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Speech by Peter

Hi Please find attached my Father of the Bride speech delivered in May 2002 at my daughters wedding in Lancashire England. It is by design a heart felt emotional speech because that was the way that I felt about my daughter marriage. Enormously happy but at the same time sad. If anyone uses this speech please let me know how it was received, I got a standing ovation. Regards Peter

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Peter
Speech Date: Jun 2002
Ladies and Gentlemen…May I first of all welcome you to Dawn and Stevens special day celebrations.
I know that many of our guests have travel considerable distances, some of our guests have travelled from as far away as America and Canada to be here today… to help make this a very special occasion… my thanks to you and to all our guests for attending.

Today has indeed been a very special day and one that I will never forget..… I think you will all agree that Dawn and Steven have done a wonderful job of planning their wedding.

There is however just one small aspect of the wedding planning that you will not have taken into account. It may interest you to know Steven that even after 35 years I am still paying for mine, big style.

Dawn and Stevens wedding plans really took off around Christmas time.

It just so happened that at Christmas I saw a film called Farther of the Bride. The sentiments of that film really personify my feelings today.

This film really hit home and got me to thinking about the good times we have had during Dawn's childhood. Times like, Dawns first birthday, Dawns first Christmas, Dawns first spoken words.… all the happiness of those early years.… Dawns teenage years, Dawns first date….all the wonderful times throughout her growing up…..But also at this same time…the sad realization of a new era of home life without her.

No more hi dad in the mornings ???No more occasional good night hugs??? Life will not be the same now that Dawn has left home.

There are however some compensations???? No more waiting for hours for the bathroom, no more can I borrow the car, no more can I have, perhaps even no more dads taxi…..… and..… a new and overwhelming happiness to know that Dawn and Steven are happily married.

I am sure Dawn has made the right choice in taking Steven to be her husband, Steven is kind, thoughtful, understanding and has a good head for figures, by which of course I do mean financial.

Steven tries hard to achieve success in every thing he does, he is a good all round sportsman, he has an extensive memory of general knowledge… but.… when it comes to DIY he is a bit of a disaster.

So much so that he would make a very good demolition contractor.

I am sorry Steven perhaps I am being a little unfair, but not a lot.

On the subject of advice…it has been said that marriage is a 50/50 partnership…I don't know who made this statement but whoever it was they know very little about marriage and even less about women.

It is however a very good starting point, and I would like you both to remember that.

My advice to you both is always say Yes and you will not go far wrong.

I have to say that Dawn and Steven are extremely well suited. They are happy and that is what really matters.

Steven I would like to formally welcome you into the family and wish good luck to you both.

Finally Ladies and Gentlemen a short verse, that sums up my thoughts and feelings.… Coming together is a beginning, Staying together is progress, Working together is success. When children find true love, Parents find true joy….… Here's to your joy and ours from this day forward.

Ladies and gentlemen.… please be upstanding………………..and drink a toast……… to the bride and groom.