Speech by John Gallagher
Straight Forward Speech as 80% of the guests were Swedish! And short, because many people get up and speak.
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: John Gallagher
Speech Date: Jul2006
Good evening everyone, for those of you that don't know me, my name is John and I'm Katie's dad. I am delighted to welcome you here tonight to celebrate the Marriage of Katie and Simon. I know that many of you have travelled many thousands of Kilometres to be here in Umea Umio, Sweden, with us today. On behalf of Pippa, Inga , Borje and myself, I would like to welcome you all here today to help celebrate the marriage of Katie and Simon.
I apologise if the accent is difficult for any of you but translators throughout the audience will help and the speech will be posted at the rear of the room later with copies on the internet tomorrow!!
I would like to thank the Priest, Inga, for the lovely service in a most beautiful church. Thank you to her boss for the good weather!
I'd like to offer my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who have worked so hard and long to help put this day together, a day which, I am sure, Katie and Simon will cherish for the remainder of their lives together.
Standing here tonight reminded me of a joke. Two TV aerials met on a roof, they fell in love and eventually married. The wedding was pretty average but the reception was brilliant. OK, no more jokes!!
Katie this is that point in time that every daughter fears…..what is Daddy going to talk about….is he going to tell about the time when…??!! I'm not going to tell of any of those times, but rather, I'm going to say " Thank you" ! You see the one thought I've always been able to picture was that of today, when you and I shared our little glance at one another as we were ready to start our walk down the aisle. As it was with my daughter Lucy and as it will be with my daughter Gemma, it has always been with me and always will be. I feel extremely lucky and humble in being able to say I have five great children and one special grand child and to have them all here together gives me a sense of pride.
Simon, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you into the family, but I'm sure you know that you have been welcome since that first day I met you at my house. Every Father hopes his daughter will find a smart, reliable, sensible, and considerate young man so I have to say, I'm a contented father, as I am delighted to see my daughter looking so happy and well today. It is a real pleasure Simon, to welcome you into our family.
There are many things that go into making a marriage happy: Love, fidelity, trust, someone who will listen, persistence and patience, tolerance and forbearance, tenacity and stamina, forgiveness or failing that, a defective memory. It also helps if the husband is always prepared to take the blame!
I'd just like to offer a few words of advice:
Katie – If you want something from Simon, just ask for it. Don't forget he's a man and hints don't work.
Simon –
In the words of Oscar Wilde, "women are meant to be loved and not understood".
"Always put the toilet seat down after you".
Lastly, always remember, as a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right, is married.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, if you will stand with me in a toast to the bride and groom:
Mr and Mrs Jonsson.
May you live as long as you wish and have all you need for as long as you live
May the road you choose be smooth and the burden light
May your joys be everlasting and may all your pain be………champagne
Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr and Mrs Jonsson