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Speech by Ade Crowshaw

I tried to balance sentiment with humour and it went down really well with everyone!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ade Crowshaw
Speech Date: 02/08/2011 09:58:22

Thanks to Duncan for a lovely speech, I don't know how I'm going to follow that but I'll do my best.  I've only been practicing this for 5 months so here goes.

My speech today will be like a mini-skirt……….

Long enough to cover the essentials ……..… But short enough to hold your attention!

I'm not a great public speaker and I've not got the best memory in the world, that's why I've got it written down just in case, but what I am, is the happiest man alive at this moment.  I am surrounded by the best people in the world AND I've got Sam to marry me, Bonus!

Today, I have gained a beautiful wife, a mother, a father, two sisters, a brother, two nieces, and a nephew and I am officially part of the Harrison family, it's a great feeling.  When I put it like that it makes me realise that it's me that's getting the best part of this deal!

Just to give you some idea of how me & Sam started. I first met Sam at work, we had started working for O2 on the same day and so she tells me she decided that she was going to have me the moment she saw me.  I had no idea that she was in the slightest bit interested in me for weeks.  But from there I fell for her charms, realising what a beautiful, funny, sincere, charming woman she is.  I basically had no chance I was completely smitten.

Sam and I are a couple that has survived all the ups and downs that have brought us to today.   Those ups and downs are what define us as a couple and they have made the bond between us so strong that it won't break.

This is why I wanted to marry Sam.  It sounds corny but, she completes me.  Without her I am only half a person.  I love everything about her.  Like every one, I have my faults and I love how she just puts up with them (Not always in silence, which would be preferable but she puts up with them all the same!)

I love the way she bosses me around all the time…and all that's going to change now we're married!

I love the way she complains of a different ailment every day, it keeps me entertained. I love how she thinks she's always right, even when she clearly isn't. 

I love the fact that she thought Cumbria was down south.  I love how thoughtful and caring she is but most of all I love being part of her life because my days wouldn't be so bright without her. I'm a very lucky man.

Anyway; on to the thanks.  Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you to Duncan for the hand of his daughter and huge thanks to both Cath and Duncan for their massive contribution to today, without them, none of this would be possible.  I'd also like to thank them for letting me in to their family (and for getting me a proper chair at the dinner table after 7 years!), it's the best family in the world and it means a lot to me. Thank you. (Gift)

I'd like to thank Alan for being like a dad to me and for supporting me through the years and for his contribution to the honeymoon. Thank you (Gift)

I'd like to say a big thank you to Jon for being my best man, he's the best choice for the job but if he has anything bad to say during his speech, just ignore him, he talks a load of rubbish!  That said I'm very proud to have him as my best man! Thanks. (Gift)

The bridesmaids, I think you'll agree they look beautiful today!  Thanks to you all because today wouldn't have been the same without you. Thanks for helping to make today such a special day. (Gift)

Thank you as well to the ushers, Andrew and Irfan for helping to make this a special day, you've both been great. Thank you very much (Gift)

I'd also like to thank Isobel, Amelia and Alfie who have been amazing today, you've all been great. Thank you. (Gift)

I'd like to thank everyone for coming, I know it's a long way from home so thank you, it means a lot to us both. Thank you for being part of our day and thanks for the lovely gifts, we'll look forward to opening them later and I'm sure they'll come in handy on our honeymoon or in Next. Thank you.

Thanks as well to Laura and all the staff for helping today run so smoothly, thank you.

And finally, I want to say a huge thank you to my beautiful wife for marrying me, always being here for me, being my rock, making me happy, making me smile and making me look forward to every day I wake up next to her.  If you could all raise your glasses to toast my beautiful bride Sam.  I love you.