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Speech by Morris Rozen

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Morris Rozen
Speech Date: Mar2005
Thank you Daniel and Janna, our two wonderful mc's for this evening! You guys are just great!

Good evening friends, family and honoured guests. Today, we are surrounded by most of the friends and family that have been important to us during our lives. Some of you have traveled hundreds of miles, just to be here today. Thank you all for your friendship and support over the many years – and for sharing this special day with us.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Leslie &amp Dena for working so hard on putting this beautiful evening together and giving Ron &amp myself the time to discuss more important issues, . . . such as how to use the features on a cell phone, which gin is really better and the merits of timeshare vacations.

Leslie &amp Ron, I thank you for your support, your kindness, generosity and for welcoming our daughter Eryn into your family.

As the Father of the Bride, I am entitled to reminisce and share my memories of Eryn with you. Don't worry Eryn, unfortunately I suffer from crs and can only recollect a few special memories to share this evening.

What I do remember is this very happy and smiling baby who people would always stop to see. Eryn could evoke a smile from everyone who she'ld meet.

At the ripe old age of 9 months Eryn became employed as a pampers’ baby and started her career in the arts.

I remember family get-togethers where Eryn, and her cousins Alexis and Carrie and later on with brother Daniel, they'ld put on a show, entertaining us till we were blue in face from laughter.

Than came the dance classes and the recitals, jazz, tap and musical comedy, how she loved to dance. I still have on video Eryn in a leopard print bikini doing her version of Madonna's Like a Virgin. Eryn made such an impression with her dancing that we caught Daniel wearing her dance shoes . . . it just her shoes Daniel,. . . wasn't it?

From dance recitals to dance parties and the teen years. The boys she dated back then . . . thankfully her tastes have changed.

Some time ago, Eryn told me how she had a wonderful time at Janna and Ryan's wedding and how she hit it off with Janna's brother Andrew.

Than a little while later Eryn tells me that she's been dating this fellow Andrew.

So I ask when can I meet him. Eryn says soon.

It seemed like only a few weeks went by and Eryn is over for dinner. She mentions that her and Andrew would like to move in together. To her amazement,

I say ok, and but then I ask Eryn when can I meet him,

Eryn says soon.

I started to see a trend and became concerned that Eryn would call me up one day and say “Dad, Andrew and I are married” at which point I would ask when can I meet him and Eryn would say soon.

Fortunately that didn't happen, Andrew and Eryn finally came to visit. It was such a pleasure meeting Andrew this young confident and cocky guy, someone who is perfectly matched to Eryn's strong willed personality.

Andrew fit in right away, and soon started meeting everyone in the family while taking everything in stride.

When Andrew called me up so that we could meet for a drink, I knew something was up. Sure enough Andrew came to ask me for my blessing before he proposed to Eryn.

I'm thinking, he's got a good job, a good family, likes sports, he's very personable and most importantly he adores my daughter Eryn. We've got us a keeper!

We're so excited to have you Andrew become a part of our family and I take this moment to formally and wholeheartedly welcome you.

From that memory of the little girl in a leopard bikini to the stubborn teen wearing a shower cap flying to Florida to this ravishing young woman we see here today.

Eryn your mother and I are both very proud of you and we both love you dearly.

Ladies and gentlemen please charge your glasses and rise.

May God bless you both,
May you always have all that you need,

May the road you choose be smooth and your burdens light,
And may your love and happiness be everlasting.