Speech by Wen David
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Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Wen David
Speech Date: 20/02/2014 18:07:08
Ladies and Gentlemen
For those of you who don't know me, I am Wen, Abi's Dad, and may I extend to you all, on behalf of Janice and Daphne, a very warm welcome, to the celebration of the marriage of Abi and Bob, on this Valentines day.
You will have to bear with me as I haven't given a speech of this importance before, but I do take great comfort in the knowledge, that its not the first time today I have risen from a warm seat with some paper in my hand.
What a beautiful church and service and what a great place for a wedding breakfast. The dress eventually arrived and doesn't Abi look beautiful. It is wonderful to see family and friends here who have played some part in Abi and Bob's lives, and it is great to meet Bob's family, and hope you all have a good time today.
A quick mention to those who have made a big effort from distance to be with us today, given the horrendous weather,
Swansea, Cardiff, Cheshire, Birmingham, Isle of Wight, Paris and finally I think a few have made it from Haverfordwest. Craig, in fairness, had arranged with his Employer Western Power, to have on stanby, a generator for the preparations! Craig thanks for the offer.
I am sure Abi and Bob are also delighted that Tadcu and Mamgu are here and I must also mention Ankaret who helped with Abi's care in her younger days, and who has remained close friends-Anthony and Ankaret -great to see you both
However, there are a few loved ones not here today, Nana Bude, who is not well enough to travel, and on a more poignant note, Grandpa Bude -Claude, who sadly passed away just before Xmas. For the loved ones not here today Abi and Bob, be assured they are here in spirit, and I am sure are thinking of you both, and wishing you well for today and the future.
So can I please ask you all to be upstanding for the first toast of the day, to absent friends and family.
Many couples say that their wedding day is the best day of their lives, but Abi and Bob have already had one best day, and that was the birth of their daughter Cariad Louise on the 17th April 2012, and today they have closed the loop and become one. As for Cariad, every day is the best as she has a great Dad and a wonderful Mother.
You could say we are here today to celebrate a very modern style wedding ………..
Abi and Bob have been together for several years, then a special part of Abi and Bob's Union arrived, and supported by 3 families, Janice's, Daphne's and this corner. Not to be outdone Cariad said to me a while back, she is throwing her own party here tonight to celebrate her christening. Unfortunately Cariad cannot be with us this afternoon, as she's with friends, but sends her love, and will join up with us later for a bottle or 2!
And so it was on the 18th Dec 1989 at 635 pm that Abigail Miriam David was born and I became the proudest and happiest father in the world. After a few weeks we discovered what projectile vomiting was all about, and have lots of very fond memories when Abi was tiny, the day she first learned to walk, and later practicing her dance moves at Stagecoach Swansea, some of which I am sure we will all see a bit later on the dance floor, then I remember her staggering around on those little legs, drinking from her bottle, falling down, rolling on the floor, I am talking about her 18th of course!
When little, Abi, Lowri and Brychan were inseparable and all fiercely protective of each other. Yes they argued, almost constantly some days, but watch out if someone tried to upset one of them. Low and Brych- thankyou for helping Ab become who she is today, and Abi, thankyou for being a great big sister.
With Ab, the ‘moving on’ process began a few years ago and despite her girlish appearance, Abi has a surprising inner strength and resilience. Perhaps due to family circumstances is self-sufficient and of independent spirit, sensitive and loyal, is also bubbly, kind, caring and adored by us all. Abi and Bob are big romantics, hence the Valentines Wedding.
Famous Others who have also tied the knot on Valentines include…
Harrison Ford, Prince and Abi's pop idol when little- Britney Spears
Which leads me nicely to my first story involving Ab, when she was about 8 or 9, and for some reason I cannot recall, but Abi decided to listen to a Britney Spears tape in the car, I think it was the white Vauxhall astra estate, anyway the ignition had to be turned to power the cassette player, so she must have turned it too far, started the car, which was in gear and while Lowri was playing in the garden, drove forward and luckily coming to an abrupt halt and stalling against a half ton pig trough! Incidentally nobody ever liked this trough, but it served to be very useful in stalling the car that day!
I wasn't going to mention the monkey in dol bennau, but I have now, private joke!
And so to another memory, when Abi was learning to ride her first pushbike- she was very competent in her balance, she could steer reasonably well, however much to the detriment of her shoes, she had great trouble stopping, just like when she couldn't stop herself from falling in love with Bob. It has become clear Bob is devoted to Abi, providing a safe and loving home, and it gives me great pleasure to welcome Bob in a formal sense to our families
At this point I am supposed to give fatherly advice, Bob, just make sure Abi knows whose the boss, but I expect she has told you she is already. I don't have to give Bob any advice, I know he makes Abi happy, and that's all the knowledge and qualifications he needs.
Bob, I remember the first time you came over to Awelfryn a couple of years ago, I knew that Abi had feelings for you, Michelle and I wondered what the future would hold, but we came to know, that you were passionately family orientated and caring, and I remember when you approached me all serious and coy, and said you were trying to get a few moments alone with me, when you told me you loved my daughter, and asked me for Abi's hand in marriage, of course I said yes, and said you could have her all, not just her hand.
I gained a lot of respect for you the way you handled yourself that day, and of all the positive qualities that you possess, the most important to me, is that you bring a smile to Abis face.
Bobs a great bloke, he works extremely hard as an electronics engineer, and Jan, he is great credit to you.
I cannot really give advice as I am still learning, but I think you should love a lot, laugh a lot, listen a lot, talk a lot, but try not to spend a lot. On a lighter note…..
It is said, a man is not complete until he is married, and then he is well and truly finished.
A man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man; a man who gives in when he is right is married
It was once said- everyone should get married, because no-one deserves to be happy their entire life.
Ab, Agatha Christie once said, before marriage, a man will lay awake all night thinking about something you said, after marriage he will fall asleep before you have finished saying it.
Seriously though,
Marriage is not just about finding the perfect partner, it is about being one.
Marriage is a meeting of 2 minds, 2 hearts 2 souls.
Marriage is about being reliable, sensible and considerate.
There is no secret to a good marriage
As with any marriage, there will be ups and downs, tears and joy, but together, with Love, you will be able to take whatever life throws at you, but you must remember to show patience, tolerance and forgiveness.
Failing that, being deaf and having a bad memory is useful.
Before I finish I would like to thank
Matt for being best man and for supporting Bob, he may need your support again later after a few drinks!
The vicar, organist and bell ringers at the church
Brychan and Simon the Ushers
Bridesmaids Lowri and Emma, not forgetting the charming flower girls
My sister Buddug, Abi's godmother, for that heartfelt reading at the church.
My brother Meredydd, Abis godfather for paving the way with grace.
Finally to the staff and management at the Lord Nelson for accommodating us today.
There has been much thought, preparation and effort put into today, so thank you all for being here and sharing it with Abi and Bob.
Abi is a lovely young lady whom I am proud to call my daughter, and I am sure Bob will be proud to call his wife, you make a lovely couple, which leads me to my final duty for now and very great privilege, is to propose a toast to my daughter and new son in law
So would you all please stand and join me in a toast to the bride and groom
Here's to the past for all that you have learned
Here's to the present for all that you share
Here's to the future for all that you look forward to together
Ladies and gentlemen I give you Abi and Bob, the bride and groom.- Abi and Bob!