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Speech by Vince Rowe

Thanks for the help and examples. my daughters wedding was terrific. guests thought I was public speaker and complimented me on my speech. Many thanks Vince Rowe

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Vince Rowe
Speech Date: oct 2002

I'm afraid there's been a bit of a hiccup in the proceedings; the Registrar has just phoned to say that we have to do the register signing all over again.
It appears that Mat's pen wouldn't work so he borrowed the Registrars.
He was still having problems so the registrar said "put your weight on it"
Lisa I'm afraid that you are now Mrs 14 stone 8 pounds.
As Father of the bride, it is my privilege to make the first speech, I'm only going to speak for a couple of minutes because of my throat;
…if I go on too long Lisa has threatened to cut it.
I would like to start by saying what a pleasure it is to welcome, on this very happy occasion, Teresa and Ray, Mats’ parents, together with friends and relatives of both families.
There are also several people who I wish could have been here but aren't and hopefully they are keeping an eye on proceedings from afar.
My thanks to you all for coming today, I know that some of you have travelled a long way to be here.
But the prize for greatest distance travelled must go to
xxxxxxxxxxxxx who have come from the other side of the world Australia.
Clearly large family events like todays don't just happen. They take a considerable amount of hard work and organisation and it would seem an appropriate point, therefore,
for me to thank everybody who has made today possible.

Lisa has been organising and planning today for the last 12 months, with the help and support of Pauline and Teresa.
My own thanks go to Ray and Teresa for their support in making today possible.
And thanks to The xxxxxxx Hotel For looking after us all today

When I was looking for inspiration for the speech somebody said look up a Historical event of the same day.
The only one I could find was 28th September 1066 William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on the Sussex coast to claim the English Throne.
Can't make much of a connection to wedding there. However I have been studying my family tree and there is a record of a Rowe being killed at the Battle of Hastings, well when I say Battle he was actually camping in the next field and went across to complain about the noise.
Lisa everybody will have told you that today is the Happiest day of your life. And so it should be.
It will be Happier than the day when Mat asked you to marry him
I remember him asking me for your hand in marriage
I told him that as long as it was the one that was always in my wallet I didn't have a problem
So I asked him what he was looking for in marriage. He said love, happiness and eventually a family.
I asked Lisa the same question.
She replied ‘ A Dyson Cleaner’.

Today should be happier than the day when Mat first asked you out and Happier and more exciting than the day when you realised that you were in Love with Mat.
Our own wedding day was the happiest day of our life. Then a couple of years later, Lisa, you arrived.
That incredibly exhilarating happy day changed our lives completely.
Our life since has been filled with many happy days Watching you grow and develop into the person you are today.
Some days were happier than others, Christmas in a snowy, frozen Hospital in Bury St Edmunds when you were 2 1/2 in traction with a broken leg and Emily at 11 months perfecting the art of projectile vomiting was not the happiest. But then you came home and we celebrated Christmas again.
Lisa is a very thoughtful and caring person and it just seemed right that she always wanted to become a nurse. She worked diligently at Wildern and then Eastleigh college to get the results she needed to go to King Alfred College Winchester where she studied successfully to become a SRN.
Lisa, she's always brightened our lives …
mainly by leaving all the lights on!
She's always had plenty to say,
usually on my telephone –
I'm only joking Lisa you are very special to us and we love you dearly.

Pauline and I are very proud today, to see Lisa, looking so beautiful, married to Mat, the dashing groom.
During the time we've known him, we've come to realise how special he is to her; and anyone can see that they're happy together and made for each other!

I know that Mat will look after her, love her and be as proud of her as we are.
He better or I'll send Uncle Les to see him.
Anyway, I would like to finish off, by giving a few words of advice, to the newly weds.
Never, go to bed on an argument, stay up all night and fight.
Mat; don't do what a Friend of mine did on his wedding night. Getting undressed for bed he threw his trousers to his bride and said try these on. She did and burst out laughing, saying they're much too big for me I look ridiculous. He said to her exactly; now we are married don't forget who wears the trousers.
Well she gave him his trousers back and then threw her knickers at him saying put them on.
He said I can't get into them.
And remember those two invaluable words "Yes Dear"
And Just Love each other!!!
That should see you through anything that life may throw at you.
Finally! Lift GLass
Here's to the past, for all that you've learned.
Here's to the present, for all that you share.
Here's to the future, for all that you look forward to TOGETHER.
Ladies & Gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to Lisa and Mat
The Bride & Groom.
And Mat, remember man is incomplete until he's married, then he's