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Speech by Henry Tan

Hi, I used your site to write my speech at my son's wedding on 18Oct2003. It was well received and I thought I should repay by giving you the contents of the speech so you may share it with others. Thanks and regards,

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Henry Tan
Speech Date: mar 2004
Father of the Groom's speech

Dear relatives and friends of our two families

A very Good Evening.
On behalf of my wife Evelyn, Melody's parents, Ben and Florence, and the bridal couple Melody and David, I want to thank you all sincerely for being here to share this special day with us. I specially wish to thank those guests who traveled a long distance to be with us tonight –Ah Mun and Susan from Vancouver, Ronnie and Ah Ngor from Manchester, Takahero from Osaka, Melody's auntie Jessie and Graeme from Melbourne, Bishop Mawia from Yangon, and Michael and Gillian from Kuala Lumpur.
I feel very happy and proud today. I feel other emotions too. I am relieved, that you guys showed up at the right wedding dinner. You are aware that another equally famous couple is also celebrating their wedding tonight.
I am humbled, that you all thought it worthy to honour our two families by your presence.
I am also grateful, for your blessings, well wishes and gifts for the young couple.

David came into our life, little more than 24 years ago. He was a big baby, tipping the scales at 9lb 12 ozs. He was well loved by my mother, my father in law and all our brothers and sisters, especially my sister in law Alice, who carried him often, despite being in her advanced state of pregnancy. Being the second in the family, David had to fight for attention. He disliked being bullied and he fast earned a reputation as a boy who will bite anyone who torments or bullies him.
However, he matured with age and he has grown up to be a handsome, kind, and thoughtful gentleman. OK , I am biased! He did well in ACS, in the field of athletics and the police cadet corps and was awarded the Seow Poh Leng medal for all round achievement in 1994. He was also the President of his Student Council in his ACJC years. Evelyn and I are proud, and are thankful to God, to have such a son.
Melody is pretty and intelligent and the well loved daughter of Florence and Ben. Being the elder daughter in the family, she also had her share of pampering. She attended Crescent Girls School and was one of the top students in her year. She is an accomplished chef and bakes the most heavenly chocolate cookies and pineapple tarts. She is loving, caring and well mannered. Ben and Florence are blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.
Melody and David are active in the Hearing Impaired Ministry in Wesley Methodist Church.
Melody, there is a popular Hokkien saying that said " when you bring into the family a daughter in law, you lose your son”. However, I am an unmitigated optimist and I'd like to believe that today, I have gained another daughter. Melody, Mom and I warmly welcome you to the Tan family.

When David asked me to say a few words at his wedding, I jumped at the opportunity, as it will probably be the last chance I get to lecture my son and better still in public.
Well, David, Mom and I have been married for 28 years and I can tell you that the only way you could get in the last words in an argument with your wife is when you said “I am sorry”.
And Melody, remember that if you want something from David, ask for it outright. Remember, he is a man and hints do not work!
Seriously, I want both of you to know that marriage is hard work. It is like an investment account – your return is a function of how much you put into the account.
I would suggest that you put in a lot of love – for where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and you always will find the time.
I would suggest that you put in a lot of tolerance – as you will need tolerance as you adjust to each others’ bad habits and idiosyncrasies.
I would suggest that you put in a lot of communications – as you cannot expect your spouse to know what you are thinking about. Always remember to treat each other with respect and as friends, and do not forget to say “Please” and “Thank You.”
Finally, I would urge you to always place God in the centre of your family and remember that a family that prays together stays together.
When you do all these, I guarantee you an investment that will pay fantastic dividends year after year.

A wise sage once said “Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love and they blossom when we love the one we married.”

David and Melody, Mom and I pray that your marriage will be successful and the love you have for each other will continue to grow over the years.
We also pray that the material and spiritual gifts given to you by the Lord will be used wisely to enrich others and that you will be fruitful in the kingdom of God. God bless you both.
I will now hand over the mike to Eu Khim for his best man's speech.