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Speech by Andrew Robertson

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Andrew Robertson
Speech Date: May2005
I would like to thank the toast master for that superb introduction. – You have certainly got my adrenaline going now. – I feel like a prize boxer who has just entered the ring. Here's hoping my speech doesn't last the full 12 rounds and that Sarah doesn't have to knock me out for any of my silly comments.

I would also like to say a huge thank you for conducting such a beautiful service today. Your kind words and guidance have certainly made this day so very special for us both. Thanks.

Now on to my father in law, Well done BIG MAN that was a cracking speech and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really didn't think that there was much I didn't know about Sarah after 9 years together – But there you have it even she has a few skeletons in the closet.

@ And Liz Mother of the bride I am not for a minute suggesting that you have got filthy cupboards.

Anyway John thanks for the lovely words you said about Sarah – We both really appreciate it.

Moving on –

Ladies and Gentlemen friends and family, on behalf of my wife and I……

Or as I now prefer to call her ‘My most recent ex@girlfriend’.

Welcome to our wedding Reception!

Looking round the room today its wonderful to see so many of our close friends and family celebrating our marriage. It means a lot to Sarah and I that all of you could be here to share this day with us. We would like to thank you all for the wonderful gifts and cards that you have given to us. We are both very touched by all of your generosity.

A special thank you to all of those who have travelled some distance to be here today. It is quite a humbling experience to realise that you have friends and family who care so much for you. Not only do we have a bridesmaid who has travelled all the way from Australia, we also have guests from Canada, the USA, Brussels, Orkney, Inverness, down south and even as far as Glasgow Where reception is being held. So thanks to you all for being here.

I did have a great speech all prepared for today but of course now Im a married man, Ive been told to present this one instead – Cheers Darling!

We would like to thank both sets of parents for hosting this beautiful day on our behalf. And for enabling us to have the wedding that Sarah Cough – I mean Sarah and I have always dreamed of.

I would like to thank John and Liz for making me feel welcome in their home and now their family. Your kindness over the past 9 years has shown no bounds and I really appreciate all you have done for Sarah and I.

Liz please don't look at this as you have lost a daughter, but rather that you have gained another mouth to feed.

By the way John, I have not forgotten the receipt you presented me with after the church service today.

**Pull out piece of paper**

I think its only fair I read it out so that all of the batchelors in the audience know exactly what they are letting themselves in for if they decide to tie the knot.

Received one daughter in perfect working condition.

@ Ideal I like a worker

Keep topped up with expensive Jewllery and lubricate well with fine wine

Service regularly…………………..stutter sorry folks I cant read his writing – Service regularly with exotic trips to far away places.

@ Phew… I was wondering where you were going with that one for a minute!

Well Sarah – so as not to feel left out @ my mum and dad made one out for you.

**Pick up receipt off table**

It reads – Received one son – Unlucky!!

Cheers folks.

I would like to say a special thank you to my Mum and Dad. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you. Thank you for all of your love and support throughout my life and I appreciate everything you have ever done for me. – Believe me everyone theres a long list and my Dad loves casting it up to me so if you have a spare couple of hours ask him how much I owe him.

All I can say is that I appreciate all that you have done for Sarah and I and that I love you both very much.

Its at this point I would like to give a gift of appreciation to both the mums for all that they have done for Sarah and I throughout our lives

…..… Present the flowers……

You have both been inspirational to us and I must say you are both looking absolutely beautiful today.

And now to the one person in this room to which I owe the most thanks – Mrs Sarah Stephens, my wife.

Well Sarah I think you succeeded in making this day the best of our lives so far. Your months of planning and attention to detail have made this wedding truly special. I can't thank you enough for all of your hard work and effort over the past 13 months to make this day what it is.

You are looking absolutely beautiful today and I have to admit that I was so proud when I peeked over my shoulder and saw you walking down the isle.

It's been a long road, but we got there in the end and I know that whatever the future holds we'll live it happily together. I love you!

I would like to thank my Aunt June for the beautiful stationary which she designed and made for our wedding day. Aunt June you have helped make our day so very special and we would like you to come forward and accept this gift as a thank you for all of your hard work.

Round of applause

Uncle Tom I hope that you can now turn your card workshop back in to a family home without to much bother.

Next on the list to thank is my best man – My little brother Mikey. Custom states that I, as the Groom, have to present my defence before ive even had the opportunity of hearing the Best Man making the case for the prosecution. I really have no idea what stories he is planning on telling you about me, but rest assured Ladies and gentlemen they will all be complete fabrications of the truth. So please take anything he tells you with the appropriate pinch of salt.

Mikey thanks for being my best man. And thanks for getting out of your bed before 3 today.

A big thank you goes out to our ushers on duty today – Dave, John, Stuart &amp Graeme. The boys did a grand job at the church and they have been on call throughout the day when we have needed any assistance. Lads I appreciate all your efforts today, well done.

Last, but certainly not least, let's turn our attention to the gorgeous Bridesmaids and Flower girls.

Ladies and Gentlemen I am sure you will all agree with me that all four have been looking stunning all day and that they have only been outshone by the beautiful bride herself.

Girls thank you for all of your help and support over the past few months, without you I would probably have had a lot more tasks to do for this wedding.

On that note I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids and flower girls. So would you all be upstanding and raise your glasses…

‘To the bridesmaids and flower girls!’

Thank you everyone, have a fantastic night!