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Speech by Kent

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Kent
Speech Date: 19/08/2014 18:28:59


Good evening ladies and Gentlemen. I am Kent and I am the very proud father of this beautiful bride. On behalf of my wife Suzy and myself, I would like to welcome you all and thank you for coming to this very special occasion to celebrate with us the marriage of our daughter Tamara to Daniel.

What a beautiful and moving ceremony we just witnessed at the St. Gregory Armenian church presided over by Archpriest Reverend Habeshian and Archdeacon Badoyan.

Not counting the drive from the Church to Casa Real, we know that many of you have made long journeys to be here today and we hope you have a great time in these fantastic surroundings. All of you here today have played some part, however large or small, in Tamara and Daniels lives and your presence shows your friendship and love and also brings great joy to this wonderful day.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who spent many hours making this event unfold in such a wonderful way.

Special thanks to the maid of honor, our daughter, Taleen.

To the bridesmaids, especially our niece, Nicole.

To Tamara's grandmother and Nana, Shirley, and her aunt, Houry.

To her music teacher and friend, Nayiry, who played the organ beautifully.

 And to our wedding planner, Taleen, who helped put all the pieces together so perfectly.

Thank you all for making this day so special!


Today is, of course, a celebration, but not just of the love that has united Tamara and Dan in matrimony, but also of the families that have created, molded and influenced the lives of these two special people. So Suzy and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Kathy and Allen and their family and to the relatives and friends of both families. Allan and Kathy, today our Family Trees have sprouted a new branch… You raised a wonderful young man and we are extremely happy to welcome Dan and your family to our family.


However, there are a few loved ones not here today: Tamara's Grandpa Alex (my father) and her Tantig Seta (Suzy's Aunt), both of whom passed before this day but are nonetheless a special part of their lives and this marriage. For the loved ones not here today, Tamara and Dan, be assured they are here in spirit, and I am sure are thinking of you both, and wishing you well for today and the future.


Tamara, we are keenly aware of  just how blessed we have been to have you in our lives and we hope you are aware of just how much we love you and how very gratified we are of the lovely young lady you have become.

It was my absolute honor and privilege to escort Tamara down the aisle today and I thought, and I'm sure you'll agree, that Tamara looked absolutely stunning … and Dan, well he looked absolutely stunned!

Of course, fathers are naturally biased where daughters are concerned, but in Tamara I see an independent, intelligent, beautiful and elegant young woman; a daughter who, throughout her life, has always been ready to face a challenge; a daughter to be truly proud of.

I fondly remember her playing violin at recitals with her sister, Taleen, accompanying her on piano. I was elated when she became a high school summer intern to a world class astronomer at NASA Ames Research Center.  Her fine intellect has always shone out in her love of math and her excellence in programming.

From that first day we met him, Dan has been an absolute credit to you Kathy and Allen.   He was well-mannered, bright and an extremely likeable young man. Of all the positive qualities that Dan possess, the most important to me, is that he brings a smile to Tamara's face.

Now, she begins a new life and there will be another man to whom she will turn to for love and protection. But I want her to know that her father will always be there for her. 


My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will grow and deepen, and you will always remain happy and healthy. Years from now you can look back on this, your wedding day, as the beginning of your greatest adventure.


Now it is my pleasure and very great privilege to propose a toast to our daughter and new son.  So would you please stand and join me.

When children find true love, parents find true joy. Here's to your joy and ours, from this day forward.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the Bride and Groom … Tamara and Daniel … The new Mr. and Mrs.