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Speech by Mike Wild

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Mike Wild
Speech Date: Aug2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, or should I say Family and Friends, Good evening.

For those of you who don't know me I have the proud distinction of being Cl…..’s father.

My first note says “THANK YOU” to all you good people for accepting our invitation to come along and help make this a memorable and special day for Cl..… and Be.… I know many of you have travelled a long way to be here the length and breath of the country and some from around the globe from Singapore and Australia. THANK YOU- it is very much appreciated.

I also feel we should thank the Manager and staff here at the Mere Court Hotel for setting out and decorating this Conservatory and preparing and serving efficiently such a lovely meal. Very Many Thanks – That should be worth at least 10% off the bill!!

Also I thought the wedding service was lovely and in the church Reverend D..… S…… helped made the day quite special for us all.

Sitting at this table takes me back to my marriage to A.. in 1976. What is interesting is that year was also the last time that my beloved Manchester City won a trophy. Lets hope that history repeats itself and at the end of this season we can again celebrate a Wi… getting married by City winning a trophy!

I know it is customary for the Father of the Bride to give the newly weds some advice.

However before I do, I have thought quite a lot about this and I began to compare the modern wedding preparations to the launching of a Space Shuttle, with the weeks and months of preparation and planning that go into it. The setting of the wedding date, booking this venue, arranging photographer, video-man, flowers, taxis, printing and sending invitations, order of service, menus, seating plans, booking the DJ and then the really important decisions-

WHAT DO WE WEAR!!! Visits to Bridal shops, dressmakers, shoe and handbag shops, gents’ outfitters, and then suddenly everything falls into place, we reach LAUNCH Day and we have “BLAST OFF”.

Now the newly married couple blast off into the orbit of marriage on their long, long journey together.

Like the team in the space shuttle who need to work together to survive so the newlyweds need to work together as a team. That is the word that I am looking to say to them- TEAMWORK, because that is what marriage is all about. Discussing and solving problems together, GIVING AND TAKING, sharing and encouraging each other, sharing each other's hobbies. We have already seen them working together planning for today.

They are a good team and I know they will do well. They will also always have the GROUND CREW AT MISSION CONTROL supporting them, i.e. their families and friends.

I would also like to mention that they are also members of larger family teams. Like the Wal…, the Wi..s have always been a very close family In fact I think that in the early days Be… used to call us the WALTONS because we always sat down as a family to eat together ands share our experiences and events of the day.

I am sure it is a comfort to know that you have parents and brothers and sisters that you can call on for help, especially for a meal as it gets towards the month end and MOTHER HUBBARD calls!

Another thought was what do we as Parents get out of weddings? We have gained good friends in R.… and S…, Be…s Mum and Dad, and a wonderful son in law in Be.… I know that R.… and S… feel the same way about Cl….., taking her into their family like a second daughter.
I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law, we have much in common.

When Cl..… first mentioned the name Be… to us, she was quick to say, “Dad – he is BLUE” My immediate reaction was Blue like Bernard Manning and Jim Davidson! Fortunately she quickly clarified what she meant. Be… was a MANCHESTER CITY BLUE, a season ticket holder as well – a fact that she knew was certain to make me like him from the start. I always said a Manchester United Red would not be welcome and for once she listened to her old man! In fact I think if he had been a Red, the relationship would have been doomed from the start! When she added that his Mum and Dad also had season tickets, well I just knew from then that they would make a wonderful couple! In fact this season we have got our four seats next to each other for my son Andy, myself and for Be… and his Mum to watch the matches.

Which leads me into the problem that Be… and Cl..… have created by having the wedding now.

We are all going away this next week for a well earned break and as the football season has just kicked off we find that most of us are missing one of the most important games at City – The Manchester Derby against United next weekend. So despite all the work that has gone into this wedding, they have managed to blow it big style!

We are very proud however to see Cl..… looking so beautiful, and now married to Be.… During the time we have known him we have come to realise how special Be… is to Cl..… and anyone can see they are made for each other. The first time I met Be… was when I came in from work, he was sat in MY CHAIR, whereupon he asked, “Can I put the football on SKY?” I knew then that we had the start of a relationship!

He is really likeable, kind, thoughtful and easy going. In fact he is everything a daughters father could wish for and we are very happy to formally welcome him into the family. A.. HAS ADDED IN THE MARGIN..… I sincerely hope your marriage is as happy as my wife A.. has made mine.

Be… has always been welcome into our house over the past five years, – well, we haven't had much option sometimes as he just lets himself in through the front door! We often spend time talking about various matters, well Be… does, and I do when I can get a word in!

I can clearly remember the time he asked me for Cl…..’s hand in marriage, we were on the way back from a football match having watched City Reserves play. I think he left asking me until we got near to home on our way back. The game had been cut short due to a fire near the ground so he had less time to pluck up the courage than he thought. I was happy to say yes straight away although I nearly went through a red light when he threw the question at me!

Be… asking me shows to me that he has many of the old values that we all think are missing today. I know he will look after my little girl.

And so to Cl..… who has been sat there wondering what I am going to say. Well, what can I say about the last 27 years that hasn't been censored by my proofreader, her mother, or that Be… doesn't know already!

Cl..… is a wonderful daughter whom I love dearly. We have shared so many special memories together and I'm sure there will be many more in the future. Today I am the proudest man in the world. Seeing your daughter looking so happy and radiant is a truly unforgettable experience.

Cl..… is intelligent, generous, hard working and popular- She is her father's daughter!
Sorry Be… but it is too late to change your mind now – you already know about her
Dislike of early mornings,
Aversion to cleaning the bathroom
Aversion to ironing,
Dodgy Cooking skills.

As a married man of 31 years I have found out that the way to ensure that you overcome the challenges you may face with Cl..… is by using one of the following phrases: –
I was wrong!
You were right!
Yes Dear!
I love you!
Here you have the TV remote control then!

When Cl..… said “I DO” earlier today I hope you realised that was the first time she has agreed to something without question! Cl..… does have a mind of her own, which I think Be… has discovered many times already! Remember what Oscar Wilde said, “Women are meant to be loved not understood!”

And a message for Cl..… which you should know having lived with your Mum and me all these years – If you want something from Be…, ask for it, Be… is like all men – hints do not work!

Be… are you aware that CL..… AND A.. AND YOUR MUM CAN'T COUNT – LIFT STORY

As I draw to a close I would like to add that my wife A.. has been of real assistance over the over the last months helping with the planning and executing of such a wonderful day as today.

Finally Cl..… and Be…, may your love be modern enough to survive the times but old fashioned enough to last forever.

I know how much Be… has been looking forward to giving his speech so I will close by asking you all to join me in drinking a toast to Cl..… and Be.… May they have good health, prosperity and most important of all a long and happy life together.

Ladies and Gentlemen the toast is CL..… AND BE….