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Speech by Jeremy Oliver

try this one! it went down pretty well

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Jeremy Oliver
Speech Date: Sep2005
Sarah…this is about 95% right…had to re do it from my notes! However I cannot put in the pauses and punctuation..I am sure you can work that out.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I ‘d like to thank you all for coming here- especially those of you who knew I would be speaking- it's very touching that you still decided to come.

Gill and I are pleased to extend a hearty welcome to you all, especially those who have travelled from as far as Montserrat, Argentina, Boston USA, Hong Kong , Toulouse and Geneva…not to forget Little Sutton..just 1 mile down the road.( We even had to book an overnight room for her!)

We thank you for making the journey.

A wedding is a time of joy and fun for friends and family gathered to see the happy couple as they start their new life together , but it is also a time when our thoughts inevitably turn to those who cannot be with us.Sarah's grandparents would have been so proud to see her today.

1970 was a special year………….the law for equal pay for women was passed, Simon & Garfunkel released ‘bridge over troubled water’- the new name for the Marriage guidance council… but the greatest event for Gill and I was Sarah's birth.

Sarah, you are the daughter every parent would be proud of having and have from an early age demonstrated your resourcefulness and courage.At &, Gill took you shopping , you wanted to go to Carousel, th local toyshop, and Gill wantedto go to the bank. Gill went to the bank, returned to the car, drove to Willaston, did her business there and drove home. What suddenly struck her as she went into the house? Sarah was sitting on the stairs, waiting for her tea- having walked home and climbed into the house though the dog door.

During your time at Aston University you were due to spend a year in Marseilles. Prior to this you were working for Wimpey- the builder that is- in Edinburgh and became ill with shingles. You insisted on going to Marseilles for the start of term even though it was several weeks before you recovered from this painful illness.
Sarah and Andrew became engaged on 28 September- the same date as Marks & Spencer started trading. May A + S become as memorable as M + S- but without the recent downturn in their fortunes.

(I am not sure whether or not I included this..I now really show my age as this is also the birthday of Brigitte Bardot who even in her heyday did not look a patch on Sarah today).

Wedding days are meant to be memorable and today is no exception. It was the birthday of John Logie Baird- who invented the TV screen.

How heartwarming it was to see 2 such super people making their vows to each other and what a pleasure it is to see them now and to be able to share their great day.
I did some research and discovered there are 3 essentials for a church wedding.
The Aisle…the longest walk in her life!
The Alter…where the vows are made..and
The Hymn…to celebrate the wedding…Does this explain some brides muttering..’I'll alter him’.

When it comes to Sarah's good points ‘where do I start?’ Intelligent, generous, beautiful, hard working- obviously her father's daughter! –But seriously she these and many others from Gill as well.

Sarah. I love you . I love your sense of humour. I love your cheeky nature,. And we shall treasure memories of your time in Ness, where you and your new husband will always be welcome.

How delightful it is to see you looking radiant and I know I speak for Gill as well when I say we are not losing a daughter , merely entrusting her to Andrew, whom we wholeheartedly welcome into the family.

1966 was also a vintage year..not only for the foundation of your Aston University, but Gill did me the honour of marrying me….and on 26 July Andrew Grundy was born. A date he shares with Mick Jagger!

Andrew do not feel forgotten- as a matter of fact , not knowing much about you , except that you went to the junior university, I made some enquiries- at your local constabulary-it seemed a good place to start-they had nothing to say except that you were a perfect guest whenever you stayed overnight.

Aristotle once said ‘we conclude that the ideal age for a man to marry is 37’…so as Andrew is an accountant we can knock off the VAT at the original rate and he is just about perfect.

I have a receipt here for Andrew to says…received one daughter, in perfect condition, fully guaranteed and warranted- keep topped up with expensive jewellery, fast cars and red wine ( and some for her parents too).

Not to be outdone, Humphrey has given me a receipt for Sarah to says.. received one son, sold as seen, no refunds under any circumstances, dehydrates easily.. keep topped up with beer.

Harold Nicolson dais the secret of a successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters!

Ogden Nash said- to keep your marriage brimming with love in the loving cup, whenever you are wrong- admit it- whenever you are right—shut up!

40 years ago I went to a wedding down in Surrey, and today I am very pleased to see my cousin Cathy and John Myer who are celebrating their Ruby wedding. Our congratulations to them both.

I am sure you will all wish too join me in a big thank you to Jonathan Barwell , my 1st son in law for his expert and beautiful playing on his violin during the ceremony. Although neither my wife nor any of my 3 daughters plays golf, I have spent many happy hours on the golf course with Jon , and now with Andy my second son in law and Andrew, I have the perfect excuse for a 4 ball.

My thanks also to the best man, Robert Alfonsi, not only for looking after Andrew on his stag night, but for getting him to the church on time. I understand he was not always very good at this.I am told that a few years ago he had arranged to drive South and pick up Andrew for an Eddy Izard concert in Cambridge.. However as the M25 was rather busy he turned round and drove to Cambridge on his own, expecting Andrew to be psychic and meet him there. This was in the days before mobile phones….I now know why he works for Nokia.

My thanks to Richard Holt our usher- I have one more task to ask of him. Just after Sarah and Andrew leave this evening at about 10.30 pm I have a driver available to drive anyone to local addresses…anyone who wishes to avail themselves of this please speak to Richard.

We are using the Inglewood Conference Centre – originally the home of the Bibby shipping line family, , and then the training centre for Royal Insurance-for whom I worked-once-and now an independent establishment.

Sarah is no stranger to ‘Royal’ having attended the Royal Palace at Holyrood to receive her Gold award from Prince Philip. –the first of my 3 daughters to receive the Gold Award. What a tremendous achievement. Sarah also , with her 3 sisters attended Buckingham Palace for the investiture at which Gill was made Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

I am very proud of them all.

I now ask you to stand and raise your glasses in a toast of long life and happiness to the new Mr and Mrs Grundy.