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Speech by M. B. Kay

I was terrified to do this speech as my daughter was truly against an elaborate speech. I believe mine is short, sweet and hits the right balance. I received many compliments afterwards  but most importantly from my daughter who whispered 'perfect' when I was done.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: M. B. Kay
Speech Date: 11/07/2011 23:55:21

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don't know me I'm Morton Kay and for some of you that do know me I am also Benjamin Kay – if we never met before…well it's a long story why I have 2 names – but whatever my name is I am the very proud father of the bride and I have the honour to welcome all our friends and family AND new friends and new family to this sensational celebration.

Originally I had planned a multi media retrospective that included a soundtrack, a power point presentation and photographs projected on a big screen to bring you the highlights of Jessica's early life and her teens, honouring her successes in sports and education and her entrance into the motherhood Hall of Fame, but my daughter is allergic to speeches so I hope you all understand if I only do the first ninety three minutes.

No really I will keep it short – this party is much too much fun to ruin with one old man's sentimental droning – so let me just say how proud I am of Jess. Seeing her grow from babyhood to womanhood and motherhood has been one of the great pleasures of my life.

Jess you are one of a kind. You are unique. You are a rare combination of strength, will power, brains and determination. You are a beautiful and formidable woman. And you are a mother. A super mother at that. I could not be prouder of the woman you are. [And what a party you made here tonight. A super job Jessers.]

With equal pleasure I speak of the man who entered her life, found his love with her and who began a life and future with Jessica, my new son Kevin. I remember the first time I met Kevin and as these things go we were talking on a number of subjects and at some point during that talk I made a mental note to myself: I thought: Holy Hanna – this guy is smarter than I am! Now I don't pretend to be a genius but I thought that 30 years more experience that should give me some edge but that was not the case. And truth be told I love it.

The more I came to know Kevin and see him as Jess’ partner the more I came to appreciate him. The more I saw him with Jess’ brother and sister, Jake and Molly, the more I came to see him in a paternal way.

And then came Juliet – a beautiful, perfect blessing of their love and then I saw something else in Kevin – He's a sensational father!

A true man of his times Kevin is in full parenting mode and what better indication of his success than the 1000 watt smile that lights up Juliet's face when she's with her daddy.

So I say to you Kevin with love, pride and admiration: You're a better man than I am – and what more could a father ask for in a husband for his daughter.

So friends if you would kindly pick up a glass and stand with me to toast the newlyweds: Kevin, Jess may your happiness tonight and your love for each other and the family you have started be only the beginning of the love and happiness that I wish you for all your lives.

La chaim!