Speech by Rick Pearson
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Rick Pearson
Speech Date: 09/07/2014 20:26:14
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Rick, Nicola's step-dad and I have the pleasure of making the first speech and being the warm up act for Andy.
I've got to admit, I'm a bit nervous today. Not because I'm making a speech, but because I've been married for 15 years and I'm not used to speaking for longer than 30 seconds without being interrupted, so please bear with me.
Firstly on behalf of Marlene and myself, and also Andy's parents Pam and Steve, I would like to welcome you all and thank you for coming to celebrate Nicola and Andy's big day.
I'd also like to thank everyone who's helped out on the lead up to the wedding in whatever way, big or small, you've all played your part to make the day possible.
But can everybody please be extra careful with the table decorations, as Andy is taking them back to Poundland on Monday for a refund.
Now it's traditional at this point, for me to share some stories about the bride, but don't worry Nicola, I've promised that I won't embarrass you in my speech and I'll keep that promise. Your Mum and I will just go from table to table later and tell as many embarrassing stories as we can remember.
What I would like to share is how proud I felt giving you away today. You looked beautiful in your dress… as Joseph said “my Mum looks like a Princess” and even though I'm always telling Joseph that big boys don't cry, they do at their daughter's wedding. Unfortunately I couldn't just pretend that it's my hayfever playing up like I normally do.
When I met your mum nearly16 years ago, and you were still a teenager, I could only have dreamt that I would have the honour of giving you away. You were a lovely lassie (and still are) and I knew from the start that I would get on with you, but over the years you've progressed from calling me Rick, to Daddy Rick and then Dad, the bond that we have has become stronger and I'm very proud to call you my daughter. And there is still nobody that can wind me round their little finger like you can.
For me the key to being a Dad (or a Mum for that matter) is giving unconditional love, advice and support, encouraging you in everything you do, believing in you when nobody else does and most importantly being there for you whenever you need me and never letting you down. That's what my Dad did for me and it's what I'll always do for you.
Nicola, everyone who knows you will agree that you're kind, caring, bubbly, fun loving and a brilliant mum to Hollie & Joseph, and so today seems the perfect occasion in front of family and friends for your Mum and I to say how much we love you, that we are very proud of you and we couldn't wish for a better daughter.
And now we come to Andy. Don't look so worried Andy…I'll be gentle with you. If I could start by thanking Gary, for babysitting Andy since yesterday. Most parents of the bride would be worried that the groom would turn up drunk, but with Andy we were worried he might go fishing instead of getting married.
As you all know, Andy is a very keen fisherman, in fact Nicola's always telling Marlene how keen Andy is to get his tackle out.
On a more serious note, it's normal at this point to welcome the new son-in law to the family but Marlene and I have always treated Andy as part of the family.
It's no secret that we've never really cared for any of Nicola's previous boyfriends, but Andy, we liked you from the moment that we first met you. It was obvious that you adored Nicola and to be honest we were a bit relieved that she had finally met somebody normal.
Over the years our first instincts have been proved correct and we look on you more as a son than a son-in-law, so remember that if you ever need our help or support we're always there for you as well as Nicola. Everyone can see how much you love Nicola, Hollie and Joseph, you work hard to provide for your family and you're a great dad. You also have a cracking sense of humour and even though you might be embarrassed to show it, you have a caring and sensitive side too.
I know that for you meeting Nicola made your life more complete, Joseph and Hollie added to that and saying your vows today will hopefully be the final part of the jigsaw.
There is only one thing that disappointed me today, as smart as you looked in your tails Andy, I had hoped that you might be wearing a kilt. But since Nicola will be wearing the trousers from tomorrow, I can understand why you wanted to wear some today.
Now I know Nicola will mould you into the perfect husband, but I'm sure you're a modern man and like the idea of equality as much as I do. So, remember that doing some housework won't kill you….but why take the chance?
Just like the lyrics in the Pink song that you chose for the ceremony, true love isn't about looking at life through rose tinted glasses and being perfect. It's about accepting that we all have faults and loving someone for who they are, not who you want them to be. So, always be positive and remember that you fell in love with each other because of the things you liked, not the things you disliked.
Neither of you will ever be perfect, but you can be a perfect match for each other. A successful marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, but finding a person that you can't live without and I know that you've found that with each other.
Now, I'm no expert on marriage but I would like to share one bit of advice with you. If you've fallen out, never go to bed angry. Be like your Mum and I …and stay up and fight all night.
And whilst you have each other, don't forget that you'll always have the support of your family and friends. You don't get rid of us that easily.
Well, you've suffered me for long enough so I'll sit down and let Andy have a go, as I can see that he's like a coiled spring ready for action, but before I do that, I would like to propose a toast…
Here's to the past, for all that you've learned.
Here's to the present, for all that you share.
Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to together.
Can you all please stand, raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the Bride & Groom.