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Speech by Adam Newland

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Adam Newland
Speech Date: 15/07/2010 19:28:41

Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening.

First and foremost my wife and I would like to thank you all for sharing this special day with us, it is a rare occasion that so many family and friends are gathered under one roof and providing there are no punch ups it will be a day we treasure for the rest of our lives.

 I'm afraid I have a lot of thank you's to squeeze and I appreciate you don't want to listen to me rambling on all night, so I will cut straight to the chase.

Richard, thank you for your kind words.

For those of you that know Richard you are probably aware he is somewhat a cautious driver, what you may not know is that he finished 6 laps behind the field when we went go karting for the stag do, so Richard I extend an extra special thank you for getting Louise to our wedding on time.

 Joking aside, Richard and Sue have warmly welcomed me into their family and have always made me feel comfortable in their home, for this I am especially grateful. 

Now that brings me onto what I am most grateful to Richard and Sue for and that of course is Louise.

To me Louise is everything I need in a wife, she is beautiful, intelligent, organised and understanding with a lovely caring nature.

Without her I feel incomplete as she adds qualities to my life that would otherwise not exist.

I know there will be times when we do not see eye to eye but I know we will compromise, there will also be times when life presents challenges that strain our relationship  but I know we will face those challenges together and get through them together.

So Louise I look forward to planning and living our lives together, could you all be upstanding as I raise a toast to my beautiful bride Louise.

When I proposed to Louise on valentine's day last year I didn't realise just how much planning and preparation went into a wedding, now 1 year 2 months and a few nervous breakdown later I can tell you that none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for all the support and help that we have received from our parents, especially our mums.

Thank you Sue for organising the hen party, dressing the tables, buying the dress that makes my wife look even more beautiful and everything else that you have contributed

Thank you mum for arranging all the wonderful flowers, the bay trees, the transport home tonight and everything else that you have contributed

Thank you Richard for buying the cigars and of course walking Louise down the isle

Thank you dad for chauffeuring us around, although dad I it should be you thanking us for finally giving you an opportunity to wear your pocket watch.

So thank you parents not only for the support you have offered for the wedding but for making us the people that we are today and having the patience to support us over the years.

As a token of our appreciation we have bought you all a memento for you to remember the day by.

Please be upstanding and join me in raising a toast to the parents

 Moving swiftly on I would like to thank Louise for baking such a lovely cake as our wedding gift.

I would also like to thank Cheryl for making everyone's

 hair look lovely, not only is Cheryl a great hair dresser but she is also a good friend to both me and Louise.

As a token of our appreciation we have bought you both a small gift.

 Thank you Emma & Sam my sisters for the reading you made in the ceremony earlier today and thanks also to Emma for organising the quiz and looking after the gifts, please accept these flowers as a token of our appreciation

 Thank you Ian my brother for being our usher and organising people throughout the day, we have bought you a special gift that we hope will help you understand the world a little better.

 Now I would like to talk about the bridesmaids, I'm sure you will all agree that they both look stunning today.  Thank you Liz and Victoria for being there for Louise in the build up to the wedding and helping to organise the hen party.

Please accept these gifts as a token of our appreciation and a memento of the day.

Would everyone be upstanding and join in a toast to the bridesmaids.

 Finally before I hand over to the best man I would like to tell you a little about my decision to choose Lee as my best man.

I've known Lee for 10 years (I'm sure he will explain how we first met) and I only really know him because he married Helen who I have known my whole life.  We have always got on well and when deciding who I should ask to be my best man I knew straight away it should be Lee but when I thought about the qualities I should be looking for in a best man, qualities like being organised, reliable, responsible and good at public speaking, I quickly realised that i had made a mistake.  Fortunately Helen does have these qualities and has helped lee to organise the stag do, look after the rings and write his speech.  So thank you to my best man and best woman for all there support please accept these gifts as a token of our appreciation.

Now I must warn you all that Lee has been drinking heavily all day, so don't believe a word he sais

 So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening and enjoy your evening.

Over to you Lee.