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Speech by Roger Fireson

When composing the speech I used Microsoft SkyDrive which was useful that I could access my speech lines at any location to amend or add any brain storms I had in my mind so it was not forgotton. Much to my surprise on the day the speech had loads of positive feedback so at least the audience was not bored.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Roger Fireson
Speech Date: 01/08/2011 16:03:46

Good afternoon everyone.

As the father of the bride I have the pleasure of making the first speech and paving the way for the star speakers, the groom and best man. I'm sure they are itching to get up!

I was told sometime ago by a work colleague that the ABC and XYZ of public speaking is – ABC – Always be confident – XYZ – Examine your zip.

LADIES and GENTLEMEN, for those of you who do not know me, I'm Roger. Michelle`s dad.

On behalf of my wife Cheryl and myself, I would like to say what a pleasure it is to welcome Neil and Lorraine, Tom`s parents, together with relatives and friends of both families.

I thank you all for coming to this very special occasion to celebrate the marriage of our youngest daughter Michelle to Tom.

Most of you have  played some part, however small in the lives of Michelle and Tom and I know that your presence here is important them.

I'm sure you'll all agree with me that Michelle looks absolutely stunning on this, her special day. I am sure you would also agree that the bridemaids and flower girls also look beautiful and have done a fabulous job.

Myself , the groom and best man have voted and they have three yes`s and they are all through to the next round.

A wedding is a time for joy and fun, with friends and family gathered to see the happy couple off as they start their new life.

But it is a time, too, when our thoughts inevitably turn to those people who cannot be with us today. So let's raise a glass to Michelle`s grandfather, Eric, who we remember with love and pride.

Eric is with us in spirit, and he would have been very proud of the way the happy couple have turned out on this, their special day.

LADIES and GENTLEMEN I would like to make the first toast of the day. The toast is Absent Friends!


You are the daughter every parent dreams of having, beautiful, Intelligent and Hard Working.

You came into this world on April 12th 1983.

I remember this well. Two days previously we had just moved into our house and with the trauma that goes along with that, Cheryl went into labour on the Monday afternoon.

We went off to the Hospital and during the night I was sent home by a nurse as their opinion was I needed some sleep and the baby was not going to make an entrance until the next day.

I remember very early in the morning someone bashing the front door down and I opened it up to find a policeman who reported that I was wanted urgently back at the hospital. When I arrived I was just in time to see a beautiful baby arriving into the world.

Shortly after you were born the midwife said to me, she looks just like you Mr Fireson but then realizing her mistake, she turned Michelle the right way up.

Michelle has been a wonderful daughter to Cheryl and I, and we thank her for 28 unbroken years of joy.

She has brightened up our lives for 28 years…She never turned the lights off at home.

Michelle is the kind of child any father would be proud of. She has never once disappointed us and throughout her school years she never failed to surprise us.

She attended Boswells School where she gained the necessary qualifications to go on to University and gain a 1st with honour`s Degree In Law.

Michelle is beautiful…kind… intelligent…compassionate… popular… fun to be around, and is well liked and respected by anyone who meets her…

Michelle has been very choosey when it came to men. she has taken her time to find the love of her life , and its no small feat that Tom has achieved in winning her love

How did it all start,

Well we were all on holiday back in 2005? in Venice and we were all having a meal just near the Rialto bridge.

As I remember Tom pulled a ring out of his pocket with a flashy stone in it, and to our surprise he went down on his knee and started to propose to Michelle.

I was tempted to roll him into the Grand Canal but I thought better of it and so began the loss of a daughter.

When your daughter gets married and leaves home they say… to make you feel better “think of it as not losing a daughter, but gaining a son” in my case I also gained a telephone….bathroom….and razors that stay sharp.

I asked Michelle what she was looking for in marriage, she replied Love, Happiness and Companionship. Later I asked Tom the same question, after a little hesitation he said he would like a Gym membership.

Michelle is a lovely girl and deserves a good husband.

Tom, you are very lucky that she's married you, before she could find one !


I heard that prior to you meeting Michelle you sent your Photograph to the Lonely Hearts Club , but they sent it back saying..We are not that lonely !

During the time we have known Tom, we have both come to realize how special he is .And anyone can see that they are made for each other.

He is likeable and easy going and we are very happy to welcome him as our new son-in-law.

At this point I would like to formally welcome Tom into the family, even though you have been part of it for a while now.

I think you have been with Michelle long enough now, to know what you are letting yourself in for.

So to be honest I have no sympathy for you!

Marriage in this day and age is far from easy.You will need to grow together in mutual trust and understanding, whilst not forgetting what first brought you together.

In other words

May your love be modern enough to survive the times, yet old fashioned enough to last forever.

Michelle and Tom

There is no challenge in a marriage that cannot be overcome by the following three word sentences.

I was wrong

You were right

I love you.

Always remember these two invaluable words……” yes, Dear

Michelle, I'd like to offer this to you:

If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it was and always will be yours.

If it never comes back, it never was.

If it does and it just sits in your house, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money and takes control of the TV, you are truly married.

Remember Tom that a man is not complete until he finds a wife – then he's finished. 

All it remains for me to say is to ask everyone to have a great evening and would you all please stand and join me in a toast to the bride and groom.

Mr Thomas and Mrs Michelle Cochrane

I wish you fun and excitement for today….

hopes and dreams for tomorrow….

and love and happiness forever.

To the health and happiness of our

Bride & Groom

Michelle and Tom