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Speech by Robert Willis

Please find attached my wedding speech, the foundation of which came from your site Many thanks

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Robert Willis
Speech Date: Jul2007
Good Afternoon to you one and all, I would like to begin with an apology as I may I stutter, mumble or even trip over my tongue, because speechmaking is not something I would readily look forward to.

But today as Father of this beautiful bride it is my
privilege to welcome you all .
Particularly Chris &amp Ester and to friends and
relations from both families.

As family and friends, all of you have in some way played an important part in the lives of those of us at this table.

And the events of today mean that there is now an invisible thread that links us all.

Some of you have travelled long distances to be here and on behalf of us all, I would like to thank you for sharing this special day.

Someone once said that standing up and giving a speech at a wedding is somewhat like an Arab Potentate going in to a Harem, you know what your there for, but don't know where to start.

However it is with a feeling of deja vue that I stand here before you, because some 36 years ago Gill and I were married in Haughton Green and our wedding reception was held in this very place, and a number of the guests then, are here today, looking not a day older. However Gill does remind me that I do have an appointment at Spec savers next week.


Gill and I are very proud of Amanda, and seeing her looking even more beautiful today and finally married to Nev.,

On more than one occasion today I have had to struggle not to shed a tear, I know you will agree with me that Amanda looks stunning.

But if I may take you back to St Georges day 32yrs ago, when she was born we were taken to one side by the doctor and informed that our beautiful baby daughter had a number of health issues, clicking hips, a short neck, ankles that turned in and severe jaundice. No evidence of that today.

The cure for jaundice in those days was to put the infant in sunlight this goes some way to explaining why she still worships the sun to this day.

The name “Amanda” in the lexicon of names means “worthy of love” and a daughter could not have been more worthy.

We have always been proud of Amanda and of her achievements, her determination, strong work ethic and generosity of spirit.

As a young girl she was always raising money for worthy causes, sales of rose petal perfume in lemonade bottles, old toys and anything that wasn't nailed down would be sold for the Special care baby unit in Stockport, the Ethiopian famine Appeal and any other worthy cause that caught her imagination. The good people of Boundary Close could not reach their front doors without putting their hands in their pockets.

As she grew older she has never failed at anything that was important to her, that's why Nev you were a marked man from the start.

Her greatest achievement however, is our grandson Reece, who is a joy to us all. I do believe Nev had something to do with that, so she can't take all the credit.

She is a daughter to be proud of, and a wonderful mother.


I have quite rightly extolled the virtues of Amanda, but the picture wouldn't be complete without mention of one of the many tales that kept us on our toes as parents.

A tale I like to call the Tale of the Welsh Wizard

You see one year we went on Holiday to Pontins in Brixham and took Amanda, Kris and her friend Heidi. Amanda &amp Heidi were at that age when they were all legs, big hair and crooked teeth, not a pretty site! But she and Heidi would go off in the camp and amuse themselves it was during such wonderings that they met two young boys from the Welsh valleys. Barely out of short trousers they were at Pontins for a summer job, their eyes met over a double cheeseburger with extra onions and that was that. To all intent and purposes the holiday passed without incident.
Now I don't know what Amanda had said to Simon from the valleys, whether it was tales of her life in the North with indoor toilets, electricity, running water and central heating, but some weeks later, early evening came a knock at the door.

Hello is Amanda in, she said I could come and stay if I was passing!
Amanda was upstairs at the time on hearing the Welsh lilt she hid under the bed.

I don't know who was the more stupid, him for travelling 300 miles or me for letting him in.

We had a Welsh lodger, no that's wrong lodger infers some kind of payment, Amanda was mortified and flattered in equal measure, that he had made the journey we were just mortified that he was making himself at home.

But he regaled us with tales of his and his mother's troubled life in south Wales no work, large family, no money, we shed a tear most nights.
Eventually following a week of Amanda's increasingly cold shoulder, believe me that can be cold and also I believe the dawning realisation that this particular corner of the North West was not paved with gold, I do believe the clues were there if he'd looked. Pontins / self catering it wouldn't have taken a genius, he made his way back to the valleys, he did however continue to ring, but as I was the only one who would speak to him it, it came to nought.

Why did we call him the Welsh wizard well, Amanda to this day she still says she didn't give him our address, so we could only assume that he was a blinking magician.

now I know it's the best mans job to speak about the groom but a few words about him will not go amiss

Amanda &amp Nev have been together for 10 yrs and it is obvious for all to see how important Nev is in Amanda life. He has a number of sterling qualities, but he has one, one which is above all others is very rare indeed, he's the only person I know who can make Amanda laugh when she has a cob on,very black mood I have never been able to do that in all the years she lived at home.

For those who don't know, he works for the Department of Work &amp Pensions, ensuring the needy get the benefits they are due, so for those who wish please form an orderly queue. behind me I am sure that know he's family, something can be arranged.

Nev also has a number of interests that I too have held dear, the Union movement, football specifically Man United, 60’s/ 70s music and now he's into garden design.

That makes him more like me than I care to admit, for me that's scary, but it must depress the hell out of you Nev.

You make Amanda happy Nev and that's worth its weight in Gold.
All that remains for me to say Nev is to welcome you officially to the family.

I am told I should offer advice on a successful marriage, I have learnt many things in 36 yrs of marriage but patience, tolerance, stamina and forgiveness, are all part of the formula.

but the following three short sentences can do no harm

They are: –

Amanda &amp Nev
Here's to the past for all that it taught you
Here's to the present for all that you share
Here's to the future for all that you can look forward to together.

Ladies and gentlemen
Thank you for your indulgence and for listening to my ramblings, all that remains is for me to ask you to charge your glasses and be upstanding, to join me in a special toast for the future Health &amp Happiness of Amanda &amp Nev The Bride and Groom