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Speech by Mike Leveille

I'm not known for talking or giving speeches so I was searching the WEB for idea's as father of the bride and stumbled accross your site. What a great site, it helped me prepare a speech that was a big hit and as many people said to me after "you had us laughing and crying through your whole presentation". I used bits and pieces from your samples to produce it. I wanted to thank you and I'd like to send you a copy if you'd let me in the event that it might assist someone else. Thanks a bunch for your samples.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Mike Leveille
Speech Date: Oct2007
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mike, Kim's Dad.
On behalf of the bride's mother, Chris, and Kim's brother Jonathon, I would like to give a warm welcome to all the relatives and friends who have joined us to celebrate Kim and Geoff's marriage. I know that some of you have traveled long distances to be here. Thank you all for coming to help celebrate this very special day. As I look around the room I realize how many friends Kim and Geoff have, and I hope that you all had a wonderful afternoon and that you will have a great evening.

I'm also pleased to formally welcome Geoff into the family, although, as far as we're concerned, he's been part of the family for awhile. During the time that we have known Geoff, we have come to realize just how special he is to Kim – anyone can see that they're made for each other. I'm sure you'll agree they make a beautiful couple.

Today, I must admit that I am the proudest dad in the world to have accompanied Kim down the aisle. I think that you will all agree that she looks absolutely stunning. My wife Chris and I are both very proud of how she looks today, and how she has grown up …and are both delighted that she has found someone who she obviously loves and cares so much for.
We are really fortunate that our daughter has met her Mr. Right. Of course, marriage isn't just about finding the perfect partner, but also about being one… Kim has made such a success of her life and career so far, that I'm sure her marriage to Geoff will be just as successful.
I think as parents, the best thing we can do for our children is to give them roots … and wings. Roots in the strength of their family ties, ….… in their sense of values, ………and in the warmth of their relationships, …and wings to be independent, …..… to carve out a successful career, ……… to reach their goals, ……… and to eventually put down strong roots of their own. I think, in the case of Kim and Geoff, both families have done a good job.

As Kim grew up, Chris and I remember the many milestones along the way:
Her first steps, ………

Her first day at school, ………

The first time away from home, … and a school trip.

The first time she got drunk, ……… I was told not to mention that incident.
While preparing this speech I was getting a little sentimental and decided to get out a few old photograph albums. ….… Tears welled up in my eyes as I turned the pages and the one picture that stood out from the others was the striking photograph of my precious daughter lying on a rug, ….… drooling and pointing at the camera lens. What a treasure she looked as she tried to stand, ……… she'll never forget her 18th birthday. ………

Today, I look at my daughter and I see an independent, attractive, and elegant young woman. She obviously takes after her mother.

Every father hopes his daughter will find a reliable, sensible, and considerate partner and as much as you try not to interfere in their lives, you always hope your children will make the right choices in life. Kim chose Geoff.

I have found that Geoff is reliable, sensible and considerate I think Kim has made an excellent choice and I welcome Geoff to the “Leveille Clan”……

Some of you may not know that Geoff chose the traditional route to ask me for my consent to the marriage. He approached me late one evening, and nervously ask for my permission for Kim's hand in marriage, ……… I of course accepted right away, before he could change his mind. ………

We've noticed that Geoff has always been a bit of a gadget freak. If it's small and gives you non-stop information 24 hours a day, he's got to have it. So it should come as no surprise that he fell for Kim. ………

Geoff, to help you with the marriage, I thought I would give you some advice based on my 35 years’ experience of married life. ………

There is no challenge in a marriage that can't be overcome by one or more of the following: ………

I was wrong! ………You were right! ……….Yes Dear. ……… I love you! ………

And, … remember these 3 words ……… all, ……… just ……… and only. You will hear them time and again in phrases such as,.… all you need to do is, ……… it just costs this much ……… &amp ……… it will only take 5 minutes. ………These are all gross understatements.

Geoff, now that you are married, Kim will always have the last word in any argument – ….any word that you come out with afterwards is, by default, … the start of the next argument! ………

And always remember, as a great philosopher once said, “A man who gives in when he is wrong, is a wise man, while a man who gives in when he is right .… is still married! ……

Since our wedding day, I have carried a photograph of my beautiful wife Chris in my wallet. Whenever I encounter a problem, I just look at the photo and the problem seems to disappear. That shows what a miraculous and powerful influence she has on me. Similarly, Chris carries a photograph of me and whenever she encounters a problem, … she takes out my picture and says to herself, ……… ‘What problem can possibly be greater than this one?’ …..…

Marriage is a funny thing. … In a recent study carried out to establish whether married men live longer than bachelors, they found that actually there is no difference. … It just seems longer when you're married! ………

I would just like to leave you all with this thought…

The actor Richard Burton once said that, … ‘A woman accepts a man for what he is and then spends the rest of her life trying to change him.’ … So, … if we can all take one last look at Geoff as we know him, … because Kim's remodeling work starts first thing in the morning! ……

Speaking seriously again, … marriage is the meeting of two minds, … of two hearts, … and of two souls. It is clear that Kim and Geoff are a perfect example of this.

May they be blessed with happiness that grows … and with love that lasts … and a peaceful life together.

I wish them enjoyment for today, … the fulfillment of all their hopes and dreams for tomorrow … and love and happiness, always.

It is now my pleasure to propose a toast to the happy couple. … Please rise, and raise your glasses……….… to the bride and groom, the new Mr. &amp Mrs. Buck.