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Speech by Robert Mitchell

Dear Hitched, I attach a copy of my speech presented at the wedding of my daughter Shonagh to Ryan, on 16 June 2001. I would be happy for it to be used as an example. Regards Robert Mitchell

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Robert Mitchell
Speech Date: Jun 2001
Ladies and Gentlemen

As father of the bride, it is my privilege to make the first speech and I would like to start by saying what a real pleasure it is to welcome, on this very happy occasion, Sheena and Malcolm, Ryan's parents, together with relatives and friends of both families.

Today, we, on the top table, are surrounded by most of the friends and family who have been important to us during our lives. Some have travelled hundreds of miles, just to be here today. On behalf of Shonagh and Ryan, Sheena and Malcolm, Lorna and Andre’, Janet and I – we welcome you all and thank you sincerely for your friendship and support over many years – and for sharing this special day with us. By your presence, you show friendship and love, and bring even greater joy to us all.

We are very proud today to see Shonagh, looking so beautiful, and now married to Ryan. During the time we have known him, we have come to realise how special Ryan is to Shonagh, and anyone can see that they are made for each other. He is really likeable and easy going, and we are very happy to welcome him formally into the family, and as a member of the Mitchell clan. What we find gratifying is that Ryan's parents feel the same about Shonagh. They have taken her into their hearts, and I believe that she is a real favourite with Sheena and Malcolm.

I am really fortunate that the first of my lovely daughters has made a match with her Mr. Right, and indeed, in doing so, has brought more welcome people into our family. Of course, marriage is not only about finding the perfect partner, but also about being one. Shonagh has made such a success of her life and career so far, that I am sure that her future partnership with Ryan will be even more successful. I would like to say how proud I am of Shonagh and what a wonderful daughter she is, in fact both my daughters have made me very glad to be their father.

Handing Shonagh over to Ryan, reminds me of what has been said of marriage.
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it was, and always will be, yours.
If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with.
And, if all it does is… just sit in your house, mess up your stuff, spend your money, eat your food, use the telephone all night, and monopolise your Television.… You either married it, or gave birth to it!

Marriage is a funny thing. Did you know they carried out a survey recently to establish whether married men live longer than bachelors? Apparently, there's absolutely no difference: it just seems longer when you're married!

Seriously though, as someone with some experience of marriage, I would like to warn this beginner here about what he'll be up against. I didn't think it wise to say anything before he'd gone through with the wedding, in case he changed his mind.

There's something you'll have to learn to live with Ryan, because no man has yet found a remedy for it; and that is, the female mind!

The following can sum it up:
A woman bought her husband two ties for his birthday, a red one and a blue one. He was undecided which one to wear at the party that evening, but appeared in the red one.

As soon as his wife saw him, she said, “Oh! You're wearing the red tie. Don't you like the blue one?”

Remember Ryan, the key to a long and happy marriage is these three little words, “I was wrong!”

There's no way you can win. However, forewarned is forearmed.

By the way, how many of you remember, say 1969? Here are a few things that happened that year:

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon, even though there is a conspiracy theory that it never happened but was all filmed in Hollywood!

The 50 pence coin was first introduced

The first test-tube fertilisation of human eggs, now they are cloning them!

Pele scored his 1000th goal. Remember him?
Monty Python's Flying Circus was first broadcast. Now there was an important event.

I think there was something else that happened in 1969… Ah, I know, Shonagh first brightened the world with her presence!

To be serious for a moment, this has been a wonderful wedding day, one that will be remembered for a very long time, and it's not over yet!

Now it is my pleasant duty to propose a toast to the happy couple.…
Here's to the past, for all that you've learned.
Here's to the present, for all that you share.
Here's to the future for all that you look forward to.… TOGETHER.

Ladies & Gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to the Bride & Groom.