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Speech by Steve Swadling

As I found your example speeches so helpful in preparing mine, I thought you may like a copy of the speech I made at my daughters wedding on 4th August 2007, which I have been told went down extremely well on the day, many thanks for your help.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Steve Swadling
Speech Date: Aug2007
Good afternoon everyone. As the father of the bride I have the pleasure of making the first speech and paving the way for the star speakers, Richard and Kevin. I'm sure they are itching to get up!

Speechmaking is not something I would normally look forward to, and this is not the first time today I have stood up from a warm seat with a bit of paper in my hand! but today is a happy exception.

I would like to start, by saying Nicolas Mum Angela and I, would sincerely like to welcome Richards parents Mike &amp Diane who we consider as friends as well as family, together with relatives and friends of both families, some of whom have traveled a long way to be here today.
When Mike &amp I first met we had quite a few ups &amp downs – up &amp down ladders that is, decorating Nicola &amp Richards house.

I would also like to say on behalf of Angela, Diane, Mike &amp myself how very proud we all are today, to see Nicola looking so beautiful, finally married to Richard.

I would like to thank the vicar for a lovely service, and the vicar's boss for keeping the weather at bay, my two grandchildren still throughout the ceremony and Vanessa from speaking out during the ceremony miracles still do happen.

Nicola has asked me not to say anything to embarrass her, so all I can tell you is she is well and truly a daughter to be proud of, yes I know Dad's are biased, and yes she could never do anything wrong in my eyes, and she does have a very strong mind of her own, which I know Richards has already found out for himself.

While preparing this speech I was getting a little sentimental and decided to get out a few old photograph albums. as I turned the pages one picture that stood out from the others was the striking photograph of my precious daughter lying on a rug, dribbling and pointing at the camera lens. What a treasure she looked as she tried to stand on her little wobbly legs… she'll never forget her 18th birthday.

After 26 years of saying Nicola Swadling , Nicola Donovan will sound a bit strange. Being keen on the roots of names I actually took the trouble to delve further into the meaning of the name Richard Donovan, what I found out made something that was worrying me very clear.

Richard goes back to biblical times and means “The Follower” and Donovan is the Roman name for “Rubbish Football Team” which now explains why he supports Arsenal.

Seriously though we are all very proud of Nicola &amp Richard on what they have already achieved together, especially giving us two beautiful grandchildren, Carla &amp Lauren.

What can I say about Richard, well when I first met Richard I found him to be a very affectionate person, whenever Nicola asked him if he wanted a drink he would reply yes please DARLING, now anyone that knows Richard will agree that he speaks in a very soft voice, so it will be no surprise that I later realized what he was actually saying was yes please CARLING.
He is also a very helpful person and we help each other, I help him with his DIY jobs around the house and he helps me take my tools back to the car afterwards.

Richard once asked me how much it costs to get married, I told him I am not sure, I have been married for 31 years and I am still paying for mine.
He also asked me if men will ever understand women, this can be summed up in one short story of the wife who bought her husband two ties for his Birthday a red one and a blue one, he couldn't decide which one to wear for his party but wore the red one, as soon as his wife saw him she said Oh! Your wearing the red tie don't you like the blue one.

Richard the best advise I can give you for a long and happy marriage is never forget those three little words “ I WAS WRONG “
Richard I am not going to say welcome to our family because you are already part of the family, and you have always been welcome, the difference is I can now refer to you as my Son in Law instead of my daughters partner.

Angela &amp I would like to thank Diane &amp Mike and all of Richards family for the welcome they have shown Nicola &amp her family.

All that remains for me to say is the first toast of the day Richard this where you start to panic as your up next, no pressure
Please be upstanding and raise your glasses to a beautiful Bride and a Handsome if not slightly nervous Groom Nicola &amp Richard the Bride &amp Groom.