Speech by Preston
On arrival several of Louise's friends (whom we had known since childhood) told me they were looking forward to my speech. Thankfully it was well received, with the addition of some extra-curricular remarks from conversations over dinner the night before; these added topical colour and humour.
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Preston
Speech Date: 12/06/2017 16:38:30
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen
I would like to welcome you all, and to thank you for coming to this very special occasion to celebrate the marriage of our daughter Louise to Richard.
We would like to thank everyone who has helped in the days and weeks leading up to the wedding – in all ways – things large and small – everyone has played their part in making today special for Louise and Richard.
Time flies so quickly, it seems only a few years since Louise was born, and yet here I am, today, giving a toast at her wedding – and in such an interesting and different venue chosen specially by the couple.
It seems only yesterday that we watched Louise and her sister Victoria, as little girls, in a paddle boat on the lake just a hundred yards away.
We remember Victoria standing up wanting to get out because the boat was rocking and Louise, practical as always, telling her to sit down. We both remember Louise calling out “Mum, she won't sit down!” and “Tell her, dad!”.
Louise is a wonderful daughter; she is a very caring person and has given us much joy and happiness over the years – University educated, adventurous, inquisitive, practical, first a Girl Guide and now a Guide Leader.
She loved to travel internationally with a group, and memorably four months’ around the world – solo – in her early 20s. She has become a perfect young woman whom we are proud to call our daughter, and I know Richard is now proud to call his wife.
Every father knows that one day his daughter will find a partner, leave home and get married. Every father also wishes his daughter the very best from life and hopes she will find “the right man” – a man who will make her happy, cherish her, and look after her. As the next step towards this life together they have very recently bought a house together, and they plan to turn it into their beautiful family home.
During the time we have known Richard – over ten years now, we have come to realise how special he is to Louise, and what a kind, caring, pleasant and genuine person he is. What a great son-in-law he will be. We believe Louise has met a wonderful man to call her husband.
Just one piece of advice Louise – when cricket is on the TV – just leave Richard to watch it undisturbed – apart from bringing food and beer at regular intervals. Especially beer…
It's not all one-sided though. Years ago I was enjoying a Sunday afternoon gin & tonic. Louise must have been around 18 or 20 months old. I had left my G&T beside the sofa, I was distracted, looked for my glass to have another sip and – yes, you've guessed it – empty. Louise thought it was lemonade and downed it in one. Shades of things to come…
Many of you here today know that Louise had a very special and loving relationship with her late grandma Mary, Jennifer's mum, who died 20 years ago. Mary would have been so sparklingly happy to see Louise get married today.
And in the same vein I think Richard's late mother Margaret would have been proud to welcome Louise as her daughter-in-law.
Brian, your son Richard is a credit to you. He is so happy with Louise and they make a great couple.
I cannot say enough that we are very delighted parents today; seeing our daughter looking happy and radiant is reward in itself.
Louise and Richard – I know you will have a great life together and be very happy. You are among friends and family today who care for you, and love you very much – we wish you much happiness in this life. Jennifer and I will always be there for you if we can ever help.
I would like to propose a toast to the happy couple, Louise and Richard; I know you will join me in wishing them a long, happy and healthy future together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and toast the new Bride and Groom, Mr & Mrs H.