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Speech by John Magee

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: John Magee
Speech Date: oct 2003
Bride and Groom, ladies and gentleman: friends and families of the Dunn's and the Magee's: my wife and I would like to thank you all for coming. It is a real pleasure to welcome you all on this happy occasion. Special thanks for those who have been in hospital in recent times. There are about four of you, the latest coming out of hospital on Thursday. Also those of you who are battling serious illness of which there are at least three of you. A special thanks for those who have travelled from Sydney, Longreach, Bundaberg and the North Coast. I must not leave out those who have come from the three main centres that the organization for this wedding revolved around: Brisbane and Stanthorpe, last but not least those of you from Toowoomba who have enriched Jenny's life this past year as I am sure she has yours. We thank the Lord for this day and the wonderful weather he has given us.

Well it is not every day you give your daughter away. In fact it has been nearly a hundred years since this has happened in our family. I had to give the bride away because her mother didn't want to and Brendon couldn't afford her. It doesn't seem that long ago that we brought our beautiful daughter home and into our hearts. We thank God from the bottom of our heart for Jenny as we do all our children. We are proud of our daughter and her achievements and we know for certain that Brendon's life will never be the same again.

I have not known Brendon very long but he must be a great guy because he fell in love with out daughter. During this time I have started to appreciate some of his qualities and why Jenny fell in love with him. I don't know a lot about him but I do know that his wedding day is also his birthday: Happy birthday Brendon. You will never have an excuse for forgetting your anniversary. Welcome into our family Brendon.

My mother used to talk about two of her cousins who were sisters. One married a Mr Long and the other married a Mr Short. Well we have another long and short story, In case you have not noticed Jenny is short (5’2”) and Brendon is tall (6’6”). You will have to admit they have both done a wonderful job in planing their wedding down to the last detail. This has not been without its difficulties especially the distances travelled between the three main centres. Considerable amount of organization skills were required. We trust this will be a start of a successful partnership in many things to come in the future.

Some fatherly advice before I finish. I am sure you have heard this before but because it is so important I repeat it again. One of the things I am thankful for is that you are both Christians. This forms what many believe to be the foundation of a successful marriage but as we also know it does not guarantee it. No matter who you are, both husband and wife have to be constantly work at making their marriage successful. Before I continue I just briefly explain what I understand a Christian to be. We don't become a Christians by being born into a Christian family or country. Many who claim to be a Christian are not. A Christian knows that the Bible is the very Word of God. A Christian knows Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and this happens by confession of sins and receiving him into our lives by a prayer of faith. They know what is in the Bible and live it's teaching out in their lives. If you don't agree with this I am willing as I am sure other here would be to discuss this with you any time anywhere.

As you mould your two lives together there will be many time you will step over an unknown boundary and offend or make the other person angry. The Bible teaches us not to let the sun go down on your wrath: good advise. Forgiveness plays an important part in a successful marriage. The common areas that cause trouble are money, family, work, religion and political. One of the troubles is that these boundaries are constantly being moved and adjusted due to life's experiences. These boundaries are our mindsets we have set up in our minds. The need to communicate these all the time is very important. You cannot second-guess what the other is thinking therefore you need to constantly talking things over.

The need to forgive goes beyond marriage to other people you meets. They will cause you grief but you need to always be ready to forgive even when they don't want it. If the shoe is on the other foot and you have hurt someone you need to quickly be reconciled to them. We can do this because the Lord has forgiven you. The Bible says: “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Our prayers go with you. Prayers that you marriage will be successful and the Lord will prosper you. That you love for each will grow over the years. That the material and spiritual gifts given to you by the Lord will be used wisely to enrich others and that you will be fruitful in the kingdom of God. God bless you both.
