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Speech by Joseph Boutros

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Joseph Boutros
Speech Date: Feb2005
About two years ago, Elizabeth asked Layla & I a very scary question.

It was a question that I believe every parent shakes in their boots when they get asked by their teenage .… ‘Could she speak to us ALONE, later on that day?’

Elizabeth chatted with us later that day and explained to us that she had met a very special young man, a young man for whom she had deep feelings for.

When my daughter left, my wife asked me what I thought. I said, without thinking, “I don't know the boy, I don't know his name, I don't even know his family…..but what I do know is that I don't like him”.

Layla said a few things to me that I can't repeat in front of all you nice people and stormed out.

And you know, she was right to be angry. I didn't even know the boy and I had already passed judgment….and I'll be honest, that's not like me.

So I made a deal with my wife….I would hold off judgment until I had met the young man, if ever.… You see I worked on the basis that my daughter would probably get bored with this kid & everything would blow over.

Well, as you can very well see… didn't blow over!

A few more months of Anthony visiting, and we were asked yet again for another meeting with Layla & I….This time the both of them wanted to speak with us.

They had gotten a lot more serious … Elizabeth & Anthony had really deep feelings for each other and would like to discuss the future, in particular, Anthony wanted to ask for Elizabeth's hand in Marriage.

It was obvious that they were in Love, and of course Layla & I agreed!

Now, I really didn't like this kid.

At every opportunity Anthony had he did nothing but demonstrate his love for Elizabeth. He always remained shy, nervous, polite, courteous & respectful. We worked out that was his true nature. Anyone he met liked him instantly and he always left a lasting positive impression on all he met.

Layla eventually asked me again what I thought of him, now that we know him better. I told her straight……Now that I have gotten to know him a lot better….I now liked him even less than before.

Layla again said some thing's which I can't repeat here in public and stormed off.

The thing I couldn't work out was that he was really everything that a father would want for his daughter.

Anthony was, and is, sincere, enjoys working (he has always worked two jobs and still does), he demonstrates a maturity beyond his years. He is polite. Knows when to lend a helping hand! He is just an all round nice guy! He's the type of guy every girl wants to marry and every guy should be jealous off. In fact, if I was a girl I'd probably want to marry him.

And yet, I still didn't like him????

Then one day, I worked it out, all by myself and I would like to share what I worked out with you:

I was no longer the only man in my daughter's life.

Up until the Era of Anthony, I was the only man in Elizabeth's life. Homework, speeches, school projects, going out, being driven somewhere…I was it.

I was the guy that got asked questions like: Does this dress suit me? Is my makeup right? Do I look pretty? I had all the right answers…..YES!, YES!, YES!

When she was upset, I was responsible for making her happy. When she simply needed to talk to someone…that was my job.

Now don't get me wrong, Layla her mother, was always there, but it's more a Father & Daughter thing that really can't be transferred to a mum's. I think every Dad of Daughters in the room know what I'm talking about.

Whenever Elizabeth had a problem…I was her problem solver.

It felt really good to be her hero….Always!

And from what seemed nowhere, Anthony just walk in and take over my lifelong job.

Which movie she should watch was up to Anthony; which dress she should wear was up to Anthony. Did she look pretty or not was up to Anthony….It suddenly became Anthony, Anthony, Anthony!

He was taking over my biggest role in life, the role that I guarded and protected since my Elizabeth was born. That was my responsibility….my job!

I eventually started to came to terms with the fact that Anthony was Elizabeth's new Man and I was no longer competition.

He was her Boyfriend, fiancé, soon-to-be Husband and eventually father of their children. If I was going to lose this competition, I would much prefer to lose to a better man and in this case, I know it's a better man that has won the prize.

He & her would start a whole new life together. He will now protect and love her in a different way, but no less aggressively than I always did.

My new position becomes very obvious if you listen to the words of the song that Elizabeth & I will be dancing too when we do the Father & Daughter Dance. (Oh my Papa! – Vic Damon – 1956)

Anthony would give his life for Elizabeth….Really, who better to take my position?

I now like him!

We have had the pleasure of knowing Anthony's parents, Tony & Faviola and their children for some time now and we know that they will treat Elizabeth with the same love and respect that we have always given her.

You guys should be complimented on raising such a fine young man….someone who I will be proud to introduce as my Son-In-Law to anyone.

You and your family have always demonstrated a high level of courtesy and respect to Layla & I and my family, for which we are grateful.

To the Khalil's extended families, it has been a pleasure to have met most of you and we are very pleased to be associated to you through this marriage.

To my family and relatives….Thank you for being there whenever we needed you. You know it is always appreciated.

In fact, Elizabeth and Anthony, you should look around the room…This is a part of your support group. Anyone in this room will be there for you and all you have to do is ask.

To my wife Layla, Elizabeth's Mum. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our children are a direct result of your effort, sacrifices and dedication. You have demonstrated a commitment that has never faltered.

Your focus has always been on your family. I hope you will now allow your family, and especially me, to pay you back for all those years you have devoted to your family. I hope you will now allow us the opportunity of spoiling you from now on to the level you deserve and that we have been selfish not to do over the years.

You have raised Elizabeth & Daniella in your image…Both my girls are everything that a man would hope for in a wife and I believe both your Son-In-Laws will be in your debt forever.

I don't want to speak too much about Elizabeth .… I believe that that is now the job of her NEW man.

But you have always been the daughter that every father has always wanted. You have only done things that would make any parent proud. Thank you!

In conclusion ..… Elizabeth..… LOVE and Respect Anthony. Become his PARTNER IN LIFE!

Experience life together! I urge you to do many different things; let some of them be failures; just as long as you have discussed them together and agreed to them together. Always remember, you can never change the past…which is why you need to be always looking to the future…This way, you will grow as a couple.

Always consider your parents and family as your support group…not your crutches. You need to make your own way and your own decisions…both sets of families will be there ONLY if you ask! In Fact, Elizabeth, would you mind giving me back the key to our home. You've got your place….and I now get mine…At Last!

I offer you the same advice that I offered your sister Daniella when she married her now husband Joe last September – Divorce your Parents!

We, as parents, must leave you to lead your own life now. We all now have to learn to lead a different life without you guys in it as much as before.

But that's life!

On Behalf of Layla & I and the rest of our families, may your life be as exciting and interesting as the ones we have led …and preferably much better.
