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Speech by Terry Cottrell

I was very nervous but as soon as my first Joke was met with a roar of laughter my confidence soared. My speech went down brilliantly and loads of people came up to me after and told me how much they enjoyed it. The best advice I can offer is to talk really slowly, much slower than you normally would and when you pause in your speech look around the room and engage everyone in the room. I have learnt so much from reading everything on this site and felt I should give something back and if it helps just one future father of the bride in anyway I will be a very happy man.

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Terry Cottrell
Speech Date: 11/02/2014 15:40:58

Good afternoon everyone, as the father of the bride I have the honour of doing the first speech.

Ruth( My wife) asked me last week if I was feeling nervous about doing my speech but I have to admit, I've really been looking forward to it, because it's not very often that I get to talk and my wife and children have to listen to me.

I would like to start on behalf of Ruth, myself and the grooms parents Mike and Anne by welcoming you all and thanking you all for coming along today to celebrate this very special day with us.

Some of you have travelled long distances and with the wedding being on a Fridaywe know that has caused a few problems with getting time of work and school, so we really do appreciate everyones efforts getting here today.

Chris and Lisa have worked really hard to organise this wedding, they've had a few little problems along the way, in fact it was only yesterday when Chris realised he'd purchased the wrong sized shirt, but they got over them and all their efforts have proved worthwile.

From a personal viewpoint I was really happy that they chose to get married here at Coombe lodge, the first time I came here to see it I could see what a perfect setting it would make for the big day, although as Lisa recently reminded me, I have suggested running off to Gretna green a few times.

This is one of the proudest days of my life, I can't remember how many times I've thought about walking my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, and when I first saw Lisa in her weding dress today I was taken aback, not only was she absoloutely stunning………That's the first time I've seen her in a dress since she was about four.

Now the part that Lisa is probably dreading…..What's dad going to say about me.

As Lisa constantly reminds us there is a word that kept cropping up in her school reports…..Pleasure, she's a pleasure to teach, she's a pleasure to have in the classroom and a pleasure is probably the best way I can describe having Lisa as a daughter…….So I'm not going to embarrass her today by talking about the other 90% of the time.

Today is the day that we formally welcome Chris into the family even though he's felt like a big part of it for a few years now.

There was one defining moment when I knew Chris was the right man to marry my daughter………..It was the day he finished installing our new bathroom.

Chris and Lisa really are a perfect match, they both share a great sense of humour, they are very hardworking and determined characters and I'm sure whatever they want out of life they are going to achieve it.

On Sunday they fly off to Vancouver for the first leg of their honeymoon, then it's onto Seattle and finishing up in New York and I'm sure they're going to have a fantastic time.

It reminds me a bit of mine and Ruths honeymoon, 35 years ago, although a weekend in Bournemouth does'nt sound quite so appealing.

For those of you that have managed to stay awake you will be pleased to hear that my speech is now coming to an end, I only have one final task and that is wish Chris and Lisa a very long and happy marriage and ask you all to raise your glasses and toast the happy couple.

Chris and Lisa.