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Speech by Mike Dawson

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Mike Dawson
Speech Date: Sep 2009
Good afternoon everyone, for those who don't me, I'm Mike, Jayne's dad. As father of the bride I have the privilege of making the first speech and paving the way for the star speakers, the groom and the best man. I think the ink is still wet on their speeches.

I would like to start by introducing all the other guests at the top table. On my right there is Carmel Jamie's mum and his aunty Nancy. Next is Jayne's sister, Cates who has done a great job as maid of honour. Then, Louisa Jayne's mum. On my left is Stuart Jamie's dad and Danny Jamie's brother and Best Man.

So, on behalf of Jayne and Jamie I would like to wish a very warm welcome to all the relatives and friends who are here today to &quotcelebrate&quot their marriage. I know that some of you have travelled long distances to be here – from Belgium, Ireland, and London – and others a bit closer to home – from Nottingham, Doncster, Leeds and Bradford. Thank you all for coming to be with us on this very happy occasion. I hope that you all have a wonderful day.

Although it brings a touch of sadness, I can't let this moment pass without asking you to take a minute to remember family and friends who have meant so much to us but who sadly can't be here with us today.

On Jayne's side we remember her two granddads – Louisa's dad Frank – who sadly didn't live to see any of his grandchildren and my dad Graham who passed away last year. Also her grandma Vicky's long time companion, Bernard. For Jamie we remember both sets of grandparents – Stuart's parents Frank and Irene Rhodes and Carmel's parents Charlie and Bubby Quinn.

I'm certain that they're all here in spirit, and that they would be very proud today.

So, ladies and gentleman can I please ask you to remain seated, but join me in raising your glasses as I make the first toast of the day – &quotTo Absent Friends&quot.

Earlier today I must admit that I felt like the proudest dad in the world as I accompanied Jayne down the aisle. I think you'll all agree she looks absolutely stunning. Her mum Louisa and I are very proud of how she's grown up.

Jayne and Jamie you chose 28 August as your special day and there have been many other notable events on this day in history:- In 1833 slavery was banned from British Empire and four years later in 1837 Mr Lee and Mr Perrin invented Worcester Sauce In 1 878 Vaseline was sold – now I know there must be a joke in there but I'm not going to do it today On this day in 1920 Leeds United played their very first football league match – a 2-0 defeat away at Port Vale Marilyn Monroe's death certificate was signed on this day in 1962 and in 1963 over 250,000 people witnessed Dr Martin Luther King deliver his unforgettable &quotI have a dream&quot speech.

While my speech this afternoon won't have the same sort of impact – Jayne and Jamie – today I hope that you both share the same dream for your future together.

I have some special thanks to give, but before I do, I would like to speak for a moment about Jayne and Jamie.

Time certainly flies by so quickly, it doesn't seem five minutes since Jayne was born and here I am today, speaking at her wedding. She was born on 12 March 1980 – a day early and after at least one false alarm. Louisa reminded me recently that it was a wet Wednesday in Scunthorpe and that we only just made it to the hospital in time.

I remember shortly after Jayne being born, the midwife saying to me &quotShe looks just like you Mr Dawson&quot – then quickly realising her mistake she turned Jayne the right way round!!

Jayne grew up as a happy and energetic child – always on the go and getting into everything. She never makes a fuss and just gets on with things – she certainly has an independent streak and determination.

Following what seems to be a family tradition Jayne started work in the Inland Revenue on 1st September 1998. She is still there now 11 years and two promotions later.

Jayne and Jamie have known each other for about 15 years – Jamie is a cousin of one Jayne's best friends, Rachel. Their relationship has grown over the years and Jayne tells me that about four years ago they got to know each other &quotbetter&quot – whatever that means. Perhaps Jamie can tell us!

When I asked Jayne and Jamie what was good about their relationship they both said that they have fun together. But Jayne did say that there are things that could be better – for example she wishes that Jamie could keep up with her when it comes to drinking sambucka – I think the phrase a bit of a &quotlight weight&quot was used. Apparently Jamie never arrives on time and it drives her crazy when he is always late. Also he doesn't do his jobs around the house – especially the washing up.

According to the dictionary of names Jayne means gracious and merciful – Jamie I really hope that's true!

So, what can I tell you about Jamie that you don't already know. Well, according to a very reliable source he actually tried hard to find a wife before he met Jayne. I understand that he sent his photograph to a Lonely Hearts Club – they sent it back with a very nice letter saying &quotWe're not that lonely&quot.

Seriously though, Jamie describes himself as an easy going person – nothing seems to bother him. Between you and me though he told me that Jayne sometimes has a bit of a quick temper – perhaps he found that out when he hadn't done the washing up!!

He told me that he thought that he and Jayne shared similar tastes but discovered during the wedding preparations just how different their tastes actually are. I'll leave it to you to decide who had the final say!!

Some of you may know that Jayne bought Jamie a pocket watch as a wedding gift – I think this was to make sure he wasn't late – but I think it also reflects his outlook – &quotlife is ticking, make it count&quot.

If Jayne has taught me anything over the last 29 years it's never spend a little when you can spend a lot. I have some expensive memories of shopping trips in Leeds and getting to know such names as Paul Smith, Harvey Nicks, Louis Vuitton and Jimmy Choo. Clearly though her taste for the good things in life extends to Jamie – and I think we can all see how very happy they are together.

Now to the special thanks:-
First of all to Louisa for being a wonderful mother and the guiding influence in Jayne's life and making her the person she is today To Father Pat Wall for a lovely service today and to his boss for keeping the weather reasonably clear To all the bridesmaids – Cates, Rachel, Amy, Michelle, Kirsty and Abigail – you all look wonderful To Cathy and Jeanette for the wedding favours that you have on your tables To Liz for the beautiful flower arrangements To Carmel, Nancy and Louisa for all their hard work, help and support with the wedding preparations To the hotel management and staff who have done and are still doing a wonderful job looking after us all And to the chef and his band of brothers and sisters, for the excellent food.

Now, in life there will be times when you disagree and before I finish I want to suggest some rules for arguing

1. DON'T BRING IN A THIRD PARTY – that means you can't say things like &quotJust like your mother&quot
2. DON'T USE PHRASES SUCH AS – &quotYOU NEVER&quot, or &quotYOU ALWAYS&quot or &quotEVERYTIME YOU&quot – because they're just not true 3. DON'T WALK AWAY – finish the argument even if it hurts 4. ALWAYS REMEMBER – you can't unspill milk 5. REMEMBER – that whatever the subject matter is, it's not as important as your relationship. And making up is a damn sight more fun than carrying on arguing!!

Finally, I would like you all to join me in this toast.
Here's to the past, for all you've learned.
Here's to the present, for all that you share.
Here's to the future, for all your plans together.
And here's to love, laughter and happy ever after.
I give you the toast – the bride and groom – Jayne and Jamie Mr and Mrs Rhodes.