Speech by tim russell
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: tim russell
Speech Date: 17/01/2016 13:01:51
Good afternoon everybody,
Hello everyone, for the ones that do not know me I am Tim, the granddad of the Kate, and for those that do I'm still Tim.
It is my privilege to give the first speech of the day. It took hours of searching to find a speech that had the names Stephen and Kate in it, I thought at one point I would have to get one of you to change your name to Kevin… but don't worry if you cannot hear me, as you can get the speech on the internet at granddad's speech .com. So let me extend to you all, a VERY warm welcome to Stephen & Kate's wedding celebration. If by this stage you're wondering who Stephen & Kate are…then try the reception just along the corridor and pay for the meal on the way out!
So, again, on behalf of Kate's mum Fiona, and Stephen's mum and dad Wendy and Martin, and myself, I would like to welcome and thank everyone for joining us in celebrating Stephen's and Kate's wedding day. I would like also to thank everyone involved in making this day so special. I know that Kate has put in a lot of effort and planning to make today a relaxed and enjoyable celebration, and I'm sure that you will all agree with me that it has been a brilliant day so far. (WEATHER) I believe that Stephen was also allowed to have an input to their special day. I'm very grateful that you chose a day that Burnley football team are not playing. As I have the pleasure of making the first speech, I get to be the first to officially congratulate Kate on how beautiful she looks today. And just so there's no favouritism, Stephen…You're beautiful too!
Now Kate, this is the time that every bride fears…what is he going to talk about? Is he going to tell about the time when I …..… don't worry, I won't tell of any of those times, but I'm going to say thank you for giving me this great honour today, it has really meant a lot to me.
Kat was our first grandchild, and granny and I have been blessed with 4 of them – we're lucky – and broke, and bald, I'm broke and granny's bald. Kat has grown into a beautiful woman; when she was younger she was a princess, she was a little madam, a drama queen and obviously takes after her granny. Now, she has achieved so much and I'm sure she will go on to achieve so much more. We are really proud of her.
Stephen, we are all delighted that Kat chose you to spend her life with. We welcome you officially to our family. What's ours is now yours provided there's no money involved.
I've spoken to Stephen and told him, “Today is the best day of your life so enjoy it. There won't be another day like it and you will remember it always.” That was, of course, yesterday when he was still a bachelor. I believe it is traditional to offer some words of wisdom and advice on how you two should conduct your marriage, but since you are both old enough to know what you are doing and since Kat has politely listened to every piece of advice she has been given and then, just as politely has gone on to do exactly what she wanted – that seems a bit pointless. I do, however, have some words for Stephen: Now that you are married, Katie will always have the last word in any argument – any word that you come out with afterwards is by default, the start of the next argument! There is no challenge in a marriage that cannot be overcome by the following three-word sentences. These are: I am sorry. I was wrong! You were right! I love you! Stephen the best sentence you should remember is “YES, DEAR”.
I've decided, due to the swelling and bruising now on my ankles, to cut out the other 38 minutes of this speech and proceed directly to the toast. In wishing Stephen and Kate a lovely live together, starting with a special honeymoon 7 days 14 nights in the Bali. So, could I ask you please be upstanding, and raise your glasses to..… Kat and Stephen. The bride and groom.