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Speech by Giuseppe Pileggi

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Giuseppe Pileggi
Speech Date: 21/08/2013 09:08:37

Good afternoon everyone and thank you for being here today to share and celebrate the marriage of my daughter Concetta and Tom.

It also seems fitting, that we should also hold the 39th school re-union of St Joseph's class of 1974 at the same.  (There were at least 40current/ex pupils as guests)

Unaccustomed to public speaking as I am, I have been fairly nervous before today's speeches, however Tom was very good and took me aside to help calm me, he said if I did a really good job and went easy on him, I could be the best man at his next wedding. 

Today is not only a celebration of the love that has united Concetta and Tom, but also the families that have created, moulded and influenced the lives of these two special people. So Anne and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Tom's parents, Stuart & Denise, his brother Taylor and to all relatives & friends of both families. 

A special welcome for those who have come from afar to be here today; My cugino Nino & Giovanna from Roma, Italy, Vittorio and Irena Recchioni, from Giulianova, Italy and Jodie and her Mum all the way from Australia. Amazing how far people will travel for a free meal.

You, our guests, are here today because in some way you have been an influence in bringing these two young people together to arrive at this day in their lives.

The people who we grew up with, our close family, school friends, people we work with, have shaped the people we have become and in turn we have guided our children to adulthood based on our values.

Each of you, whether you know Concetta & Tom directly, through their parents, brothers or friends and relatives has shaped their lives, because you are a part of our lives.

All of you here today, if you haven't already, please take the time to introduce yourselves to both sides of the family. Because you are all now part of a larger family.

I promised myself not to make a speech that would be too emotional – But I think I failed, because the cake is in tiers already and I shouldn't have made this speech so long.

Enough already, and back to the serious stuff.

So I would like to pause for a moment to remember all our loved ones no longer amongst us, who may be looking down and wondering what all the fuss is about. I am sure of one thing. Each and every one of them would be proud, happy and content for both Concetta and Tom.

 Please raise your glasses to absent friends and family.

I think it's about time I said a few words about the bride and groom.

As you may already have noticed, Concetta is pretty special. I think that should have read Pretty AND special. She's clever, which means the University fees weren't wasted. She's kind and thoughtful to others as well as little furry animals. At times she stretches herself and her time to extraordinary lengths to please or ensure the persons concerned are not let down or unhappy. Anyone who meets her cannot help but fall in love with her. Anyone who knows her will also know how stressy she can be.

Not least, her new husband Tom.  

It is traditional for the father of the bride to tell a story from his daughter's past to make you laugh, or cry, or just say “ahhh.” 

I have to mention some of her achievements. She told me to. Her first recognised achievement was a trophy for Irish dancing. She may even do a jig for you later. Her Scholastic achievements at St. Josephs, lead to a place at Cardiff University. Her degree secured her the position at mine and hers old school, St Josephs. Where she met Tom.

She has strong beliefs in God & Christ, our lord, and teaches her subjects to her classes with enthusiasm and dedication. At the end of last term her tutor group were looking at who would be teaching them next year and a realisation the Miss Pileggi would not be their teacher anymore, caused a class to unite as one, demanding an explanation why she wouldn't be their tutor. It didn't take one of them long to realise Miss Pileggi would be returning as Mrs Barkham. You must be doing something right as an adult, if a bunch of teenage school kids actually like you.

Something I was reminded of recently I think conveys best the young woman Concetta has become, the family values and traditions that she most cares about and shape her life, honouring the people she loves and love her in turn.

Concetta was born 7 July 1986. A few days later my late mother, whom Concetta is named after, presented my wife, Anne, with a passbook to a savings account. She expressed a wish that this account was for Concetta's wedding dress although even back then; the amount wouldn't have paid for any dress.

But over the years my mother would give my wife a pound here and there to bank. The BS was taken over by a bank and the savers got a windfall. When Concetta came of age to access the account, she re-invested the money and slowly but surely it grew over the following years. When deciding how long to invest it for she was asked by the financial advisor what it was for, “For my wedding dress,” she replied. “Congratulations. When is the wedding?” “I don't know. I don't have a boyfriend yet”.

Well eventually Tom came on the scene and we find ourselves here today.

That isn't the end of the story. The punch line is that regardless of how much money I offered her, she insisted that her complete outfit today would not cost any more than the legacy left to her, by her grandmother. Her complete outfit today, almost to the pound, was paid for from that account. And I think you may agree, she made a good job of it.

Concetta, you have made your mother and me very proud in all that you have done and achieved so far in your life, not least in your choice of husband. My proudest moment, until today, was witnessing your birth, our first born. But today it was surpassed when I walked you down the isle to Tom. 

We welcome Tom into our family and I know they will be happy together.

I believe Tom has values not dissimilar to Concetta's. In the time we have known him and his family, it is clear to me he respects, loves and values his own family, and that gives strength and support in starting their own future lives together.

Having said that, it did take Tom two attempts, at asking me, for Concetta's hand in marriage. The first time he came round and we were alone. He started talking about buying houses, where to buy how much etc. It never crossed my mind the real reason he was there. I just thought he had wasted half an hour of my life I would not see again.

He then left, but a week or so later he returned. To talk about Christmas present's. In November. To his surprise I wasn't alone, but Anne was there. Another 30 minutes passed and he was getting really deep asking what sort of present Concetta would like, what we liked, what Stuart and Denise could buy us. I was ready to ask for a new petrol powered lawn mower when he told us the real reason. We both happily gave our blessing and put him out of his misery.

The fact you asked for my blessing, BEFORE, proposing to Concetta, you showed my family great respect. For that I thank you, Tom, and you have earned my respect. Your parents are rightly proud of you too. You are a credit to them.

So, it only remains for me to give you both some sound fatherly advice.

Tom: The answer to any question Concetta asks is, “Yes. Buy it”.

Concetta: Before you were married, Tom will have stayed awake at night thinking about something you said. After today he'll be asleep before you finished saying it.

I Spoke To Both Concetta and Tom Before The Wedding And I Asked

Tom What He Was Looking For In Marriage – He Said “Love, Happiness and a long life together.”

When I Asked Concetta The Same Question – She Replied – A Coffee Perculator!

Well, She Actually Said A “Perky Copulator” But I Knew What She Meant.

Nobody knows the answer to a successful marriage. So any advice is only an opinion. But one thing for sure, you have to work at it. You have to have friends and family who will support and guide you. Concetta and Tom have both in abundance, and most of them are here today to show their love and support and celebrate together the joy of marriage and a new life together.

So we will drink to the past: All you have experienced has brought you here today.

To The present: Your future lives together starts today.

And to the future: For all you plan together.

Ladies and Gentlemen would you all please be upstanding,

I give you the bride and groom.