the dubious pleasure of making the first speech and being the warm up act for the more accomplished speakers that will follow. I've got to admit, I'm a bit nervous today. Not because I'm making a speech, but because I've been married to Linda for over 30 years and I'm not used to speaking for longer than 30 seconds without being interrupted, so please bear with me. Firstly on behalf of the happy couple Mark and Jam, Mark's dad Ron, Linda and myself, I would like to welcome you all and thank you for coming to celebrate Jam and Mark's big day. I know some of you have travelled a long way to be here. There are also some loved ones who are now not with us, but I'm sure they are keeping an eye on proceedings from above. I'd also like to thank everyone who's helped out on the lead up to the wedding in whatever way, big or small. In particular Vicky and Carly, my other daughter who I know have been a great help to Jam and today Carly makes a lovely Matron of Honour. I am proud of Jam, she looks absolutely stunning today and together with Mark they make a very elegant, happy and well suited couple. I must also compliment the bridesmaids Jess and Clou on how beautiful they look today, also Noah who I think you will agree makes a very handsome page boy and Ffion the gorgeous flower girl.  Jam over the years has developed some unusual tastes; I remember when she was a toddler she had a liking for eating bars of soap (yes a whole bar) and washing it down with a bottle of my aftershave.  More lately Jam has developed a taste for Piri Piri sauce and she likes it HOT. So when she comes out to visit us, my challenge has been to make the said sauce and to make it hot enough for her taste. This year for the first time I got the thumbs up! Thankfully though she has given up the aftershave in favor of regular booze! And now to Mark,  Over the years I have carried out numerous DIY tasks for Jam from fixing leaks to fitting kitchens. When Jam told me about Mark, one of the first questions I asked was ‘what does he do for a living’: well you can imagine my delight when she said he is a carpenter. His skills became evident very quickly – in the new de-lux tree house that appeared in the garden, – I hope that he doesn't have to resort to sleeping in it very often. So Mark you are a most welcome addition to the family. Now, I'm no expert on marriage but I would like to share one bit of advice with you. If you've fallen out, never go to bed angry. Be like Lin and I …and stay up and fight all night.  Seriously though I hope you are as happy together as we have been! And whilst you have each other, don't forget that you'll always have the support of your family and friends.  Well, you've suffered me for long enough, Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please be upstanding…

And raise your glasses to Jam and Mark and join me in wishing them – long life, good health, – and may the happiness they now share continue throughout their lives…