Speech by Tim O
Thank you to all those who have shared their speeches on this site, they gave me the ideas and inspiration to write mine.I learnt my speech and also printed each paragraph on a seperate piece of card, i was glad of these as the emotion of the occasion and my nerves got the better of me and my mind went blank on a couple of times. I put some comments in brackets and decided as i spoke to use them or not dependant on my confidence and the response of others.Have a great day it really is a very special moment!
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Tim O
Speech Date: 26/07/2015 19:34:17
Father of the Bride Speech
Good afternoon everyone I would like to begin with a very warm welcome to Jude, Del and their family. I am not an experienced speaker; I have lived with three women for over twenty years so this may be the first opportunity I've had to speak without interruption.
Some of you have made long journeys to be here, bridesmaids Olivia and Gemma you look stunning today…My brother Nic and his wife Katy all from America, and meeting Steve for the first time this week ( if you don't include stalking him on Facebook)
It's also good to see so many family and friends. Bridesmaid Harriet who I remember from playgroup, (Sasha's playgroup that is not mine). Sasha's Godmother Rita and Pete the Godfather (he is half Italian so well suited to the godfather title) and each and every one of you who are here because of the relationship you have with Sasha and Steve. Thank you all for joining us to celebrate this very special day.
There is something about a daughter getting married that touches the heart of a father. Sasha you look beautiful today and I love you as I did the night you were born. 2 weeks late followed by a four day labour…… I think today was a first for your time keeping.
So Sasha my new baby girl, as I held you up to the window in Southmead Hospital and showed you the world outside, I remember the feeling of overwhelming love I had never felt before……the light from the stars and moon appeared brighter than I had ever seen….today Sasha those feelings are as strong as they were then. Sasha was a great baby sleeping through the night and quickly settling in to her routine …..She didn't develop real attitude until she was about 2 years old
As a small girl She always wanted to help out with everything… cooking… Cleaning… and tidying…..… When she seen me struggling with this speech she offered to help me..… It's hard to find the words to express the depths of my feelings but she is the purrfect daughter…….Sasha… you've spelt perfect wrong.
I remember her first day at school, brownies, holidays and Christmas..… She is probably the most excitable person on the planet at Christmas and that hasn't changed. It doesn't seem many years ago that you shared bunk beds… bedtime stories and spice girl songs with your sister Georgie… who is proud to be your Chief bridesmaid today. You were baby and sporty spice as I remember and it was all girl power and zig a zig ah!
At Secondary school it was a weekly occurrence for the school to be evacuated as you took the opportunity to use your first lesson… cookery to make your breakfast.… I can hear your Headmaster Mr Coles telling me on your Prom evening “Sasha sets off the fire alarm every week and as everyone assembles outside she calmly walks out eating her bacon and egg sandwich.”
On your last day at school the theme was to arrive in an alternative mode of transport kids turned up in limos and convertibles, but you contacted the local Constabulary and persuaded them to deliver you in a patrol car with sirens blaring and lights flashing ..… This was not the last time you used the services of the constabulary but we will not discuss that today.
You have been successful since leaving school attending college where you qualified as a beauty therapist (that's my secret to looking good revealed) and you have worked in various salons. After a couple of years you decided it was time for a change and started working in social care and gained your NVQ qualifications while you supported a variety of young adults, with a wide range of needs. You have continued with this supporting role in your current job with the Marie Stopes charity
At home we experienced the lost years……the time when teenagers retire to their bedrooms with laptops, play stations and mobile phones and something called Facebook. Only stropping out for the occasional grunt and… what's for dinner?
Then one day… my wife Mandy's birthday celebration – Sasha stopped texting and Facebooking and said… “Can I invite Steve over”…I never asked who he was I just said yes, wondered what was going to turn up and had another drink in preparation of his arrival? Within an hour he had arrived.
He was Thrown to the lions as Mandy and her friends, (a bunch of would be cougars) gave him the once over. Comments such as smells nice, looks clean and handsome young man could be heard.… He had their approval and had passed the first test.
Shortly after this night came the manhunt. Mandy phones me, Sasha's not turned up for work! No one has seen her! She is not answering her phone! And she was last seen with that bloke Steve! Your mind works overtime and your stomach churns when your first born goes missing
I knew of the area where he lived …I put on my Sherlock hat and tracked down his house, (Sherlock would have been proud) I knocked on the door and met Jude for the first time… probably not the best first meeting with a future in law…, A conversation took place along the lines of My daughters missing and was last seen with your son, please contact him and ask him to let me know where she is. It was all resolved within the hour a mix up over Annual leave and no mobile signal were the explanation!
Steve visited us many times after this, but I knew the relationship had moved to the next level when I came home from work and went to put on my well-worn blue slippers, I noticed a lovely brown suede pair alongside still bearing their price tag, it was not my birthday, father's day or Christmas, “thanks for the slippers love” I shouted to the kitchen, The reply was stern and threatening… “They're Stevie baby's leave them alone!”
Since Valentine's Day last year when Steve went on bended knee and proposed to Sasha… she has been Full steam ahead with the wedding planning.… She has made to do list for to do lists… she's been a whirl wind of excitement taking her carrier bag of to do lists wherever she has gone…… I was pleased to see she recently upgraded the Asda carrier to a bag for life.
From when we first met Steve he has been a credit to Jude and Del he's polite well-mannered and extremely likable, he is a keen footballer and I am proud of the many medals and trophies he has been awarded. During the time we have known Steve, we have come to realise how special he is to Sasha and how happy he makes her.
Many of you know I am passionate about our caravan almost a caravan geek and I recall the day, when Sasha took me to one side and said ……..… Dad…………..… Steve makes caravans. Well after that he also had my vote.
Today Stevie baby has officially become a member of our family and Sasha a paid up member of his football club
It is custom for the father of the bride to give some words of advice on marriage: Firstly be wary of whom you take advice from .… In 1986 a very good friend of Mandy's said he's no good stay away from him .… Can you remember that Rita? 2 years later 1st October 1988 we spent our wedding night in this very hotel. Neither of you may ever be perfect, but you can be a perfect match for each other. Learn to say I was wrong, you were right, I love you, A Marriage is not about finding a person you can live with but finding a person you can't live without. A husband's last words should always be okay love buy it
Finally Sasha and Steve May your marriage be a truly happy one May you have a long and wonderful life together I have one final role to perform.… It is my greatest pleasure to propose a toast so can I ask you ladies and gentlemen to be upstanding and raise your glasses to the Bride and Groom.
The Bride and Groom.