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Speech by John Jacobs

I was the father of the bride and came in here in search of ideas for a speech. I got a lot of good ideas on general structure, as well as a couple of gags. Its only right that i repay the compliment by posting my speech back to you. It went down very well. Many Thanks!

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: John Jacobs
Speech Date: Nov2007
Good evening. Thank you all for coming to share this special day with us.
If there are any at the back who can't hear me, there are several at the front who'd like to change places.

Gill and I are honoured that so many of you have made the effort to travel from as far afield as Canada, Australia and even Dudley. It's wonderful that you're all here, to celebrate, to spend time with friends and family and to see Heather and Barak off as they start their life together. It's also a special joy to have Paul &amp Alison and so many of the St. John family here today.

While welcoming you all, it's only right that we spend a moment thinking of those who would have loved to have been here today, but can't. We think of Heather's great-uncle Geoff who passed away last month.

Its customary, on these occasions, to spend a few minutes telling you what a wonderful, caring and talented person Heather is.I'm sorry I couldn't read your writing Heather!

Seriously tho”, ever since Heather was born, 2 weeks early, on a cold December morning, covered with hair like a little marmoset she has been a constant delight. From the contented little baby that hummed as she was fed, to the little girl that was always happy, always singing, to the beautiful young lady that you see today.still singing. We just can't shut her up!

The only times she wasn't singing were if we told her off or if she felt ”hard done by”. At times like that she'd retreat into the bathroom and if you listened carefully at the door you would hear her grumbling to herself for a few minutes, before she emerged as bright and as sunny as ever. She's always loved music and drama. Barak, if you haven't found out about the drama – you will! If you and Heather are late for anything, It's no good trying to hurry her. She'll sing faster, but she won't actually move any faster

As I look at the photos on my wall and in our photo albums, I trace the development of my two beautiful daughters.

From babies to toddlers, to school kids, college days and university. How the years fly by! It's been a great joy to see them both come to their own living faith in Christ and be baptised and to go on to walk in His ways. They, along with my lovely wife, are my treasure. It was hard to give away 1/3 of my treasure today. I'm willing to give away another 1/3.but that's all!

Over the past couple of years it's been a joy to get to know Barak. How could I not like a young man who was a Bob Dylan fan?

I realised, when Barak came to ask my permission to marry H, that I wouldn't be losing a daughter but not the old clich&#233 about a bathroom, nor even the one about a son. more than that,. a son that can make a decent cup of coffee!

It's also customary for the father of the bride to give some words of advice to the happy couple. Before I do that, remember, advice is free ..and usually its worth exactly as much as you pay for it!

Barak, you have taken on an awesome responsibility, that of another human life. With God's help, I know you are up to the task and have not taken it on lightly. Just remember that your happiness depends on hers and likewise your fulfilment is wrapped up in hers too. Nothing makes a good wife, like a good husband.

Heather, If you want something from Barak, ask him for it. Hints don't work with men.

Remember, he's a man and he may go into his cave from time to time. Give him some time in there, but don't let him stay too long.

To you both, I think the best advice I can give comes from observation of a loving friend. Not a person, but our old dog Harry, long since gone. He loved unconditionally, made many friends and was the best friendship evangelist I've ever known.

If he were here and could speak, I believe he would give you the following tips:

? Run to greet each other when they come home
? Feed each other well
? Take time to romp and play every day
? Trust each other off the leash

In conclusion then, may you both walk together in the path God has for you, may you bless and enrich each other's lives even as you also bless and enrich the lives of others.

Ladies and gents, please rise and toast the new Mr &amp Mrs St. John – Heather and Barak!