Speech by Malcolm Caley
I was very nervours about making my speech, like most. However to those about to stand and speak, my advice is to practice and practice more, read alowed it to any one prepared to listen. be happy with your speech. I did all these but was still nervous, that was untill i was introduced and started. then it was fine. I enjoyed making my speech on the day, preparation and practice is the key. Many thanks to the people who uploaded their speeches, they helped me greatly.
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Malcolm Caley
Speech Date: 13/11/2013 20:22:20
You know I really wanted to memorise this speech, but it's not easy when you have the memory retention of a geriatric Goldfish!! But, you'll be glad to hear, I have it all written on this small card…!
I had previously written this out on 14 cards and taped them together – concertina style – so when I showed the crowd the card I then let them all unfold for effect).
I have learned the Father of the Bride has 4 areas to cover in his speech
1) To welcome everyone to the ‘Reception
2) Say a few words about the Bride in a loving and balanced way.
3) Give words of advice to the happy couple.
4) Give the first of the toasts to the Bride & Groom.
To begin 1) The Welcome
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for being here today, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words – it's very touching that you still decided to come.
As the father of the bride, it is my pleasure to be the warm up act for the other speakers; the Groom and the 2 Best Men, who I know, are really looking forward to making their speeches. All the speeches today are being sponsored. I'm not sure who is sponsoring Tom, Roy and Neil. But my sponsor is Imodium.
I would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone involved in making today so special. I know that Sarah and Tom have put in a lot of effort and planning to make today a relaxed and enjoyable celebration, and I'm sure that you will all agree with me that it has been a brilliant day so far, and with much more to come.
I must at this moment also make a special mention of Absent Friends who are now looking down on us from the best seats in the house – Of course that's Sarahs Granddad Bob & Granddad Derek, & Toms, Granddad Tom. And of course, not forgetting Auntie Jess…
A toast to absent friends…!
Keep it short Sue said, and remember the ABC & XYZ of public speaking – ABC- Always Be Confident… XYZ – Examine Your Zip!!!
My pride in my daughter knew no bounds, as I accompanied her up the aisle today, with her looking more beautiful than ever, in that stunning dress. It was a joy to see her married in a traditional ceremony, and also in the same church that Sue and I were married. A lovely old church and a ceremony honed through years of tradition. Seeing my daughter looking so happy and radiant, is a truly amazing experience, but for me, it was tinged with a little sadness, for those who know me well, being generous does not come naturally to me. It fazed me just a little in the ceremony, when I had to give her away. 2) A few balanced words about the Bride etc.
This is, of course, this the first time I have had the honour of walking a daughter down the aisle, and its has been magical, if not tinged with a little sadness – magical because I felt like a King escorting his Princess into the next part of her life, and a little sad because she no longer will be my little Princess, now being fully committed to another man. I am truly blessed to have not one but two truly wonderful daughters, both of whom I am immensely proud. So Jennie take note, this will be you in 2015.
Sarah we have watched blossom from a lovely little baby daughter, to an independent, somewhat rebellious, very chatty, but intelligent teenager, and into the loving beautiful woman and gorgeous bride we see before us today.
Sarah has really grown up quickly – it doesn't seem that long ago, that she was running around the garden in Spenser way, with no knickers on, peeing on the flowers and eating mud! Thankfully she has stopped eating mud!!
Whilst preparing this speech I got a little sentimental, and decided to look through some old photos of Sarah, tears welled up in my eyes, and one picture stood out, It was the striking pose of my precious daughter, lying on a rug, dribbling and pointing at the camera lens. What a treasure she looked, trying to stand up on those little wobbly legs…!
We'll never forget her 18th birthday!!!
Today, I'm very pleased to say, Tom officially became Our Son in law, and may I say that we could not wish for a better son-in-law. Who would not want one, who has a great sense of humour, is amiable, smart, courteous, kind, considerate, hardworking and charming, in short, a gentleman?
A gentleman it is said, is known for his integrity, is a man of his word, and follows through with his commitments, whatever the cost. His actions reflect whom he has chosen to be, and are not based upon the opinions of others, and is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.
I'm sure you will all agree that Sarah & Tom like to do things their own way. I first met Tom, When Sarah and Tom arrived at our door way back in 2003, and I have to say I was instantly impressed, although, on my school reports, it regularly said Malcolm is easily impressed.
Seriously though, any one who knows Tom will know that he gives 110%, 100% of the time in anything he sets his mind to.
So Sarah you never really had a chance! It is said that every picture tells a story, and indeed that's true. From the pictures I've seen of Sarah and Tom together it's obvious to me that they were made for each other.
So Tom — Sarah has always deserved a good husband, how lucky you are to have married her, before she found one!!
Many couples say their wedding day is the best day of their lives, but there have been 2 other best days, these were when our Gorgeous grand Daughters Lola now 3, and Isla now 2, were born into this world. For Lola and Isla, every day is the best day of their life, because they have A GREAT DAD and THE MOST WONDERFUL MUM in the world.
Sarah, you know how now and again, Toms time keeping can be a bit dodgy, his 10 mins! usually means 40mins! So I had something persuasive up my sleeve to make sure Tom was at the church on time today!!!!! Luckily I didn't need it, but I have it here and this is it!
I had made a life size wooden shot gun and showed it to the crowed at this point
Earlier, on the way to the church we arranged for the driver to stop at a well-known Pub namely the Robin Hood where Sarah and I each had a small Drink, Mine was a double Cointreau not a great way to start every day but there are exceptions and today is one. This memory is one I will cherish forever.
As the car stopped at the Church, a memory filled my mind, whenever we as a family were on long car journeys, Sarah would continually ask “ARE WE THERE YET”
Well I can now say: –
“Yes Sarah we are most defiantly there”
3) Advice to the happy couple.
Well me & your Mum have been together for 33 years, and I haven't got a clue how we did it or what the secret is – but we did it!!
So Tom – A great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he's wrong is a wise man.
A man who gives in when he's right.… is married!
Oscar Wilde said, “Women are meant to be loved, not understood.”
To Sarah – Sarah when you want something from Tom, just ask for it – don't forget he's a man and hints Just don't work!!
Some interesting facts
You share this day today with: –
1. The actor Bob Hoskins who was born this day in 1942
2. Hillary Clinton who was born on this day in 1947
3.The Beatles recorded 2 famous tracks Please Please me and Ask me why.
4.Lastly: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday & Ike Clanton met for the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral back in 1881
Looking round here today, I know, and can see, that you both have a loving and supportive family behind you, and of course a wonderful group of loyal friends too, these are two of the vital ingredients of a successful and life long marriage.
So Tom and Sarah before we have the toast, I would like you both to stand for a moment, to reflect on this day, and to the future, and maybe to the day Tom, when you will be standing in my place. So id like you Tom, to take Sarahs hand, and place your hand over her's, while I say a few closing words.
Tom and Sarah you both stand before us, with all your married life before you, but Tom, remember this, this will be the last time you will ever have, the upper hand.
4) The Toast – The easy bit!
Tom and Sarah May you live as long as you wish, and have all that you need, as long as you live.
May the road you choose be smooth, and your burdens be light.
May your joy be everlasting, and all your pain be Champagne.
Ladies & Gentlemen please raise your glasses to Tom and Sarah