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Speech by Steve King

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Steve King
Speech Date: Aug2007
1. Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who don't know me I'm Steve, Angela's stepfather and on behalf of Katrina and myself I'd like to welcome you here today to celebrate the marriage of Angela and Neil.

2. Firstly I'd like to say how proud I am today and what an honour it is to be asked to make a speech on such a special day.

3. I've had some difficulty writing this speech it isn't easy to find out what the stepfather of the bride is supposed to say, so at the risk of repeating what's been said already, I'll start by saying on behalf of Angela and Neil, thank you for coming here today and helping to make this a very memorable and special occasion.

4. I'd also like to extend a special welcome to Graeme and June, and Carol and Andy and thank them for their support in helping to organise this special day.

5. Over the last 13 years I've had the privilege of watching Angela blossom from the stroppy young madam I first met, into the beautiful young woman we see before us today. I think you'll all agree she looks absolutely stunning. Today more than ever I'm particularly proud of her I couldn't love her more if she was my own daughter.

6. I'd also like to thank Cameron for not dropping the rings and say how magnificent he looks in his suit, thank you to the bridesmaids who look fantastic, and the ushers who did a sterling job. I'd also like to mention Angela's Grandmother Anna, who made the bridesmaids dresses.

7. I'd like to extend my thanks to Anthony and Vicky for all their efforts in helping to make today run smoothly, and particularly for arranging the excellent stag and hen parties. I'm sure all who went will agree they were a great success.

8. Finally, I'd like to say a big thank you to the Miskin Manor who, I think you'll all agree have done us proud today.

9. I've always enjoyed a good relationship with Angela, even through the usually troublesome teenage years she never really caused us too many problems. There were a couple of stories I was going to tell, but I've been forbidden to mention them, especially the one about her being brought home by the police for underage drinking, but I won't mention that!

10. Angela's more than just a step daughter to me she's also my ironing lady, although for some reason she doesn't charge me family rates. 㾸 for 15 items seems a bit expensive to me.

11. Angela has many admirable qualities she's very hard working, sees the best in people, she's caring, loyal and loving, and is determined not to settle for second best. She always sets out in her mind exactly what she wants to achieve, and then doesn't stop until she reaches her goal.

12. Angela's very honest and forthright. She's not afraid to front up and be open. It's an admirable virtue that leaves you knowing exactly where you stand what you see is what you get with Angela. You always know just what she thinks and as far as women are concerned, that's quite a rarity.

13. As somebody who knows Angela well, I can vouch for the fact that Neil's an extremely fortunate man she's a beautiful, loving, warm, considerate, fun person and Neil is indeed a very lucky man.

14. Katrina and I have had the privilege of watching Angela and Neil's relationship blossom, seeing them set up home together and get engaged, and we couldn't think of a better or more suitable person to look after Angela than Neil.

15. After years of practise Angela and Neil are extremely well suited to each other, both easy going… except Angela, and both respectful of their parents… except Neil. What's important and clear is that they're made for each other and love each other very much.

16. Today's meant to be an opportunity to welcome Neil into the family, but in reality he's been a big part of our family for years. He's not only a son-in-law he's also become a good friend and drinking partner. We look back with great pleasure on our trips to Euro Disney and Valencia together. It's also a great pleasure to welcome little Cameron into the family. We look forward to seeing him grow up into a fine young man.

17. On these occasions it's traditional to offer some worldly advice about marriage. Old married couples know the secrets of a successful marriage are communication and compromise, persistence and patience, tolerance and forgiveness, and failing that, a defective memory. It also helps, of course, if the husband's always prepared to take the blame, as is only right and proper.

18. What I wish most for Angela and Neil is that they be each other's best friend. You can have all the love in the world, but unless your partner's your best friend, the one who's always there for you, the one most interested in what you think and say, you'll be missing out on the best of life's greatest institution.

19. Before the toast, there's one other person I'd like to mention. Without this person none of today would've been possible. I'm referring to Angela's mother, my wife Katrina.

20. Through some difficult times Katrina's never failed to put her children first. She's worked tirelessly over the years to ensure both Brian and Angela wanted for nothing, even when it meant she went without herself. Brian and Angela have inherited Katrina's values, morals and principles and its great credit to her that we see such well rounded individuals today. Katrina's more than a mother to Brian and Angela she's also their best friend.

21. Finally all that remains is for me to ask you to join me in a toast to the bride and groom. Angela and Neil, may you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live.

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you, Angela and Neil.