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Speech by Yau-ming

Yau-ming's speech (Bride's father speech) (Editor's note: The Bride's father passed away in 1995, so her older brother took his place during the Wedding ceremony)

Speech Type: Father of the bride/groom
Speech Creator: Yau-ming
Speech Date: Apr 2001
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Yau-ming, the bride's brother. On behalf of my mother, Mrs. Lian Chiam, I wish to thank you all for coming to celebrate this special occasion with us. We are so happy that so many of our friends and relatives are able to come here to enjoy this splendid occasion with us.

Today seems like a magical dream. This morning, I proudly walked my sister down the aisle to marry Richie, the man whom she loves so much. It was so beautiful to watch them exchanging their vows in that beautiful stained glass church. Its marvelous seeing these two good people come together.

The Bride and Groom
Hsien-ming is a gem in our family, a blessing to both her parents and me. She's been a good and faithful daughter to my mum and my dad. We know she will also be a blessing to Richie and his family. Dad would be so proud to see you together with this man.

Hsien has been a good sister to me. I will miss her wit and good company, especially when South Park is on. Hsien, I'm sorry but the "higher authorities" will not allow me to do Cartman's German dance to honor this occasion. Hsien-ming and I have been so close that we're almost telepathic. We used to simply exchange looks at each other to communicate jokes. But lately she's been a little distant. her eyes like those of Skywalker look far far away to . Rowville. .

Richie, I am so glad that you are marrying my sister. Richie and I have been good friends for a long time. He is a hardworking, talented, and ambitious young man. He not only has a good career path in I.T. but also a place in the Guinness World Book of Records as the holder of the biggest CD collection. But, above all these things, he loves my sister first and desires that she have the best. I know that my sister has found in you a partner, a trusted friend, a husband who will love her, honor her, cherish and take good care of her.

(face audience) I believe this because when he was courting my sister, he honored my family, my sister, and his God by being patient like Jacob. He waited . for the right and appropriate time to ask for my sister's hand in marriage last year. If my father, Dr Chiam Joon Tong, were alive today he would be proud to give his daughter's hand in marriage to you. Instead, today I have that honor.

The in-laws
Mr and Mrs Teh (Richie's parents). I am so happy that my sister is marrying into such a good hearted family. I could not have asked for better in-laws; you both are the most kindest, warmest, and friendly people I've known. I know you will take only the best care of my sister.

Appreciation of Pastors and Wedding helpers
Thank you Pastor Tiow Ho Goh, T.T. Quah, and Dennis Gilles for your kind words this morning. Many thanks also to Aunty Jenny Ong, Aunty Choon Im, Aunty Phyllis Foo, Aunty Chin Yun, Catherine Chin and their helpers for organizing the catering and decoration. Thank you Elena, Li Ping, Lidia, Stephanie, and Tavis for helping with the ushering. Much appreciation goes to Kit Wong and Aunty Margaret Chow for organizing the tea ceremony. (look at Margaret) Aunty Margaret, you've been a great blessing to our family. We cannot thank you enough. God bless you and your household.

Final Thanks of Appreciation and Toast
Today, we are surrounded by so many friends and family members who have been important to us. Some have traveled hundreds of miles, just to be here today. From Singapore, we are honored to have Uncle See Tong and Lina, Uncle Char Lee and Aunty Phyllis, Aunty Suzie, Aunty Susan, and Aunty Lee Leng here. From L.A., the City of Angels, Hui Lee has flown in. Kim Yau and his Anna from Adelaide; Mark and Donna from Sydney, and my grandmother from Malaysia. We feel very privileged to have all of you here sharing this special day with us. And from Melbourne we have. all of you. Thank you all very much for coming.

Would all you all please rise join me – in this first of many toasts – to wish the Bride & Groom, Hsien-ming and Richie Teh, a long and happy married life together. May your lives be entwined like the strong leaves of ivy on a high castle tower. May your joy never end like the circles of your wedding rings.