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Speech by Scott Williamson

Hi there, Just wanted to submit the speech I used yesterday at my sisters wedding. Your site was a great help, both in helping give me a structure and giving ideas and quotes. The speech went down really well, the best I''ve even done and everyone was talking about it, thank you very much!

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Scott Williamson
Speech Date: Jul2007
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to Maryculter. As I sincerely hope you have noticed, I'm not Natasha's father, I'm her brother and you'll be pleased to know I'm the quiet one of the two, so I'll keep this speech short. After all, I'm just the warm up to the main event, the Best Man's speech. And in no way, should he feel that I've added any pressure at all.

First of all, on behalf of my mother and I, I would like to welcome Stuarts parents, who I'm sure are as proud of Stuart today as I am of my sister. Although maybe we should wait until after the best mans speech to see if they still feel that way. I'd also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have travelled a long way to make this occasion so special. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Stuart into the family, its great to have a new brother-in-law and I can't think of anyone I'd rather welcome to the family today.

As you can imagine, I've met Stuart quite a few times over the years and he's always stuck me be a nice quiet chap, which is just as well because Tasha comes from a well accomplished family of talkers and if he wasn't quiet before the wedding he should certainly plan on being quiet from now on.

Those of you that know Natasha well, will know that she has always been a warm, genuine, loving, caring, kind person, no doubt which is why she does the job she does now, because she cares so much for other people. Although I am biased, I can honestly say she is a wonderful person who thoroughly deserves a good man to be her husband. All I can say Stuart, is that I think its great that you married her before she found one.

Seriously, Stuart could not have picked a better person to be his wife, so as long as he does as he's told from now on he'll be fine. As a small welcome to the family I decided to get Stuart a small gift, which I think will come in useful through the years ahead. [Give gift, wait for him to open it for audience to see]

I wondered if I should attempt to give Stuart and Tasha some advice on marriage, but only being married for four years myself, I'm not sure I'm in a position to give any great insights to marriage. However, when I was thinking about this speech and doing a little research I did find a few quotes about marriage that I though were worth sharing


The most dangerous food a man can eat is wedding cake
Marriage is a sort of friendship recognised by the police
The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him
Never go to bed in the middle of an argument. Be a man and stay up and fight. You've lost anyway so you might as well get it over with.
A husband's last words should always be ”OK buy it”.
Women are meant to be loved, not understood&quot
Woman like silent men, they think they are listening

Finally, I have the pleasure of being the first person today to ask you all to be upstanding for a toast to &quotThe bride and groom&quot.