Speech by Howard Hoyt
Don't know if my first attempt made it to you or not but I had such a good experience with your site and the feedback on my speech was amazing. I am now preparing a speech for our second wedding in four months so no wonder I'm back at your site. I hope this helps somebody out there. Thank-you, Howard
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Howard Hoyt
Speech Date: 18/09/2012 04:06:37
For those of you who don't know me I'm Kandis’ dad Howard. Elaine and I would like to say thank you very much to all who helped make today possible… What a fantastic setting for a celebration and what a beautiful ceremony it was… it's wonderful to look out and see all of our family and friends who are able to be with us… We hope you all have a fabulous time tonight.
We would like to especially welcome the Grandparents of Steve and Kandis who are with us tonight… please stand and let us show our appreciation:
Lori's Mom Pauline
Mark's Dad Herman
Elaine's Dad Albert
My parents Ray and Martha
Steve and Kandis would also like to recognize Grandmother's Hilda Midecke and Francine Jaccard who passed before this day but are nonetheless a special part of their lives and this marriage.
Mark, Lori and Dan (Caprio), Today our Family Trees sprouted a new branch… You raised a wonderful young man and we are extremely happy to welcome Steve and your family to our family.
There are a lot of cliché type verses that describe “Love”… Love doesn't make the world go round… It's what makes the ride worth while. I can tell you what has worked for me… There is a plaque in our room that came to us shortly after our wedding day 28 years ago. I don't know the author but I believe the plaque came to us from Donna Jaccard… It states “To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth”. Every now and then I notice that plaque and those words and I realise how truly blessed I really am.
Perhaps the best advice comes from observation of a loving friend… not a person but our dog friend Harley.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Love unconditionally…
Make many friends…
Eat well…
Take time to romp and play every day…
Never underestimate the value of a good nap…
Most importantly – trust each other off leash.
My final bit of advice is directed to Steve… If you haven't already you need to let Kandis know very soon who's the boss… The way I did this was to look Elaine directly in the eyes and say “honey… You are the boss”.
Dear Kandis – My First Daddy's Girl and our wonderful daughter…
They say you make the majority of your parenting mistakes with your first…
Maybe, but as we look at you today we love what we see.
You look incredible…
Your mom and I have watched you develop from a fun loving young person into an adventurous (sometimes stubborn) teen and into the beautiful person that you are today. You are a great big sister and a friend to many. I remember the day you were born and the awesome feelings of being a father for the first time. I remember holding you and dreaming of a wonderful life with you and for you. I remember reading you bedtime stories and eventually you reciting them and then reading them to me. I remember “sometimes not all the times”. I remember “big room no bugs”. I remember teaching you how to throw a ball not like a girl. I remember coaching your basketball teams. I remember looking at
Colleges with you. I remember “shot gunning” beers and beer pong with you after your graduation from RPI. Your mom and I will always remember your wedding day and we look forward to grandchildren (no pressure) and many more happy days of laughter and fun with you and Steve.
It is also customary to spend a few minutes bragging on the qualities of our new son in law. ..Steve. I have 3 pages of notes here but Steve I'm sorry… I can't read your writing…
The first time we met you we knew that you were good looking, had a great education and already had a good job too. We knew that Kandis had feelings for you and Elaine and I could only wonder what the future may have in store. We came to know that you are passionately family oriented and caring. I think it was our third meeting at E&H that you approached me all nervous… and said that you had been trying to get a couple of moments alone together with me all weekend… When you told me that you loved my daughter and asked my permission for the two of you to marry (of course I said “yes”) you impressed me as a man who knows what he wants and plans to not only make it happen but with all the detail included. I gained a ton of respect for you and the way you handled yourself that day. Of all the other positive qualities that you possess (and there are many) the most important to me is that you bring a smile to our daughter's face. We welcome you to our family and we look forward to grandchildren (no pressure) and many more happy days of laughter and fun with you and Kandis.
Now it is my pleasant duty to propose a toast to the happy couple… Ladies and gentlemen please rise and raise your glasses…
Steve and Kandis
Here's to the groom with bride so fair… Here's to the bride with groom so rare…
As you walk together along the path God has for you… May you bless and enrich each other's lives… even as you bless and enrich the lives of others.
May you always have enough sunshine to keep your attitudes bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
May you always have enough happiness to keep your spirits alive and everlasting.
May you continue to enjoy the blessings of family and friends to see you through all of life's challenges…
And may heaven bless you both with many many happy days…
Here's to Kandis and Steve… Mr. and Mrs. Steve Midecke!!!