Speech by Michael Donoghue
Following is the Father of the Bridge speech, written and spoken by me, on the 27th August 2004, on the occasion of my daughters wedding. It took approximately 8 weeks to compose, write and fine tune. The duration of the speech was 10 minutes (not accounting for applause/laughter). (After writing the final version, I frequently read the speech to myself and also practiced aloud and alone. The only other person who I read the speech to - and that was only once - was my wife). On the big day, when I stood up in front of the 100 plus wedding audience, before making my speech (no micophone wa
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Michael Donoghue
Speech Date: Sep2004
Ladies & Gentlemen, Relatives & Friends.
It was Sir Winston Churchill who said:
There are two things more difficult than making a speech:
Kissing a girl who is leaning away from you and climbing a wall which is leaning toward you! I have a feeling that making this speech, might be like trying to do both at the same time. However I take comfort in the fact that this isn't the first time today, I've stood up from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand!
Not everyone here may be aware that the human brain is a most fascinating and complex machine. It starts work the moment we are born and never stops until the moment we stand up to speak in public, and most especially after a good meal. On that basis please forgive me for writing down my speech.
For those of you who don't know me personally, my name is Michael Stephen Donoghue, the Father of Laura. As Father of the Bride it is my privilege to make the first speech, and I would like to start by saying, on behalf of my wife Doris and myself, what a real pleasure it is to welcome Terry and Vivian, their family, our family and all our friends that join us here in celebrating Laura and Simon's special day.
Although it evokes a touch of sadness, I cannot let this moment pass without mentioning those family loved ones who cannot be with us here today. Both sets of Laura's grandparents; my wife Doris's Mum and Dad, Bill and Doreen and my Mum and Dad, Steve and Eileen. Terry's parents George and Mary, Vivian's dad and Rosalyn's husband Harry and Vivian's sister Debbie.
I am also aware that there are other guests here whose day is also tinged with sadness for the loss of a loved one. How they all would have loved to be part of today's celebration. Wherever they are, I'm sure our ‘Absent Friends’ will be looking down on us and are very pleased and happy for Laura and Simon.
I would now like to congratulate the happy couple and to tell Laura how very beautiful she looks today. Oh, and you look magnificent too Simon – I don't want people to think I am showing favouritism – I know I am echoing the thoughts of Terry and Vivian when I say; We are all extremely proud of you both.
I have some special thanks to give, but before I do, I would like to speak for a moment about Laura and Simon. I'll start with Laura who is beginning to look a little worried!
Time flies by so quickly, it doesn't seem five minutes since Laura was born and here I am today, speaking at her Wedding. On the 7th June 1977 – the Queen's Silver Jubilee day (a cold and grey day as I remember and while the rest of Great Britain started to prepare for their street parties) – at 10.27am the sun came out and Laura was born, weighing in at 9lb 2oz. She couldn't wait to be born in hospital but much preferred to enter the world in the comfort of her Mum and Dad's bed – which was a little nerve-racking for Doris and I. Being born on the Queens Silver Jubilee day also meant Mum and baby Laura appearing on the front page of all the local newspapers. Even at one day old, Laura was a celebrity.
I remember shortly after her birth, the midwife saying to me ‘She looks just like you Mr Donoghue.Then she realised her mistake, and turned Laura the right way round!.
It wasn't very long before we realised that Laura had been born with a very special gift. As she grew into a pretty, happy, generous and delightful little girl through her childhood, teenage and adult years, just a few minutes in her company was and is enough for you to instantly like Laura. She is what I would describe as a people person. Caring, approachable, kind, she is quite simply a lovely human being, who has that rare quality of being able to mix and get on with everyone she meets, including Simon Townsend, the staff at Monkey World, Neil Sedaka, Bradley Walsh, Anita Dobson, Shane (on a plate) Richie, Kenneth Connor, Alvin Stardust, and of course, all of her work colleagues, and very close friends from those carefree Bournemouth University days, who are with us here today. To those of you who haven't met Laura yet, well…… you'll understand exactly what I mean when you do.
When she finally left school her form tutor described Laura as a ‘shining star’ – which just about sums up Laura's very special qualities. Not many people know this but, previous to meeting Simon at Bournemouth University, Laura had put an advert in the local newspaper, which said ‘Husband wanted’. She received 197 replies all saying ‘You can have mine’. Seriously, it was at University that she and we first met Simon, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Simon, it's your turn now…..…
What can I tell you about him that you don't already know? Well…… according to a very reliable source, Simon also tried hard to find a wife before he met Laura. I understand he sent his photograph to a Lonely Hearts Club and they sent it back saying ‘We're not that lonely’.
Seriously; when his child is young, a Father sometimes sits and contemplates the image of the man his daughter will marry. When you have 3 daughters as I have – you can do an awful lot of contemplating. Will he be handsome, will he be kind, and will he be intelligent? Then when the time comes, the daughter surprises the Father, by finding a husband with all of these attributes and more. I'm a contented father today, as I see my daughter looking so happy and well. It is a real pleasure Simon to officially welcome you into our family.
Doris and I are very proud, to have you as our Son-in -Law. Laura deserves a good husband and I certainly approve of her choice and not just because you gave me a scanner for my computer (but have since taken it back).
I now have some special thanks to make:
I would like to thank Doris for producing such a loving, warm hearted and beautiful daughter, and for her devotion in making Laura the person she is today.
To Terry and Vivian for creating the perfect partner for Laura.
To the ‘man upstairs’ for providing a great day for photographs.
To Laura's Bridesmaids and indeed all the ladies – with or without feathers or hats – for looking so beautiful.
To 2 very special friends, Morris and Carol who have come over from France to be with us here today.
To Carol, for being Doris's friend and helping with all the little extras and especially for making the Wedding Cake which we can all enjoy at the buffet later this evening. It looks superb and I am sure will be delicious.
To Kelly & Julie, for the beautiful flower arrangements.
To the hotel management and staff who have done (and are still doing) a wonderful job in looking after us all.
And to Paul, the chef and his band of brothers and sisters, for the excellent food.
Well that is about all I have to say, except I would like to finish off with a few pearls of wisdom and advice which sum up a happy marriage.
Our wedding day was one of the best days of our life and in 35 years of marriage to one of the loveliest and kindest women I've ever had the good fortune to meet, our time together since has given us very many more good days. Our relationship is now bonded by memories and mutual experience. We are human and therefore capable of doing silly things from time to time, but what is important to note is that at those times you learn from experiences and hopefully emerge from them a better and more complete person. There can be no substitute for experience and learning from your own doing. A happy marriage is one in which a couple give the best years of their lives, to a partner that made them so.
Today is a dream realised from years past,
The beautiful dress, the wedding cake, the promise of a love that lasts.
Today is the beginning of a journey the two of you now share,
The vow to love, honour, and cherish now seen in the rings you wear.
And tomorrow, tomorrow you will wake as husband and wife,
Where the person next to you is yours for life.
And so my wish to you both is that when you wake each day,
You will turn to each other with the same look that you share today.
Laura and Simon, you are a lovely couple; Love and support each other, stay friends and have a long and happy life together. God Bless you always.
Ladies and Gentlemen please be upstanding and raise your glasses to the Bride and Groom.
To Laura and Simon