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Speech by Mike Cantrell

By using your web site i was able to draft out the basic format of my speech, I used key phrases and paragraghs to ensure the role of the brides father was met,  I then gave it the personal touch and presented the groom with a certificate. The speech was warmly received reduced many to tears then laughter then cheers. I cannot thank you enough for the assistance your site provided.  P.s Second daughter is planning her wedding for next year,  I'll be back.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Mike Cantrell
Speech Date: 25/08/2011 15:12:10

Good afternoon everybody, I'm Mike, father of the blushing bride and on behalf of my wife, Lorraine, looking resplendent in her fascinator, James parents, Linda and John, and the happy couple Samantha and James, can I say what a pleasure it is to welcome the friends and relatives of both families to share this very special day.

I would also like to thank everyone who has put their time and effort into helping to make this day such a lovely occasion, a special mention has to go to my sister–in-laws who have worked quietly away in the background on gifts and favours and to my daughter Gemma who turned her home into a salon for the beatification of the bridesmaids. Also to Linda, James mum, who managed to secure this beautiful venue against all odds.    

Thank you.

There are some notable omissions to the guest list today, who would have thoroughly enjoyed such an occasion but I am sure they are looking down with pleasure and are here in spirit and have been instrumental in arranging the fine weather,

At this point Ladies & Gentlemen I would like you to stand – while I propose the first toast of the day –

 The toast is “Absent Friends”

I would particularly like to welcome Samantha's work colleagues who have made the long journey from North Yorkshire, where are you teachers? 

Please don't all call out at once and can you raise your hand before responding.  Thank you

So back in August 1985 Lorraine and I were blessed with a second beautiful baby daughter, Samantha Ann, just like today it was all a bit of a rush, everything happening at once………..Madonna was top of the charts and Bob Geldof was organising a rock concert to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia…nothing changes, and then I blinked and here I am proposing thetoast on her Wedding Day. .… Where has all the time gone?

As a toddler Samantha would request granny C. to tell mummy to put me a pretty dress on, lick the butter off granddad M's scones and make progress by shouting “Move I'm coming through”.  One day she frightened the life out of us by falling from the top to the bottom of our stairs and cutting her head on the radiator, the head was glued and the radiator eventually replaced.

As a teenager Samantha brightened up all our lives,…..… mainly by leaving the lights on in every room she passed through………….,  she struggled with her music lessons and at times mystified her dad by dangling chains from her jeans and hiding away under a beanie hat.

Samantha was a quiet and studious daughter who set out her stall and was accepted at York St. Johns University where she trained to be a teacher.  Lorraine and I were extremely proud as we watched her receive her degree in York Minster four years later.  During these years we supported her efforts with the usual food parcels, clothing, rent etc but deep down we knew there was another who helped in untold ways, Sam's rock, who was always there when we could not be.

Such a lot has happened in the meantime, but as I look at our beautiful daughter today, perhaps we didn't do such a bad job as parents. 

All the parents here will agree we all strive to provide the best for our siblings and take great pride in those special moments when goals are achieved.  I am proud of both my beautiful daughters every day, for their achievements in life and the recognition they receive from their peers.

The tradition of the father giving away his daughter belongs to the days ofbetrothals and arranged marriages. Daughters were their father's “property”,and it was the right of the father to hand over the responsibility for his daughter to the groom.   A responsibility I believe James will not take lightly and one which I believe he is capable of fulfilling.However, in our case, the moving-on process began many years earlier.  Their days together at York University built on their earlier relationships which were perhaps the foundations which would stand the test of time, they then moved on to Saddlers Cottage in Thirsk a first home together and eventually they have settled in Brompton near Northallerton where they have extended their family,…………… with the introduction of Kipper the cat.

Now, what can I say about James,.. what I can say about James is that to be in his company is a pleasure and I feel like I have known  him all my life. He is such a friendly, easy going, happy young man, with a caring side, and a love for Samantha, a pleasure to be with.  From the very early days I realised there was something different about James, perhaps it was the number of times he left his shoes at our house, how you can leave without your shoes was beyond me,   he even left one pair on the drive in the rain, over night.  I think it's referred to as getting ones feet under the table.

However, I have to raise a concern, one which cannot be taken lightly, nor can it be swept under the carpet but must be addressed here and now….

James L. was not born in Derbyshire……… but in Sheffield.… As some of you know I have spent a great deal of time and effort researching my family history and I can reveal Samantha is a 10th generation Derbyshire born C******l and as far back as surviving records go, none of the previous 9 generations married a Sheffield born Yorkshire spouse.

There is evidence to suggest we could go back as far as the doomsday book and that originally we were French but unlike Tony Robinson and Time Team I have kept to the facts and not assumed anything.

I have thought long and hard about this…………..,is this history in the making………., should I be embracing diversity…….… or should I appease my ancestors. Don't get me wrong there are C******l's born in Sheffield today that can trace there bloodlines back to ours but this is different…..and yes I do realise half of you are Yorkshire born and I am not here to offend…

The answer to my dilemma came to me at the recent Trent Bridge test match which I had the pleasure to attend. Here Jonathon Agnew reliably informed me, Geoffrey Boycott and the rest of the listeners of Test match special that he had been awarded a HD an Honorary Degree. 

Now I'm not disputing the virtues of Aggers and his ability to entertain radio 4 listeners through lunch, tea and rain enforced intervals,………..… or the rights and wrongs of Loughborough University handing out degrees which others had slaved tirelessly for years to achieve.

But if he could be treated to such high accolades as a Leicestershire bowler with the gift of the gab, could not a Sheffield born member of the York moors field staff be transformed for one day.

One very special day…..

So as a 9th generation  Derbyshire born C******l may I on behalf of a long line of C******l's welcome you James L. to our family and bestow upon you this HD a Honorary Derbyshireman and charge you with the safe keeping of this most precious piece of Derbyshire history., Samantha Ann!

Finally, I would ask you all to stand and join me in this toast:-

Here's to the past, for all you've learned.Here's to the present for all that you share.Here's to the future for all your plans together.And here's to Love, Laughter and Happy Ever After.I give you the toast –

The Bride and Groom – Mr. & Mrs. L.- Samantha and James.