Speech by Robert Bonham
I took inspiration from several of the speeches on here and then altered them slightly so that they had a more personal feel. I am very nervous about speaking in public but am pleased to say I overcame my nerves on this occassion. I am also pleased to say that my speech was warmly received and was widely complimented. Good luck, I hope your speech is as well receved asmine was.
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Robert Bonham
Speech Date: 09/10/2014 06:57:02
Good afternoon everyone, for those who don't know me I am Robert, Vic's father and it falls on me to make the opening speech. Just think of me as the warm up act for Stuart and Simon.
It was Sir Winston Churchill who said: There are two things more difficult than making a speech:
Kissing a girl who is leaning away from you, ……and climbing a wall which is leaning toward you! .… At the moment I feel as if I'm trying to do both at the same time!
I would like to start by extending a warm welcome on behalf of myself, Vic's mother Lesley and Stu's parents Simon and Sarah to all the relatives and friends who have joined us to celebrate Stu and Vic's wedding.
I am pleased to see so many Family and Friends here, I know that many of you have travelled long distances to be here with us today. Thank you all for coming to help celebrate this very special occasion.
I hope that you all have a wonderful afternoon and evening.
Wonderful occasions such as these don't just happen, so it would be remiss of me not to thank everyone involved with making today possible. The Bridesmaids for looking after Vic. I'm sure you'll all agree that she looks stunning!
Simon, the Best Man for presenting a smart and sober groom and everyone else who has made this day possible for the happy couple.
Unfortunately, it's not possible for everyone we love to be here with us today.
In particular, My parents Tony and Edna and my Grandson, Anthony-King, who lost his all too brief struggle for life earlier this year.
We know they're here with us in spirit & they're not only in our thoughts today, but more importantly they're with us in our hearts.
So, with them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, & join me in a toast :
To loved ones who can't be here in person.
Lesley and I are very proud of Vic and pleased to see her looking so radiant and happy today.
Over the years we've had the privilege of watching Vic blossom from a gorgeous baby daughter into the beautiful woman we see before us today.
Vic is a wonderful daughter; she has provided us with so much joy and happiness over the years. We have always been proud of her, and in everything she does.
During the time we have known Stu we have come to realise how special he is to Vic and what a great Husband and son-in-law he will be.
He has his faults, but then don't we all. For a start he supports Arsenal and he has been known to mistake my bedroom for the bathroom when he's been a little merry on a Saturday night, but he makes Vic happy and that's the most important thing.
I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Stu to our family.
Now Vic, this is the time that every bride fears…what is he going to talk about…is he going to tell them about the time when…?!
Stop worrying, I won't embarrass you too much.
I remember how much you always hated getting up for school. There was this one morning I'd tried to wake you so many times. I'd even resorted to using a wet flannel but even that didn't work. Eventually my patience ran out and I grabbed your ankle and pulled so hard that you ended up on the floor! You were not amused!
You're all grown up now and get yourself up, but I still phone you every morning, just to make sure. Same as you phone me every evening to say Goodnight.
When you and I shared our little glance at one another as we waited to start our walk down the aisle, that will be a moment I will remember and cherish for always.
It is customary on these occasions to offer the happy couple some worldly advice on marriage.
Keep things fresh and give each other surprises. Try not to take each other for granted and don't dwell on the negatives. Remember that you chose each other because of the things you liked, not the things you didn't.
Success in marriage is not about finding a person that you can live with… It's about finding the person that you can't live without…
To Vic – when you want something from Stu, ask for it – don't forget he's a man and hints don't work.
To Stu – if Vic asks you to do something she is actually TELLING you to do it and straight away.
My greatest wish for the two of you is that your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now; you'll look back on today not as the time that you loved each other the most but as the time you loved each other the least.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a beautiful bride, we have a handsome groom.
Please be upstanding and join me in a toast to the new Mr and Mrs Howells, Stu and Vic!