Speech by Roger
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Roger
Speech Date: 21/05/2017 08:54:19
Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Roger and I am the bride's father. On behalf of the bride and groom I would like to welcome you all to celebrate this very special occasion in such a special location.
On such occasions it is customary to extend a special thanks to those who have travelled a long distance so unless we've discovered any long lost relatives or have picked up any locals along the way that means you all.
I would also thank the bridesmaids for the wonderful job they've done. From ensuring that Jess was here to walk down the aisle, to ushering and looking after the guests you have all done a wonderful job. Your job is nearly done – you just have one more task … to make sure that the Bride can remain sober enough to survive the first dance! Ladies and gentlemen please raise a toast to the Bridesmaids!
I would also like to say a very special thank you to 2 very special helpers which I'm sure you'll agree did a fantastic job. It is of course our flower girl and page boy Lily and Kyren. So, here's to Lilly and Kyren! CHEERS!
I can't quite actually believe this day has come around so quickly. When you were born I felt it such an honour to cut your umbilical cord and free you into this world and I feel equally honoured and blessed to walk you down the aisle and give you away.
Jessica, what can I say about your childhood?
I have so very few photos and videos of you growing up but that was probably because I was mainly next to you doing the activity with you rather than watch you from behind the lens of a camera.
The only time I watched you from behind was when we decided to go on a long bike ride and you just turned and rode into the canal. And she criticizes my driving!!!
But I guess that does about sums up what being a parent is; we watch from behind and dive in and rescue you when you fall over and then send you on your way again.
I will always treasure those wonderful memories especially our road trip to St Ives and just hanging around and just dancing or reading to you or watching videos with you.
Your best quality is your infectious smile and laughter. It's very magical to watch and that is why I used to try so hard to surprise you and make you laugh. Although I won't be filling up the hoover with flour and put it on in reverse to simulate the smoke and dry ice from the Michael Jackson concerts we watched.
Perhaps the only one time I succeeded in surprising you by taking you to Disneyland Paris and how you laughed when Goofy ran into me and knocked us both over
As any Dad does we are always cautious and overprotective when our daughter starts to date. So when you once again surprised me by announcing you met a guy you met via a text message which I had never met and he was going to move in with you in my flat I nearly had a heart attack. That guy turned out not to the axe murderer I conjured up but you Alex.
Over the years that I've got to know you, you've demonstrated a calm resolve that counteracts Jessica's fire. Goodness knows you have stepped in and saved my bacon from her claws on more than one occasion.
She listens to you and both of you have such a deep understanding of one another. You have also become more of a son to me way before this day. Just as I am deeply honoured and blessed to watch my daughter grow into the beautiful confident and strong woman she has now become, I couldn't be happier that she has found the man she has chosen to spend her life with and would be would be proud to call you my son in law and welcome you into the family. I know my daughter is in good hands and you'll take care of her always.
At this point I am required to give the happy couple some advice on a successful marriage.
Well Jessica you've beaten me to it and gone down the aisle before me, so, perhaps I should be asking you for advice rather than giving it.
However, I will share this. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times always with the same person
Love isn't perfect. It isn't the fairytale and it always doesn't come easy.
Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go.
It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define and impossible to live without.
Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute and every second of it was worth it because you did it together.
Always make time for one another to regularly connect and remind yourselves that when you find things get difficult, and housework, the mortgage, kids, the job and money all becomes more important, remember, before all that there was just 2 people. Jess and Alex and without them none of those other things matter.
And Alex, When you're wrong Admit it and when you're right – Shut Up!
All that remains for me to say is that I wish you long, successful and loving marriage as you continue your journey from this day forward as husband and wife.
Ladies and Gentlemen please be upstanding and raise your glasses to the Happy Couple Alex and Jess!