Speech by Gary Huntley
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Gary Huntley
Speech Date: 02/07/2015 20:30:09
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for coming and making this day so special for Charlie and Ricky. I am sure you will agree with me that they make a wonderful couple.
I was very apprehensive about speaking in front of you all today. Not because I was nervous, but because after 28 years of marriage to Sam and living in a household with 3 females I have never been allowed to speak for more than 30 seconds without being interrupted. So this is a first for me!
I am going to make this short and sweet as after all I am just the warm up guy for these two fellows.
Sam has also warned me to keep it short because of my throat. She said she will cut it if I go on too long.
This was always going to be an emotional day and as a father standing in the doorway of the church it gave me the chance to say to my daughter what I've been wanting to say to her for a long time, I looked her in the eyes and said “Charlie… when are you going to clear your stuff from the attic?”
In all honesty the lead up to today had been quite an adventure. It feels like we have toured the length and breadth of the country looking for outfits, including hats, shoes, dress etc. etc. I did manage to wangle a day up the spinnaker tower and another to the Isle of Wight in our quest to fit out the mother of the bride, so it hasn't been all bad.
I have promised Charlie that I wouldn't say anything to embarrass her today so instead I have prepared a little surprise on the video in a bit.
Talking of surprises, Ricky a word of warning, be careful of what you buy Charlie for birthdays, Xmas etc. If it is too extravagant or breath-taking she has a tendency to pass out and or be sick if she gets too over excited. Just like the time we brought her a lava lamp a few Xmases ago. She was so overcome by it she promptly threw up all over the bed and very nearly passed out!
Over the years growing up, Charlie has always been a happy go lucky child who appreciated the simple things in life. She thoroughly enjoyed our family holidays in the Caravan or tent and she would always sing away to songs and occasionally would change the words to suit. One day she was sat in the caravan when the well know song by Right Said Fred came on and she started singing at the top of her voice, she changed the words to suit and it went something like “I'm too sexy for my Caravan” I'm pretty sure she still sings it to this day.
It was the 14th February 1989, Valentine's day, when our little bundle of joy arrived at the berks. We were so excited and it had been a long day. Sam was naturally exhausted and I was starving! Thankfully the nurse popped her head round the curtain and handed me a plate of toast. Thank you nurse I said but can we have some for my wife as well. It is for your wife she growled at me.
On leaving the hospital we had to load Charlie in to the back of my MG. With myself, Sam and the dog as well, we soon realised that with the arrival of our Charlie we needed a bigger car so my beloved MG had to go and be replaced by something more practical.
To be fair to Charlie she hasn't caused us too many problems growing up and she pleased me greatly when she decided to take up football. She wasn't too bad at it either and played to a decent standard. So watch out Ricky she could run rings around you in more ways than one. For those that are unaware Charlie is also a qualified referee so be careful again Ricky, if you upset her she could be sending you for an early shower.
I think one of the first times I met Ricky was at Charlie's 18th birthday, when she had all her friends over to stay after her party. I enquired as to the whereabouts of Ricky as I hadn't seen him for a while. I was to eventually find him being sick in the bedroom. I took one look at him and thought..… Yep he'll fit in.
I am pleased to say that Ricky has matured over the years and has upped his game. He has now progressed to being sick on the streets of Berlin!
I must admit that it is quite handy having another male in the family. Just before Xmas when I nearly severed my thumb off whilst laying the lounge floor, I was glad of the additional help two days later. It saved me from an ear bashing if I didn't get it down in time for Xmas, so thank you Ricky for your help with that.
Earlier I said that I promised Charlie I wouldn't say anything to embarrass her so I have made a video that will do it instead. Here goes.
(Play short video)
It just leaves me now to ask you all to raise your glasses and toast the Bride and Groom, Charlie & Ricky may you both enjoy the many good times together and support each other through the tougher ones.
Thank you.