Speech by Sigal
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Sigal
Speech Date: 13/08/2014 21:44:33
Ladies and gentlemen, we are ______’s parents.
We would like to thank you for being here with us to make ______ and ______’s day more special.
Weddings are not only the most joyous events one can have, but it is also a significant point in life for many other people.
For the bride and groom, for the siblings and especially for the parents.
These are points in life to stop and create a check list:
ok what do we have here?:
Brilliant- yes,
beautiful – yes,
moral human being – yes yes,
successful – yes, sure
great sense of humor sure,
wonderful cook certainly,
and a good person- indeed!
Total Mark = A+ not bad you say, that's not bad at all!
– why wasn't I like that? but then immodestly you smile and say, but this is my child so I didn't do such a bad job at at all did i?.
From the southern deserts of ____ to _____ and to ____, this child always knew what she wants. She was always focused. Never afraid of any intellectual challenge, but you can easily scare her with any sportive task .
She loved books and she would journey any place in the world ,
but if you ask her to walk 1 mile in real life… well forget it.
At a certain moment in her life she decided to develop a more sportive approach.
She went to learn Taekwondo.
She use to come home after her lessons with a fighter spirit provoking ___ her father – “come on, let's see you, lets see you” It lasted a year… no more.
One day, when I entered her room I found one of Shakespeare's plays on her bookshelf.
There was one book mark on page 57 and another one on page 66. And another one and another one. “Wow”, I thought. This is awesome!! Shakespeare! I knew she loved to read, but I never realized she also liked Shakespeare and even make notes for furthure refrence with all those bookmarks.
I told her, ______ this is wonderful, you read shekspear… “No mom”, she said to me, “I only use it as my bookmark holder…”
We came to ____ with so much on our minds. We were confused and troubled, but ______ took a great responsibility over her life. Three month after coming here, she had already won a prize for a short story she wrote. Another few month passed and she won school prizes in math, physics,sciences, you name it. This she kept as a tradition. Each and every year.
Looking back at those times, we want to thank you ______, for not only taking a great responsibility over your life, but doing it in a way, every parent would be proud of.
Did we talk about books? Yes, indeed she loved books, Until ______ came along… Harry potter changed his name shortly thereafter to ______ ______.
When you think about ______ he is actually another family member. He has been with ______ for almost as long as we have lived in ______, which makes about 1/3 of ______’s years life.
We are so proud to be your new in-laws, ______.
Anyone would want ______ as his son in Iaw.
He has a huge heart, he is extremely smart, motivated and dedicated.. Everything he does , he does it seriously with intellect.
______ is like a history book. He knows dates and events you never heard of. You often ask yourself : Why google it when I can ______-it?
He is hard working man and always, always willing to help.
Toda- Thank you ______ for becoming officialy one of the ______.
When you look at them right now, you know without any cliché, they are one of the best couples you can see. The love ,support and admiration they have for one another is precious.
______ and ______, mazal tov, We love you and wish for you the best life.
Neshikot and ahavah. Love and kisses.