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Speech by Philip Atkinson

Dear sirs-Here is the speech I made at my daughter's wedding 20/08/04. Like many others I found the example speeches on your website of enourmous help when preparing my speech, an event that I was dreading.MANY THANKS.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Philip Atkinson
Speech Date: Aug2004
Good Afternoon everyone. Firstly I would like to apologise for myself,if I stutter or mumble or even trip over my tongue, because speechmaking is not something I would normally look forward to,but today is a Happy exception.

For those of you who still don't know who I am, I have the proud distinction of being Vicki's father. It only seems like yesterday that I was watching Vicki being born, and here I am giving the Father of the Bride speech. And what a beautiful bride she is.

We are pleased to welcome you all here today.Lynda and I are delighted to share this day with so many friends and relations from both families. When I gave this speech some thought I realised the part you all play in Vicki and louis's lives.They could have had more guests, they could have had less but they wanted a few select people………..unfortunately they couldn't come so we had to settle for you lot!!

Seriously though, for those of you who don't know Vicki very well I can tell you that she is well and truly a daughter to be proud of. Yes I know Dad's are biased, Yes, I know she could never do anything wrong in my eyes, and, she does have a mind of her own, as I dare say Louis has discovered by now!

Vicki has always brought brightness into our lives and I am sure this will continue into Louis's. They together have provided us with our 2nd Grandchild of which I know they can be just as proud of as we are of LOUI.

During the time we have known Louis, we have come to realise how special he is to Vicki and we are happy to welcome him formally into our family.

As a Dad today is so vitally important especially as Vicki is now officially married, many of you know that we have 2 children, Vicki and Mark, “ 2 beautiful grandchildren Isabella and Loui – and we love each of them with the same love. All 4 uniquely different, all 4 with their own personalities and individual ways. And yet, all 4 highly treasured,loved and respected by Lynda and myself.

Louis will probably pay tribute to others, but there is one very special person here that I would like to pay specific honour to, one without whom this whole ceremony would not have been possible.Since the announcement of Vicki and Louis's wedding, day after day, night after night, one person and one person alone has laboured continuously, fretting at times, to make sure that this whole show got on the road.Like a conductor with an orchestra she has fine-tuned the arrangements so that today could be a success.I pay tribute to this person whom I,Vicki, Mark, Isabella and Loui love and adore.At this point I would like you all to join me in a toast to a wonderful wife, mother and nanny – Lynda!!

Now I haven't quite finished because I am going to ask you to toast the Bride and Groom.

Which reminds me of the wedding I once went to where 2 of the guests were a Minister and a Priest. When the priest was offered a drink for the toast he said,”I'll have a large whiskey please!” When the Minister was offered the same, he said “ No thanks I'd sooner go with a scarlet woman than touch the Demon alcohol!” The priest promptly put his whiskey back on the tray and said, “ I didn't know there was a choice!!”

Now I don't want to offend anybody, so if there is a Priest or Minister present, I apologise – and if there's a scarlet woman here, I'll meet you in the bar in 10 minutes!!!!

Thank you all for your patience listening to my ramblings – now all that remains is for me to ask you all to join me in a special toast to my beautiful daughter – The Bride and her handsome Husband – The Groom. So if everyone will please be upstanding raise their glasses please!