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Speech by Tony Griffin

Dear sirs - Unaccustomed as I am etc, here is the speech I made at my daughter's wedding last October, with thanks to your excellent website... Thanks / Regards, Tony

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Tony Griffin
Speech Date: sep 2003
Ladies, Gentlemen, Reverend –

Good afternoon, everyone – I'll try to keep this short, and bear in mind the ABC and XYZ of public speaking: Always Be Confident, and Examine Your Zip! Although the latter doesn't apply to me today – this is the first time I've worn a kilt…I feel like a large tartan shuttlecock!

First of all, on behalf of my wife Sarah and myself may I thank you all for coming here today to take part in this happy occasion. May I extend a warm welcome to Scotland to all our relatives who have made the long journey over from Australia to be here today, and to Gordon's parents Christine and Tom, and their relatives and friends.

I would like to thank some people for their invaluable help: my wife Sarah for all her hard work in arranging today's ceremony, and also
Gaynor and her staff here at Balbirnie for co-ordinating everything,
Kim the florist for the beautiful flowers,
the Reverend Gatt for conducting the service,
Bill Chalmers for playing piano at the ceremony and reception,
And of course Catriona and Gordon themselves, who have both been terrific.

It seems like only a few days ago that I was sitting in the Delivery room at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, and the midwife placed our first born baby girl into my arms; and now, a fleeting moment in time later here I am escorting that same little girl down the aisle, and standing here speaking to you now. Where has the time gone?

I'm sure that you will agree that Catriona is as beautiful a bride today as any father could wish his daughter to be, and her sisters, the bridesmaids, look wonderful too. Catriona was very nervous about the wedding, so I told her that all she has to do is walk up the aisle to the altar, then we sing a few hymns….it must have worked, because I heard her muttering to herself “AISLE ALTAR HYMN, AISLE ALTAR HYMN”…

As for Gordon, it's an old cliché but we are not losing a daughter, we are gaining a son. Gordon is a keen footballer and golfer, which gladdens my heart! I look forward to his help in reducing my golf handicap, and in return I will encourage him to see the light as to which Glasgow football team he should support – the conversion work starts tomorrow!

Gordon will be aware that having worked in fashion, Catriona loves clothes. She dresses to kill – Gordon will soon find out she cooks the same way.

Nearly finished now – just a few words of advice to the newly-weds:
Catriona – a husband's last words should always be “OK, buy it!”
Gordon – women like silent men: they think you're listening.
And to both of you: Don't go to bed on an argument – stay up and fight!

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to the Happy Couple:

Here's to the past for all that you've learned
Here's to the present for all that you share
Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to together.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to the Bride and Groom.…

Finally, I will hand over to my Son-in-Law, Gordon.