Speech by Tony
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Tony
Speech Date: 14/01/2016 16:13:21
As father of the bride, I would like to welcome you all today and we hope you have a great time. I had mentioned to Shirley we could save some money and serve feral hog and venison. After 3 days I could see out of my right eye again. Today is a celebration, not just of the love that has united Marissa and Grant in marriage, but also of the families that have created, moulded and influenced the lives of these two very special people. Thank you all for joining us in celebrating this very special day. Today I am the proudest man in the world. Seeing my daughter looking so happy and radiant is a truly amazing experience. I used to tell Travis that big boys don't cry, but they do at their daughter's wedding. Marissa, it was my honour and privilege, to escort you down the aisle today. When Marissa gets into something she does it with all her heart. The greatest passion she had growing up was swimming. For 15 years she swam competitively and I have permanent ridges on my rear from sitting on pool bleachers. As a high school senior she was the 50 yd. freestyle state champion and in college she swam in the 2008 Olympic Trials. We spent a small fortune on swim suits, hotel rooms, gas and restaurants but it all paid off in her swimming scholarship to A & M and that is where she met Grant. Some dads choose to tell an embarrassing daughter story at this time. I could go into detail about the time you almost wiped out our whole family the night you got your driver's license but I won't do that to you. We are blessed to have you in our lives, and I hope you know how much we love you, and how very proud of the lovely young lady you have become. It has been an absolute joy for me to watch… a very talkative, extremely inquisitive, head strong and often rambunctious little girl develop into the very beautiful, clever, hardworking and loving young lady that was my honour and privilege to escort down the aisle today. Grant, when you asked my permission for the two of you to marry (of course I said “yes”) you impressed me as a man who knows what he wants and plans to not only make it happen but with all the detail included. Of all the other positive qualities that you possess (and there are many) the most important to me is that you bring a smile to our daughter's face. We welcome you to our family and we look forward to grandchildren (no pressure). True love isn't about looking at life through rose tinted glasses and being perfect. A successful marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, but finding a person that you can't live without and I know that you've found that with each other. There are only two lasting bequests parents can hope to give their children……one of these is roots and the other is wings. Marissa, I believe that over the years we have given you strong roots. Today, your mother and I know the time is right for you to fly away with Grant. You are a beautiful woman and a wonderful daughter. You have always made your mother and me very proud and that continues today with the man you've chose to marry. Let's stand and please raise our glasses to the new bride and groom