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Speech by Michael ORourke

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Michael ORourke
Speech Date: 21/03/2015 19:50:32

WELCOME!                         Good evening and Welcome everyone.  For those of you that don't know me, my name is Mike and I am the very proud father of the handsome groom.  The bride's father, Dave Dolci, asked me recently if I would give the welcome speech.    You would think after living with 5 women he would jump at the opportunity to finally say something. Many of you know how shy I am.   I hope you will forgive me if this speech is not as professional as the ones to follow by Eddie and Monica. Patty and I would like to thank all of you for joining us on this special day, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words – it's very touching that you still decided to come. Brittany, Dan and their mothers have obviously worked very hard for months and months preparing everything for today….and it really shows.   What a fantastic day so far, I am sure I speak for all here in saying,  thanks for inviting us to your special day.   Family and friends.    Friends and family.   These two words mean a lot to Dan and Brit.   This is why we are here.  Dan and Brit didn't need all of us here to get married.  But they wanted us here,.… even those at table 17. Today, they are surrounded by so many friends and family.   Some have traveled 100’s of miles, just to be here today.   From the Coasts we have relatives from Virginia, Washington and California.   From the South, relatives from New Orleans and as far north as … well Rockford, Il.   We feel very privileged to have all of you here, sharing this special day with us.  ———Thank you all, very much, for coming.  DAN: What can I say about Dan? As young parents,  Patty and I were blessed with a happy baby boy.  He slept through the night, never cried, ate whatever we fed him. He was just a pleasant baby.         Life was wonderful. And then a couple years later Dan was born.   Dan was a finicky eater, a stubborn child and head strong.   —There was nothing he would do, until he was ready to do it.   Patty will tell you,   Dan was a lot like me. Growing up Dan was my shadow, and it is no surprise that we are both slightly sarcastic. Recently, while Dan and I were discussing hair styles…….  I told him how proud I was, of the man he is today. BRITTANY: –You often wonder as a parent just how well your children will        turn out.    –You wonder what sort of life decisions they will make,                  especially  those that you have no control over.     –What friends will they choose?     –Who will they pick as a partner to share their life with?    –Will that person love and care for them as well as you would? — and   Will you approve? Having known the Jordan family for many years,                           we actually met Brittany before Dan did.     —You know that tingle you get when you bump your elbow? —When we met Brittany, we knew there was something about her.    —Something special.     —When they began dating,   we could feel their magic.  I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Brittany to our family.    We welcome Dave, Michele and the beautiful Dolci sisters.     You could say that today our family trees have sprouted a new branch.  

BOTH: —-Wedding days are meant to be unforgettable                      and this one certainly will be.     –I, for one, won't forget how heart-warming it was to see two super people like Dan and Brit making their vows to each other just a few hours ago.      –I won't forget how proud it has made me feel to be the bride's new father in-law.      —And I won't forget what a pleasure it is seeing them now,  sharing the happiness of their great day with all of us. Sticking with tradition,        I think,  at this point,  that I am also supposed to pass on some fatherly marital advice to Dan, to help him survive….… sorry enjoy……… his new marital status.

—-The first, is really to enjoy your honeymoon period                     and if you're not sure what this is, let me explain.     —-This is the time in your marriage between                                                                 “I do” and “you'd better.”

—-The second is specifically based upon knowing women as I do. I believe the words “Yes love of course you can buy it”                                                     may prove beneficial in the years to come. 

TOAST: Ladies and Gentlemen I think I'm getting close to outstaying my welcome and I can see  Eddie is eager to get on with his speech. 

I do however, have one final, very pleasurable, responsibility to fulfill.   —-It is my very great pleasure to propose the first toast to the happy couple.  So could I ask you please raise your glasses to the Brit and Dan.

It is written:       when children find true love,  parents find true joy.  Here's to your love, and our joy,  from this day forward.

Here's to the past, for all that you've learned.  Here's to the present, for all that you share.  Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to, together. Here's to your friends and family                              that make your marriage more than an Island. Here's to the groom,                        a man who keeps his head, though he loses his heart.

And here's to the bride,                 May she share everything with her husband                         – including the laundry.

       God Bless You Both! ***For those staying the night please note that this special couple will be at the hotel breakfast tomorrow at 9:00am.  Please join them for a bite before the begin their Honeymoon.