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Speech by Phil Pyke

Hi, I hope my speech below can help someone else. Your site certainly helped me. My speech refers to my step daughters, although I’ve always looked on them as my own.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Phil Pyke
Speech Date: Aug2005
Good afternoon everyone.

I've been told to stand up, speak up and shut up.

Well, I am standing up, I hope you can all hear me at the back, and this won't take very long.

I'd like to welcome you all here this afternoon, especially Betty and her family from Eastbourne, Queen and her family from Hertfordshire, and Alan and Sue from Essex. I know a lot of you have come a long way to be here today, but I'm sure you think it is all worth it. In fact, we've all come along way to be here today – these are the only two who live here.

Let's not forget those we would have liked to have been here today, but are no longer with us. Ernie, Martin's dad, Chas, Vi and Ron, Amanda's grand parents, and also my mum Lucy, who is not well enough to be with us here today.

I've said this before and I think its worth saying again, that I actually got to choose my daughters, Amanda and Gemma, and I think I did a pretty good job too. Unfortunately I didn't get to choose my son-in-law. But keeping up the family tradition, Amanda made a very good choice herself. And Lesley and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Martin into our family. We couldn't have chosen better ourselves. In fact, Martin asked me personally if he could have Amanda's hand in marriage. He didn't mention the arm and a leg it's costing as well.

I know that before Amanda met Martin she had been advertising on the internet for a husband. Her advert said, “Husband wanted” and she had 97 replies, all from women saying “Here, you can have mine”.

It's traditional at a wedding for the bride's father to give the newly married couple some advice, and this wedding is no different. My advice to you both is this. You pass this way but once. Live your life the way you want to live it, not the way others want you to live it, or the way you think others want you to live it.

Until today I didn't realise how easy it was to organise a wedding. You've seen all the arrangements here today and I've hardly had to do anything. It just happened. Seriously though, I'd like to thank Amanda, Martin and Lesley for the tremendous amount of effort they have put in to get us all here today. I think they should be congratulated for what they have done. Thank you.

I'd like now to propose a toast to the bride and groom, so if everybody would be upstanding and raise their glasses please.

It is now my very great privilege to propose a toast to our daughter and new son-in law: Amanda and Martin!